Sirius Black x Reader

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You had been best friends with Sirius, but then you'd moved only a few days into your first year of Hogwarts. After four years of attending Ilvermorny in the USA, your parents move you back to England.
You hadn't had many friends in Ilvermorny. Once you'd moved, you'd been too frightened to talk to anyone. You knew for a fact that you wouldn't have any friends at Hogwarts, because you couldn't talk to anyone.
You stand at the train station with your parents. "Please don't make me go." You plead.
"You have to, honey." Your mom says.
"You'll be fine. You've got to go now." Your dad says, much less gently than you mother.
You hug them both and go to search for an  empty train compartment. You find one and sit in it, relieved to be alone.
To your misfortune, a rowdy group of boys opens the door.
Sirius, of course, is at the lead. He stops dead in his tracks and stares at you. The three boys behind him run into him, knocking him forward a bit. He continues staring at you. "Y/N?" He asks.
Is that your name? What even is your name? That's it. You nod, but you can't make yourself open your mouth.
"What the hell, Padfoot?" A voice says.
"You're beautifuller." Sirius says. "Shit, did I just say that?" He looks utterly humiliated.
"Let us see, Pads!" A new voice says.
"I'm gonna walk away now." Sirius says.
You nod, and he backs out, ignoring the  requests from the people behind him.
That was a close one. You'd almost been stuck in a compartment with Sirius and his terrifying friends. That probably would have been the death of you.
A short while later, a red head girl opens the compartment door. "Hello." She smiles brightly. "Remus Lupin said you were in here alone. Would you like company?"
Company? Do you want it? How should you know? What were the other words she'd said, anyways?
She walks in without an answer. "I'm Lily Evans. It's a pleasure meeting you." She holds out her hand.
Like an idiot, you just stare at it.
"You're Y/N, right?" She asks.
You nod.
She withdraws her hand awkwardly. "Well, it's a pleasure meeting you. I have to go meet someone. I'll see you around. Come find me if you need anything." She offers another smile and leaves.
Less than thirty minutes in and you'd already made a fool of yourself in front of five people. Lovely.
"Way to go, Y/N." You hiss angrily at yourself.
A few days later, you're rushing back to the Gryffindor common room, trying to beat the meltdown. A Slytherin boy comes up to you with a smirk, looking you over slowly--and creepily, you decided after. "Hey, there." He says.
You push past.
"Oi! I'm talking to you." He grabs your arm and spins you around to face him again. "Who are you?" He demands.
You open your mouth, but no sound comes out.
"You stupid or something? What's your name?"
"Hey!" A voice yells. "Leave her the hell alone."
The boy turns around, and you look up. Sirius Black is marching towards you.
"Hey, no harm no foul." The boy says, and walks away with a glare.
"Coward." Sirius snaps after him. "You okay?" He asks you.
You nod and walk away before he can see the tears beginning to gush out.
He saves your ass several times, and you still can't make yourself speak.
Perhaps you were Gryffindor before, but now you aren't. You don't belong anywhere here now.
"Hey, Y/L/N." The same cruel Slytherin says out on the lawn. "What do you say--"
"Oi! What the fuck did I tell you?" Sirius marches over. "Leave her the hell alone." He snaps, grabbing your arm and pulling you away.
Your legs don't seem to be working right, and you aren't sure if you're only imagining it or if it's actually happening. You open your mouth again, but nothing comes out.
"If you would fucking stand up for yourself, you wouldn't have to be the fucking damsel in distress, now would you?" Sirius demands angrily. "I'm sick of saving your ungrateful ass! I'm not your damn babysitter!"
And you snapped. "You think I want to play the fucking damsel in distress? You think I want to be absolutely tortured by simply being here? You think I want to be a fucking freak? I don't. Nobody asked you to save my ass! If you don't like it, don't do it." You yell.
People are looking, though.
"What do you want me to do?" Sirius asks you quietly.
"Get me out of here." You plead.
He grabs your hand and pulls you away. "Nothing to see here." He says gruffly to everybody.
As soon as you're alone, he lets you go. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He demands.
What isn't wrong with you?
You open your mouth, but nothing comes out except a sob.
"I'll.... uhm... I'll get Lily." He says, starting to walk away.
You don't want to be alone, though. All you want is to not be alone, and he's walking away.
"Sirius." You choke.
He turns around. "Look, sugar, I don't do feelings." 
You turn to walk away.
"Okay, fine. I'll stay. Just... don't wander off. I'm tired of looking out for you all the time, squirt."
You shake your head and walk away.
He grabs your arm and pulls you back. "What happened to you, Y/N?" He asks quietly.
"I don't know." You whisper.
By the end of the year, you can actually talk like a normal person.
To Sirius.
And only Sirius.
But it's a start.
By the beginning of your sixth year, he's wanting you to make friends.
"Let me introduce you to Lily." He says.
"No. I can't."
"Yes you can, buttercup. I'll be there."
"Stop calling me those stupid names."
"No can do, toots. C'mon. She's really nice. James fancies her."
"And that means she's nice?"
"Well, no. It was just a bit of juicy gossip. Come on." He grabs your hand and pulls you over. "Hey, Red."
"Sod off, Black." Lily says, not looking up from her book.
"I'm being a Good Samaritan. Close that tomb." He says.
"Tome." She says.
"Tome, not tomb."
"I tried. Anyways, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Lily. She knows what tome means too." He says.
You nod.
He prods you gently forward.
"Hello." You manage to force out.
"Hey." She gives a smile. "Is he holding you hostage? Blink once for yes, twice for no."
"Very funny, Carrot Top." Sirius rolls his eyes.
"Thanks, I know." She smiles brightly up at him. "Whatever it is that James wants, the answer's no--"
"James doesn't want anything."
"The answer's no to you too." She assures him.
He pulls out a seat for you and sits in the one beside it.
Lily looks at him like he's grown two heads as you sit down. "Okay, Black. What do you want?"
"Just thought we could all get to know each other. I'm Sirius Black. I enjoy long, romantic walks on the beach at sunset."
You and Lily both stare at him.
"This isn't for me. You two make friends."
Your face flushes. Why had you done this again?
"I'm so sorry." Lily says. "You picked the wrong person to be friends with, Y/N." She laughs.
"Hey, honeybunch. I'm great." Sirius says defensively.
"Yeah, okay."
"Remus!" Sirius yells, getting up and running away.
Turns out Lily wasn't too bad. By the end of your seventh year, you had managed to speak to Lily, Remus, James, and Peter.
"She's the girl you told was 'beautifuller'?" James had asked.
"Shut up, Prongs, or I swear I'll--"
"I call bullshit."
"Here, come with me." Sirius whispers to you late one night.
He grabs your hand and pulls you out of the common room.
You follow him up to the top of the Astronomy Tower.
"What are we doing up here?" You ask.
"Looking at the stars, of course." He puts his arm around you and stares out.
"All right." You agree.
"Hey, Y/N?" He asks after a bit.
"Yeah, Sirius?"
"I love you."
You glance at him.
"Yeah. I love you. And I want to marry you."
"You don't want to marry me." You promise him.
"Yes I do. I really do."
"All right." You agree.

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