Dallas Winston x Reader

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"How many times do I have to tell you? You don't need them. You can get out of there. Just come live with me." Your boyfriend, Thomas, says. He's what they call a "Soc."
You shrug. "I'm all right there. I don't mind it. Besides, I have friends there. Your friends don't like me."
"Friends like who? Like Dallas Winston? He's an asshole. Like Sodacan or whatever his name is? He's a drop out. Like that weirdo, the other Curtis kid? And who? That little fucking kicked puppy over there whimpering at your heels all the time? Like them?"
Dally he could insult. Dally deserved it, and Thomas couldn't have picked a better word to describe him. But Thomas couldn't even bother to know Soda's name? Besides, he'd had to drop out, he didn't want to. And Ponyboy wasn't a weirdo.
But those things you could have accepted. You would defend your family, of course, but you wouldn't have flipped.
But he insulted Johnnycake.
That you could not stand for.
"Leave Johnny the fuck alone, you insensitive jerk!" You snap.
"Well? Well what?"
"You're so much better than them, Y/N."
"Ponyboy isn't weird, Thomas. I think he's charming. Soda didn't want to drop out, and it's Sodapop, by the way, not Sodacan. Johnny is not a whimpering, kicked puppy. He's a scared kid forced into shit nobody should be in, so back the fuck off of him. And Dally is an asshole, but that doesn't mean you can call him one."
"I know you guys used to date, but--"
"Maybe I'll date him again."
"I'm breaking up with you."
"I'd rather date Dally again than have to deal with your shit."
He grabs your arm as you try to walk away. He jerks you back.
"Get your hands offa me--"
"Then get the fuck back here. Stop talking like a hood."
"I am a hood! You can pretend I'm not all you want, but I am. Let me go."
"Hey!" Dally growls, stepping out from behind a building. "Didn't Little Miss Thing here just tell you to let her go? Get your filthy hands off her."
"Dally--" You begin.
"My filthy hands? Says you!"
"Yes, says I. Now scram!" Dally darts forward.
Thomas jumps away. He won't say it, but he's scared of Dally. Everyone's scared of Dally.
"Well, Y/N? What'll it be?" Thomas asks.
"Excuse me?" You turn to him.
"Him or me?"
"Are you shitting me?"
"It's fine, babe. Go on with him. I get it, no hard feelings." Dally says.
"Pick, Y/N." Thomas snaps. "Don't call her 'babe,' Greaser."
You flip him the bird and turn to Dally, hooking your arm through his as the two of you walk away. "Wanna hang sometime, Dal?"
"Is that an invitation?" He smirks down at you.
"If you want it to be."
"I do."
"So, just like that, we're cool again?" He asks.
"I'm sorry. I've been meaning to talk to you."
"I was a bastard."
"It's cool. You're always a bastard."
He laughs. "You're right."
"Let's go to the creek."
"Yes." You pull him in that direction.
"Only if you're taking your clothes off." He winks.
"Only to swim, babe." You grin.
"You're one cold bitch."
"I will be in the water. It's freaking freezing."
"I'll keep you warm, babe."
"Bullshit. You'll splash me."
"Hell yeah." He laughs.
As you thought, he splashes you as soon as you're in the water. You let out a shriek and a threat, but in reality, you're absolutely delighted to be spending time with him, just the two of you.
"So, we're cool?" Dally asks after a bit.
"We were until you dunked me three times." You say, but your actual message gets across: "Yeah, we're cool."
"So I can do this?"
"Do what--"
He cuts you off with a kiss.
"Yeah." You say when he pulls back. "You can do that."
He laughs and kisses you again. "You know I really do think you're the best person in the world, right?"
You smile. "I love you too, Dal."

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