Sirius Black x Reader (Part I)

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You stare out the window onto your back porch. James and Sirius sit on the stairs.
You make three cups of coffee. James likes his black ("Get it? I like it Black" he would laugh) and Sirius likes his with only sugar ("Because my life is shit without my sugar in it" he would smile at you). You're under the firm belief that coffee is coffee, and doesn't need to be a pun or a deep interpretation of life, and you drink it however the hell you feel like, so the third cup is loaded with both cream and sugar (with a bit of coffee). Remus would joke that you liked it that way because you were sweet, not bitter. He got a kick out of James' and Sirius' interpretations too.
You step outside and give them the mugs.
"Thanks." They say, but neither comments their thoughts on how they like it. It breaks your heart.
You go back inside and watch through the window, your coffee wrapped between your hands.
After a while, James stands, claps Sirius' shoulder, and walks in.
"Your turn to freeze your ass off." He says.
"Why won't he come inside?"
"Because he's ornery."
"I bet I can get him in."
"10 Galleons you can't."
"Start digging in your pockets, Potter." You say, and go out to sit on the steps with your boyfriend. "Hey, baby." You say.
He glances at you. "Hey."
"You okay?"
"I'm fine."
Regulus Black had just been announced dead. Sirius say's he's fine, but he's sitting outside in the cold at three in the morning, and you and James aren't buying it.
You put your arm around his shoulders and kiss his temple. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Come inside."
"I will in a bit."
You kiss him gently. "Come on, Sirius."
You pull him inside by the hand with a triumphant smile in James' direction.
"Fuck you both." James says, reaching into his pockets. "You cheated."
"I didn't cheat. I simply used my resources." You shrug.
"What?" Sirius asks.
"Your girlfriend's a--"
"You'd better think carefully about that next word, Potter." Sirius says.
"--A very ingenuous woman." James finishes, handing you ten gold coins, which you pocket with a grin.
Sirius looks back and forth between the two of you. "I'm going to bed." He says eventually. "You coming, babe?" He kisses your cheek on his way to the sink to wash his mug.
"In a bit." You say.
"Goodnight." He kisses your lips this time, apparently lingering too long for James' comfort.
"PDA!" He yells.
"Shut it." Sirius says, but he smiles.
You wait until James leaves to go to bed. You change and slip under the covers, moving towards Sirius, because he's warm.
"You're cold." He whispers.
"I'm aware." You turn to face him as his arms wrap around you.
He kisses the tip of your cold nose. "I love you."
"I love you too. You okay?"
"When I'm with you."
"Or James?" You smile.
He nods in consent, and you laugh quietly.
"Goodnight, Sirius."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
You lay in silence. You're in the spot between consciousness and sleep when he jerks you awake with a whisper, probably thinking you asleep.
"I want to marry you." He whispers.
It takes you a second to realize that that wasn't one of those falling dreams.
You whisper back, "Then ask me."

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