Sam Winchester x Reader

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Dean's thoughts were generally self-depreciating ("Ah, great. Screwed up. Again. Way to go, asshole.") or about a girl--oftentimes you-- ("Ten minutes and I can get her in my bed.") Then, of course, he thought about Cas, and you were never sure if you should get them a room or gouge out your eyes from that vivid imagery.
Sam's were generally the same.
There was the "Oh, God, no. Please stop"s, and then there were the "No, Dean"s, but Dean generally deserves those.
He thought about you too, much less creepy than Dean, but Dean's were a bit more interesting. Sam's were more along the lines of "Don't mess this up, Samuel--oh, great. And you did it again." There was the occasional "Dean always gets the girl, don't even try."
Cas is, well... Cas is Cas.
You try not to listen, you really do.
But it's hard.
You keep headphones in for a reason.
It doesn't help, but it's worth a shot.
You despise when Dean's watching porn.
God, it's disgusting.
He'll think you're asleep, but if you're not, you get to hear all of his disgusting sexual thoughts.
One day the three of you are reading up on a case, or, at least, that's what Sam thinks. Cas is pacing.
Dean has a Busty Asian Beauties magazine behind his book.
You hadn't told them what you could do, and you hadn't planned to. But there's only so much of Dean's head that people can take.
"Shut up!" You say loudly. "For God's sake, you sinful, lustful, lecherous creep!"
Dean looks up, eyebrows raised.
Sam looks confused. "Well, I mean, not saying he isn't all of that, but he's not exactly doing anything now."
You pull the magazine from Dean.
"Please keep it PG!" You beg.
"What's your deal?" Dean asks, taking his magazine back and putting it away.
"Y/N can hear your thoughts, Dean." Cas says casually.
Sam and Dean both exchange panicked looks, then look from you to Cas and back.
"Shit." They both say.
There's a knock on your bedroom door that night.
"Yeah?" You call.
Sam opens the door. "Hey."
"Sam, hey. I can explain all of this."
"All of what?"
"My hair's up sloppily because I was reading and I wanted it out of my way, and I'm wearing one of your shirts because as I do both of y'all's laundry, I feel I'm entitled to steal a shirt every now and then and your clothes are big and comfy. My reasoning for not having pants on is because your shirt's long and my reasoning for it not being buttoned is that I wasn't finished getting ready when you knocked. I think that about covers it, unless you can think of anything else?" You say, casually buttoning up his flannel to a barrage of his loud, jumbled thoughts.
He points at something. "The white powder on your floor."
"Rosin, not cocaine."
That question had been entirely unexpected, and you liked it.
"You can come in, you know."
"Um... I don't know." He says aloud, but what he's thinking is more along the lines of, "She's half naked."
"Do you want me to get dressed?"
"No." He says aloud, and he's thinking the same.
"Come in, Sammy. I don't bite." You smile.
He inches in, wondering if he should shut the door.
He knows what you do now, though, so you decide you can answer.
"Go ahead." You shrug.
"So... You hear.... everything?"
You nod, taking down your hair.
"So, can you tell me... I was wondering... Dean? Is he... Is he... You know?"
Dean had already been to see you. He'd told you to keep your mouth shut about that matter.
"I don't." You say, sitting on your bed.
"You said you hear everything."
"Have you met your brother, though?"
He laughs. "True."
"You wanna talk, Sammy?"
He nods, looking stressed.
"Come sit."
He sits with jumbled thoughts.
He thinks you're beautiful.
He thinks you're smart.
"Thank you." You smile. "So are you."
"Um... Thanks."
"Can I kiss you, Sam?" You hold his gaze.
His thoughts are somewhere along the lines of "Kiss? What's that? How do I do that? Kiss? Y/N kiss me? Shit. Holy mother of God." On the outside, he nods.
You scoot towards him and kiss him.
He calmly wraps his arms around your waist and reciprocates, but internally he'a repeating "My God, I love Y/N" like a mantra.
"I love you too, Sammy." You smile.
"Cas said a witch probably did this. We can hunt her down if you don't like it." He says.
"That would be wonderful."
So you hunt the witch down.
"Did it work? What am I thinking?" Dean asks you.
"Sex, liquor, and violence."
You laugh. "Lucky guess."
For once, your world is silent.
"So you don't know what I'm gonna ask you?" Sam asks.
"No." You say excitedly, eager for an unknown event to take place.
He drops down onto one knee. "Will you marry me?"
"Yeah." You smile widely.
He slips a ring onto your finger and stands, kissing you. "I love you." He smiles.
"And I you."

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