Bucky Barnes x Reader

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You lay in his arms, in his bed, your head on his chest. It'd taken months, but he'd finally gotten comfortable and started sharing information and taking off his jacket, and then he finally let you walk on his left (he didn't like it, because he liked to hold your hand but didn't like to with his metal arm).
"Hey, Bucky?" You ask.
"Yeah?" He mumbles, half asleep.
You're quiet for a minute. You don't want to bring it up.
"Baby?" He asks, his thumb rubbing circles on your shoulder.
"I'm supposed to kill you." You say.
"What?" He adjusts his position so he can look at you better, but you avoid eye contact.
"Yeah." You say.
"You're supposed to kill me?"
"Okay... And is this something you're going to explain?"
"It was my mission."
"Your mission?" He presses.
"Yes... I... Work for Hydra."
"You what?" He pulls his arms away and sits up.
You sit too. "I swear I didn't have anything to do with what they did to you. I swear to God."
"You work for Hydra?" He asks quietly.
"Yes. So I have to leave."
"To go back to them?"
"No. I have to leave to get away from them."
"Why?" He looks at you.
"Because I'm not going to torture you for information, and I'm not going to kill you."
"Why not?"
"Because I think that I love you, so I have to go." You stand up, because if you don't go now, you never will.
"Why?" He repeats. "Don't answer that, sorry."
"I'm sorry, Bucky. I suggest you go under the radar too."
He stands up on the other side of the bed and just stares at you.
"I'm sorry, Bucky." You say again, your throat tight. "I've really enjoyed my time with you. I don't want you to think it was all a hoax. It was at first, but I... I've really loved being with you. I really, truly have. It's been the best time of my life."
"Yeah. Mine too." He says before turning around and going to his closet.
"What are you doing?" You ask quietly.
"Packing. I'm coming with you."
"No, Bucky. You can't."
"And why the hell not?" He turns around.
"Because it's dangerous."
"It's dangerous either way. Somebody has to protect you."
"I can protect myself. You need to protect yourself. If we're together, they'll find you easier."
"I don't care. It'd be worth it."
"I don't want you going back there, Bucky."
"And why not?"
"Because I hear you scream at night." You whisper.
"I don't scream at night."
"Yes you do. Every night. And I don't want you going back there."
"Kill me, then."
"I'm coming with you, or you'll have to kill me."
"Bucky, this is ridiculous."
"No. What's ridiculous is me still loving you. But I do. And I'm coming with you."
"No, you're right. You shouldn't still love me. So you can't come."
"I'm coming, and you can't stop me."
"Please. I just want you to be safe--"
"Safe? I'm never safe. I'm a monster, remember?"
"You aren't a monster, Bucky--"
"Yes, I am." He comes and sits on the bed in front of you, taking your hands in his. "And you probably should kill me. Everybody'd be better for it."
"Bucky, this isn't what this is about--"
"You're right. But once we leave, they won't be able to find me, right?"
"I don't... They shouldn't be able to, no. If we do everything right."
"I'm building a new life for myself, Y/N. And I wouldn't want one without you in it."
"Steve Rogers is alive."
"I know. I can't go to him, and I know that. Don't try to trick me."
"Do you love me?"
"... I do. Yes. I love you. And that's why--"
"No. You answered my question, you don't need more. You love me, and I love you. Let's run away." He cracks a grin.
"I love you." You smile.
He reaches up and touches your cheek with his metal fingers as he kisses you gently. "I love you too."

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