Remus Lupin x Reader

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My dearest, Y/N,
I know it's been a while, and I apologize. I miss you daily, but I do still think it was for the best. But I do miss you, and I like you think you miss me too, at least a bit.
As I'm sure you know, I'm teaching at Hogwarts this year. I assure you I don't mess with Snape anymore. We're grown men. Of course he hates me still, because he's an immature, sniveling arse, but whether we like it or not, we're allies.
Listen, I know it's been a long time, but come see me this weekend. Meet me at Hogwarts, and we can head to that cabin we used to go to? It'll be fun--like old times. I'd like to see you. With everything going on with Sirius and Harry and Voldemort... well, you know.
I understand if you'd rather not come. I know I'm taking a risk in sending this, but, as an idiot once said: what's life without a little risk?
Forever yours,

You reread the letter, then read it again. And again, for good measure.
You hate him. You hate him so much.
But of course you don't. Of course you'll go. How could you not?
You spend the week overanalyzing his senseless phrases. What did he mean he misses you? What does he miss? Your friendship? Your relationship? And why on earth would you go to that cabin? There were so many memories of everything, and you would much rather not face those? And forever yours? You thought not. "Forever yours" implies not breaking your heart and disappearing. Besides, you weren't going to get involved with Remus again, and would going to meet him mean you were open to it?
But of course you are open to it.
"You're stupid." You tell your reflection as you're about to leave.
The reflection doesn't answer.
You apparate to Hogsmaede and make your way to the castle. You watch it get bigger as you move closer.
Of course Hogwarts has plenty of memories too.
When you get there, Dumbledore is standing outside the grounds. He gives you a smile. "Ah, yes. I've been expecting you."
"You have?" You ask. You hadn't even told Remus you were coming.
"Yes. Remus mentioned asking you up, and I sincerely doubted you would pass." He smiles as he takes your hand. "How are you, my dear?"
You smile and squeeze his hand. "Very well, thank you. And yourself?"
"Absolutely fantastic. I apologize for our guests, but you know how the Ministry can be." He casts his patronus as he starts walking towards the school.
You follow his lead, and your patronus, a dog, darts ahead of you.
"May I ask if you've seen any of Mr. Black?"
"I haven't." You answer truthfully.
Dumbledore escorts you to the Great Hall and gives vague directions to Remus' office.
"The best of luck." He tells you.
"I'm sure I'll need it." You smile.
You make your way in the direction Dumbledore had indicated. You thought you could find it, but Harry crosses your path. He's grown.
"Excuse me?" You ask him. Your voice sounds tight. "Could you point me to Professor Lupin's office?"
"Uh, yeah. I can take you." He says, and turns back the way he had come from.
You make small talk with Harry as you walk. You want to ask more personal, important questions, but you're a stranger to him.
"Here it is." He points to a closed door. "I just came from there, so I'm sure he's in."
"Thank you. Have a nice day, sweetheart."
He smiles. "Thanks. You too."
You knock lightly on the door and open it. Remus is standing at his window, looking out with his hand pressed to his mouth. He looks old.
"Remus." You say.
He turns to you, his face moving to form a smile. "You came. Didn't think you would."
"Here I am." You give an uncomfortable, awkward smile.
He moves towards you from the window and hugs you. That was also awkward.
"I miss you." He says quietly.
"I miss you too."
"Have a seat. Tea?"
"Sure." You sit on the edge of the chair he'd pointed to. "So... how've you been?"
"Good." He says lightly, though he doesn't look as though he's been particularly good. "And yourself?"
"Good." You nod.
"Did you run into Harry on your way up?"
"I didhe's grown. A lot."
"Hasn't he? He looks just like James."
"It's uncanny."
He hands you a cup of tea and sits down with his own. You sit quietly, trying desperately to come up with something to say.
"So, you and Snape?" Not the best, but at least there was sound in the room.
"Ah, yes. He despises me, just like the good old days." Remus smiles. "Dumbledore's enlisted him to make Wolfsbane, and he hates it. But as they say, karma's a bitch."
You laugh, and the ice melts away. "I hope you're grateful, Remmie."
"Yes, I suppose so." He leans back in his seat. "Harry was in here once when he brought me some, and Harry thinks he's poisoning me."
"How is Harry?"
"He's well. He's a seeker. Friends with some of the Weasley boys and a very bright Muggleborn girl. I'm sure Lily's sister's family is awful, though. But he's doing well hereapparently not very well in Potions, but I wouldn't expect him to with Snape as a teacher."
"What about your class?"
"He's excelling. I'm teaching him the Patronus charm outside of class. You know what his boggart is?"
"That's what I thought, but no."
"Don't tell me it's a dog or something." You smile.
You raise your eyebrows. "Oh!"
"Why do I feel like that'd be Dumbledore's too?" You smile.
"Well, he's old enough. He ought to be wise enough too." Remus laughs.
"Have you seen Sirius?"
He shook his head. "No. Have you?"
You shake your head. "Nope. There's a stray dog that started coming around my neighborhood so I thought it might be him, but I don't think so."
"Probably for the best." He smiled.
"I disagree."
"People go insane in Azkaban, dear."
You shoot him a look.
"But I'm sure that doesn't apply to Sirius."
"Let's go on a walk."
"We aren't supposed to go outside more thanDoes that rule apply to me? I wouldn't think so? Let's go." He stands and offers his arm.
You take it and he leads the way out.
"How is it enforcing rules instead of breaking them?"
"Strange. But McGonagall thinks everything we did was Sirius and James' ideas, so my name is in the clear." He grins.
"And how's Severus as a teacher?"
"Apparently awful. It's pitiful, really. It seems his one joy in life is bullying children, but I suppose it's not my place to judge."
"No, I suppose not."
"Speak of the devil." He says as you round a corner to see Snape walking towards you.
"Severus!" You say brightly as he nears.
He pauses to look at you expressionlessly. "Y/N. What brings you here?"
You shrug. "Just visiting Remus."
Remus smiles. "Ah, funny story, Y/N. One of the student's boggarts took the form of Severus, and all the third year Gryffindors saw him in the student's grandmother's clothes."
Severus glares at him while you stifle laughter. "Oh?"
"You look fantastic in a green dress and a vulture hat, Severus." Remus says. "Just lovely."
"Lupin—" He begins.
You reach up and ruffle Snape's hair, much to the students' amusement. "Remus is very honest when it comes to clothing, so you must've looked great. Don't be so modest, Sev. Anyway, we're going on a walk. Care to join?"
"I think not. Lay a hand on me again, and I assure you you'll lose it."
"Have a good day!" You say as he stalks away.
"That was more fun than I've had since seventh year." Remus laughs as the two of you continue on your way out. "Although I didn't expect it to come from you."
"I guess he deserved it if he's going to bully children."
"We can do worse." He says excitedly.
"You're a teacher now, Remmie."
"Fuck it." He shrugs.
You laugh as he opens the door. You step outside and it's cold and heavy. Remus casts his Patronus and you follow.
You walk around the grounds. You're not talking about anything in particular, but you don't mind the small talk.
"You're not married, are you?" He asks rather suddenly.
"In a relationship?"
"No. Are you?"
"Me? No." He says, and stops talking.
You search for something elseanything elseto talk about. "Is it ethical to have dementors at a school?"
"I would think not, but governments don't typically care for ethics."
"Well, tell us how you really feel." You laugh.
"I love you."
"That's not what I meant."
"I know, I know. But I do. I'm still in love with you. I know you probably don't wanna hear it, but it's true. I'll drop it if you tell me to, and you'll never hear about it again. But please just... tell me if there's a chance."
"I don't know."
"I know I hurt you, but there was just so much going on and I thought it'd be better if we broke up. And Sirius didn't like it, and I know how important your relationship was—"
"Sirius would have gotten over it."
"I'm sorry."
"So am I."
"Y/N, I—"
"Remus. Look." You elbow him and point to a mangy black dog sitting on the edge of the forest with a mean looking cat.
Remus looks around behind you, but, of course, nobody's there, so you walk towards them. They take off into the woods, and you run after them. You hate the Forest, but desperate times. Besides, what was risking death when compared to having to finish that conversation with Remus?
The Forest grows dark quickly, and you and Remus light your wands.
A haggard, dirty man walks out from behind a tree with the cat slinking at his feet. "Good afternoon." He says. His voice is just as unrecognizable as his person.
Remus says nothing.
"Good afternoon?" You ask. "That's all?"
Sirius smiles. "Long time no see."
You run to hug him. "Hey."
"Hey?" He asks. "That's all?"
"I missed you. I love you."
"Yeah, you too." He hugs you back, spinning you around. "All right?"
You nod. "You?"
"Better now."
Remus comes after you and hugs him. "Hey, mate."
Sirius hugs him back. "How are you?"
"Well, you just got a warmer greeting from Y/N than I did, so I'm a bit bitter, but other than that, all right."
"Good. We got shit to talk about. The rat's not dead."
"Of course he's dead, Sirius." You sigh.
"He's not. He's the Weasley boy's rat."
"Well." Remus says. "I suppose we'll just have to kill him right this time."
Sirius shakes his head. "No. You two're staying out of it. I've got nothing to lose."
"Sirius, please." You say. "If we can find Peter, we can prove you didn't kill him"
"I'd rather kill him, if you please."
"I don't please!"
But, of course, you're dealing with Sirius Black, and Sirius Black always gets what he wants.
"Let's just tell Harry the truth." You say as you and Remus are going back inside.
"We can't do that."
"Watch me."
"He has the right."
"Everybody thinks it's best he doesn't—"
"I don't care."
"Fine. Let's tell him."
"Good decision, honey."
"We can tomorrow when he comes to my office. You could stay the night."
"We're not having sex."
"No. But we can play chess and listen to classic rock late into the night."
You smile. "That sounds lovely."
You follow him up to his quarters, and you play chess and listen to classic rock.
"I wish Sirius would've come." You comment.
"I wish Sirius did a lot of things, but he doesn't listen to anyone but himself." Remus smiles.
"What an arse."
He laughs. "I agree."
You go to bed at one, so you hadn't exactly stayed up late. Remus offers to sleep on the floor, but you consent to sharing the bed.
"Ground rules." You begin.
"I know the drill." He smiles.
You lay in bed talking for a while until he breaks a rule and kisses you. "I really love you."
"I love you too." You say, before remembering you had said you weren't going to get involved.
"Marry me?"
He kisses you again. "I love you."
"I love you."
"Guess we always knew this was how it'd go."
"Guess so." You smile. "It couldn've happened sooner, but..."
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, you should be."
"Hey. You could've written or something as easily as I."
"Communication was supposed to be your thing."
"Well, sorry."
"Apology accepted."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now go to sleep. Busy day."
He kisses your forehead. "Goodnight, darling."

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