Harry Potter x Reader

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You watch Dudley Dursley chase Harry Potter. You're angry. Who would dare treat the Chosen One like that?
You can't do anything about it, though. Dudley is probably about three times your size, and you're sure he'd beat you up without hesitation.
"How do you start a conversation with The Boy Who Lived?" You ask your mother.
"Just as you would start one with any other person." She smiles.
So the next day at school, you approach the boy with the lightning scar. "Hello, I'm Y/N McKinnon." You smile.
Harry Potter looks around before pointing to himself. "Are you speaking to me?"
"I'm Harry--Potter. Harry Potter."
"I thought you might like some company."
"That might be dangerous." He smiles a bit.
"That's all right." You smile and take a seat.

You stand with Harry and your parents at King's Cross to board the Hogwarts Express.
"Good luck." Your mother smiles and hugs you both.
"Your parents are nice." Harry tells you as you sit in an empty compartment.
A few hours later, you sit with Harry and Ron Weasley at the Gryffindor table.

"There's nothing in the walls, Harry." Hermione tells him your second year.
Harry looks at you desperately.
"I'm sorry, Harry. There's nothing in the walls." You agree.
Of course, there was something in the walls.

"Who's Sirius Black?"
"Your godfather." You say.
Harry, Hermione and Ron all turn to look at you.
"My mum was friends with yours." You explain to Harry.
"Who are you?" Sirius Black demands of you when you meet.
"Y/N McKinnon." You say timidly.
He turns to Professor Lupin. "Merlin's beard."
"I told you this would happen if you went around shagging everybody." Professor Lupin says.
Hermione's eyes shot open. "Oh my God."
"Oh my God." You agree, your eyes wider than Hermione's.

"Will you be my date to the Yule Ball? I mean, if you aren't going with anybody already." Harry says awkwardly.
"I'd love to." You smile.
You both have a nice time.
A few days later, you wait anxiously for Harry to finish the Third Task.
You stand up as you see him and Cedric appear.
"My boy!" Amos Diggory yells, and you run down there.
Harry's crying over Cedric's body. You pry him off and wrap your arms around him. He cries into your shoulder.

You go with Harry to the Department of Mysteries in your fifth year. You watch in horror as your father falls through the veil.
"Sirius!" Harry screams.
Remus grabs him as he tries to follow Sirius.
You touch Harry's arm and he stops struggling. Remus looks at you, looking haunted. You hold onto Harry's hand as you hug Remus.
"I'm sorry." Harry tells you when you get back to the school.
You start crying as he wraps his arms around you.

In your sixth year, you join the people looking at the headmaster's body. Harry's already there, kneeling beside him and talking to himself.
You force your way through the crowd and sit beside Harry, draping an arm around him. He turns and looks at you. His mouth moves, but no sound comes out.
"Come on, Harry. Let's go inside." You whisper.
He lets you lead him away.

Moody's dead. Dumbledore's dead. Sirius is dead. Remus is dead now too. So is Tonks. And Fred Weasley. Professor Snape has been killed too.
And now, all that is left is for Harry Potter to die.
"I love you." Harry tells you.
"I know."
He smiles a little bit as he walks away.
And then Harry Potter is dead. Hermione grips your arm as you stare at Hagrid as he carries Harry's body towards Lord Voldemort.
People are crying. Professor McGonagall screams. You just stare, because Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, the Chosen One, cannot be dead.
And he's not. He rises and defeats Lord Voldemort.
A dropped pin could be heard as people watched the Dark Lord's body fall to the ground. As soon as the thud rings out like a clap of thunder, you break out in a run for Harry.
He sweeps you into his arms and kisses you.
"I love you too." You tell him.
He smiles a bit, burying his face in your hair. "That's what I was waiting for."

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