Dean Winchester x Reader

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"... It takes on the form of whatever the victim fears most." Sam's saying as you walk into the room.
"And how do I kill it?"
Sam hands him something that you can't see. "That should do it."
"Dean?" You ask.
"Yes?" He turns around, putting something in his pocket.
"Where are you going?"
"To kill a monster."
"I want to come."
"No. Stay here and take care of Sammy."
"I have a cold, Dean. I can come." Sam says, sounding exasperated.
"You both stay here. I'll call when it's dead." Dean kisses you and walks out.
"I'll make you soup, Sammy." You kiss his head.
He's hot.
"I have a cold. I'm fine."
"Do you want me to cook or not?"
He thinks about this for a second before nodding. "Okay. Soup's good."
"Go take a nap."
"I think I will."
You don't wake him when dinner's ready since he needs rest, so you eat by yourself.
You're washing your bowl when Dean returns.
"I'm back." He calls.
"Shh, Sammy's sleeping." You whisper, drying your hands as you go to meet him.
"He's asleep?"
"Yeah. He's out."
"So it's just us?"
He kisses you and pulls you to his room.
"Dean?" You ask as you sit on the edge of his bed, fixing your hair in his mirror.
"What form did it take?"
"Did what take?"
"Whatever it is you went to kill."
"A koala."
You turn to look at him. "I'm sorry?"
"A koala bear."
"I've known you for how long and you've never mentioned a fear of koalas." You point out.
"Yes. I'm a manly man and manly men don't fear koalas." He reaches out and wraps his arms around you, pulling you to lay down with him.
You laugh. "Yeah?"
"Then what are manly men afraid of?"
"Nothing. Manly men have no fears."
"I see, I see."
"I just saved your ass."
"Is that you trying to sweet talk me into sex?"
"Duh. What else would it be?"
You laugh. "I love you, Dean Winchester."
"I love you too." He says, and instead of kissing you, he closes his eyes and buries his face in your hair.
You don't say anything. He would talk when he was ready.
Eventually, he lifts his head and kisses you, rolling over to prop himself over you.
"Dean." You put your hand on his cheek and push his face away.
"When will you talk to me?"
"I'm kissing you right now."
"I want you to talk to me."
"Let me kiss you."
You sigh and drop your hand.
"Are you–" He begins.
"Kiss me, Winchester."

"Y/N? Is Dean home yet?" Sam calls as soon as you hear his door open.
"Right here, Sammy." Dean says from beside you on the couch. "Y/N made soup. Go get some."
"Bossy." Sam rolled his eyes.
Sam sits down with his bowl of soup and Dean stands before he can be asked questions. "I'm going to bed. See you guys in the morning. Night, Sammy. Night, babe." He kisses your cheek and walks out.
"Why's he being weird?" Sam asks.
"No clue–Hey, is Dean scared of koalas?"
"Koalas?" Sam looks at you weird.
"Yeah. Like, koala bears."
"No. Why would you think that?"
"Just curious."  You shrug.
When you go to bed, you go to Dean's room. He's sitting in bed, a bottle of whiskey in hand.
He looks up when you come in. "Oh, hey, babe." He says, his words slurred slightly.
"Hey." You perch on the edge of the bed beside where he's sitting. "You okay?"
"Never better. Not drunk enough yet, but that's fixable." He smiles.
You reach out and rest your hand on his cheek. He kisses your hand before leaning into it and closing his eyes.
You pull your hand back and he almost falls over before he pulls his head up. "Stay with me tonight, Y/N."
He offers you the bottle. You take a sip and pass it back.
"It was my dad."
"What was your dad?" You turn to look at him, but he's staring straight ahead.
"My dad's my biggest fear, apparently."
"Don't talk to me like that. I don't want your pity. I'm talking to you like you wanted. Don't give me that shit."
He throws his bottle and pulls you to him, pressing his lips to yours. "Love me."
"I do, Dean."
"I love you." He buries his face in your hair, taking deep breaths, each exhale tickling your neck.
"What is it you wanted to do?" You ask, twirling his hair in your fingers.
"I don't know what you're talking about." He says childishly, not lifting his face.
"What do you want to do? I know it's not this."
"Yes it is. I want to be with you." He finally raises his head and leans back against the pillows.
"I meant with your life."
"End it."
"What did you want to do? Before you were a hunter."
"I was a kid."
"Kids have dreams."
"I wanted to be a professional skateboarder." He laughed a bit.
"Why didn't you?"
"Mom died and Dad just... He went nuts looking for what killed her."
"It's not too late."
He laughed for real this time. "Oh, yes it is. I'm too old to skateboard."
So, after he goes to sleep, you buy a skateboard.
"Y/N! What the hell is this?" You hear Dean call with a laugh when he wakes up.
"A skateboard, dumbass." You yell from the kitchen.
"What?" Sam looks at you weird.
The two of you follow Dean outside to test out his new ride. You watch him go, and you watch him fall flat on his ass. Sam basically falls down laughing.
"Shut your mouth!" Dean points at him from the ground, but he's laughing too.
"Your turn, babe." Dean stands, bringing the already scratched up skateboard to you.
"Um.. no."
"Do it, do it, do it!" Sam begins chanting, and Dean joins.
"In your dreams, boys."

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