Harry Potter x Reader

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"What do you want for Christmas?"
"Nothing." He says, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your cheek. "You're enough of a gift for me."
"Okay, Romeo." You laugh. "What do you want, though?"
"How about you come meet Sirius?"
"Your godfather Sirius?"
"Do I know another Sirius?"
"Shut up." You playfully shove him away.
"So? Will you come?"
"If you tell me what I can get you."
"Let coming be my gift."
You consider, then nod. "Okay. Is Sirius gonna hate me?"
"Remus will."
"Come on. You already know Remus."
"Yeah, but he was a teacher then. Now he's your uncle or something like that."
"It'll be okay."

Harry apparates to your house to pick you up to bring you to the Order of Phoenix headquarters.
"Hey. Wow. You look... beautiful."
"Thanks." You smile, stepping up onto your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
You call goodbye to your parents and Harry disapparates with you.
He opens the door to a building and gestures for you to step inside. You step in, then wait for Harry to come in and lead the way.
"We're here!" He calls.
Mrs. Weasley steps out of the kitchen. "Y/N! Hello! I'd hug you, but I have flour all over me." She smiles sweetly. "How's your break? Good, I hope--Fred! George! Hands off that cake!" She yells, bustling back into the kitchen.
"Hey, Y/N." Hermione smiles from the couch.
"Hey." You smile.
Professor Lupin walks in, followed by a rather haggard looking man you assume to be Sirius.
"You already know Remus, and then this is my godfather Sirius." Harry tells you. "Sirius, this is Y/N."
Sirius reaches his hand out to shake, smiling. "It's nice to finally meet you. Harry here won't shut up about you."
"Hey, I--No, he's right. That's true." Harry nods in acquiescence.
You laugh.
"Ah, I wish I had a buttload of baby pictures to show you." Sirius tells you.
"That's all right. I can make do without them." You laugh.
"So, Harry. This is the infamous Y/N." Sirius claps his shoulder.
"Yeah." Harry grins.
"Excuse him." Remus says. "Good to see you again."
"Hello, Professor." You smile.
"You don't have to call me that anymore. Just Remus'll do."
"Dinner!" Mrs. Weasley calls.
The sound of pounding footsteps comes from the stairwell behind you as the twins and Ron run down them.
"Hey, Y/N!" The twins call simultaneously.
"Hello." You grin.
Harry takes your hand and leads you to the dining room. Sirius and Remus follow behind you, Sirius singing, "Y/N and Harry sitting in a tree--" Remus hisses at him to grow up.
The twins hear and join in.
"K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes--"
"Children." Mrs. Weasley says.
"Sorry, Mum." The twins say. Sirius does the same, except with "Sorry, Molly."
"Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Weasley. It was delicious." You say as you're leaving.
"Of course, dear. Come back any time." She smiles.
"You sure you don't wanna stay?" Harry asks, grabbing your hand and pulling you away from the door.
"My parents said I had to go home, remember?"
"Yeah, I know." He wraps his arms around you. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'm approaching. Please break off your passionate embracing in the presence of my tender eyes." Sirius Black rounds the corner, his hands over his eyes.
"Shut up, Padfoot." Remus says, following him.
How had anybody thought a man like Sirius could be a murderer?
Harry laughs and lets you go. "No passionate embrace, you're okay."
Sirius lowers his hand. "Leaving already?" He asks you.
"Yes sir." You nod.
"Let's not do the sir thing. I may be old, but I'm not that old."
"Sorry." You laugh.
"Harry treating you right?"
"Yes." You smile.
"Good. Then as long as you treat my boy right, we'll be all good."
"I'll try." You smile.
"Sirius, cut the poor kids a break." Remus says.
"You cut the poor kids a break." Sirius retorts, sticking out his tongue.
Remus resorts to laughter. "It was nice to see you, Y/N. Happy Christmas."
"Happy Christmas." You step forward and hug him.
He hugs you back and whispers, "Thank you for taking care of Harry." in your ear.
You smile and turn to Sirius, hugging him as though you hadn't just met. "Happy Christmas, Mr. Black."
"Whoa, kid. Enough of this mister stuff. Just Sirius'll be fine." He says, but he hugs you back.
"Sorry, habit." You smile and pull away.
"Hey, Harry? Can I talk to you before you take Y/N home?" Sirius asks.
You and Remus make idle conversation about school while Harry and Sirius walk away.
"I took arithmancy and I regret my decision." You tell him when he asks about your classes.
"Yeah, I don't blame you there. I can help if you ever need it, though. I made the mistake of taking that too."
"Thanks, I might have to take you up on that."
Remus smiles. "Just let me know."
You hear Harry laugh and look over to see him hug his godfather and come back to you and Remus.
You say bye to Remus and Sirius again and disapparate.
"Thanks for coming." Harry tells you for the forth time that night.
"Of course. Thank you for inviting me."
"It was actually Remus' idea, but.."
"Do they like me?" You ask nervously.
"You already know Remus loves you. And Sirius told me to marry you."
You smile. "I like him. He's fun."
"Loads." Harry grins.
You smile and wrap your arms around his neck. "Thank you."
You kiss him.
Almost before your lips touch his, the porch lights flick on and off.
Harry laughs and pulls away. "Looks like it's time for you to go in."
"Looks that way." You smile and kiss his cheek before letting him go. "Bye, Harry. I love you."
He smiles widely. "I love you too."


Sorry it's taken so long for me to get to y'all's requests. I promise I'll get to work on them.

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