Leo Valdez x Reader

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You sit by uncomfortably under a tree. You'd been at Camp Halfblood just under a week and had yet to make any friends.
"Hi there." A voice says from above you.
You jump and crane your neck to look up.
You see nobody in the tree, so you look back down, trying to come up with a way to explain that to yourself without sounding crazy.
A boy jumps down from the tree and lands in front of you. "Child of [Your Godly Parent], right?"
"You were in the tree." You say, just to check.
"I was in the tree. I'm Leo. Leo Valdez." He holds out his hand.
You continue staring at him.
"Generally when someone extends his hand upon meeting, he means for the said person he is meeting to shake it." Leo forges on.
You reach out and shake his hand. "I'm Y/N Y/L/N."
"Nice meeting you. Mind if I join you?"
"No as in not to join you or no as in you don't mind?"
"I don't mind."
He sits down beside you, starting to fiddle with some bits of metal. "You're new here, right? Because I definitely would've noticed you."
You smile a bit. "Yeah, I'm new."
"Maybe I can show you around some time?"
"I'd like that." You smile.
The next time you look over at him, his scrap pieces of metal have turned into a mechanical dragon.
"Hephaestus?" You ask.
"What gave it away?"
"Your little metal dragon blowing out smoke."
He laughs and holds it out to you. "Want it? Here, take it. I've made, like, ten. It seems to be my go-to thing. I have a real dragon--Well, not, like, a real dragon. He's metal. His name's Festus. Like 'happy,' you know? I'm rambling. I'll stop now. Sorry."
You laugh. "It's okay. Is this what Festus looks like?" You hold the small prototype closer to your face to get a better look at it.
"Yeah, more or less. Festus looks much better, of course. He's really a narcissist."
You laugh again. "I see."
"Wanna meet him?"
"Meet your metal pet dragon?"
"I wouldn't call him a pet. More like a friend?"
You smile. "I'd love to meet him.
He jumps up and holds his hand out to you. You take it and stand, following him through the camp.
"Where're you going, Leo?" A blonde guy with glasses calls, in the middle of a sword fight.
"Taking Y/N to meet Festus."
"Careful, Y/N. It's the equivalent if meeting his parents." He calls before refocusing on his task.
"Just ignore him. It's what I do."
You laugh.
He leads you out into the woods and into a bunker. "He has to stay asleep most of the time. He causes disruptions."
"I'm sure."
So you meet his dragon, and he walks you back to the pavilion for dinner.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?" He asks.
"Not at all." You say, grateful to have somebody to sit with.
He walks you to your cabin after dinner. "See you tomorrow." He smiles.
To Percy, Leo says, "Festus likes her."
Percy agrees that means you're a keeper.


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