Tony Stark x Reader

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"You can stop watching over me. I desire nothing more than to go drink myself into oblivion."
"Fine. Do it. But I'm staying here."
"I take it back. I want to kiss you."
"Do it."
"I want to take you to my bedroom and ravish you until you're screaming my name and waking up the neighbors."
"I'd like to see you try."
"I want to die."
"I wouldn't let you."
"Stop being angry with me."
"I'm not. Stop trying to get a rise out of me."
"Please." Tony reaches out and grabs your hand.
"I'm not angry, Tony. You're angry with me."
"Oh yeah. I forgot that. It's weird being the angry one. I don't like it."
"So don't be angry."
"I am angry."
"You're lucky I didn't call the cops."
"What? For another suicide attempt? Hasn't worked before, why should it start now? I wouldn't worry too much. Look, I'm getting a drink whether you're here or not. You want anything?"
"Whatever you're having."
"You don't want that."
"Then you can't have it either."
You follow him and watch as he pours two glasses of whiskey and hands you one.
He leans against the counter. "I need weed, not whiskey."
"What?" You raise your eyebrows.
"I'll settle for coffee. Will you have some?"
"No thanks."
"No thanks. I don't need stimulants."
"I don't know what I need."
"Here, Tony, take this." You hold a hair tie out to him.
"Sorry, Princess, my hair isn't quite long enough for that."
You put it on his wrist.
"Just flick it. It's not the same as blowing your brains out, but it's better than nothing."
"I take it back." He says.
"I need more whiskey."
"It's hard to tell with you the difference between warning signs and you just being you."
"All the better for me."
"I'll interpret them all as warning signs."
"Not all the better for me."
"You need help, Tony."
"I don't want help, I want you."
"I didn't ask if you wanted it, I said you needed it."
"I don't need a shrink, I need you."
"Yet you're refusing to allow me to help you."
"Would you take care of JARVIS?"
"If anything were to happen to me. He shouldn't malfunction--like, ever--but if he does, Bruce could help. Would you still live here?"
"No. It's too big."
"Do you know how long it's been since we've had an intense, passionate make out session?"
You raise your eyebrows.
"Kiss me?"
"Let's go to bed."
"I want you to love me."
"I do love you."
"Kiss me."
"In bed."
"I mean, if you insist."
You wrap your arms around him and put your head in his shirt.
"Let's talk about you." He says quietly.
"Me? What about me?"
"The only time you don't drink coffee is when you're panicking. Why are you panicking?"
"I'm not."
"I can feel your heart beating."
"You stress me out."
"I'm making you anxious?"
"Let's not talk about this now."
He gently pushes you off of him. "No, let's. Tell me what I do. I don't want to hurt you."
"We'll talk later."
"No, now."
"You pointed out yourself that I'm panicking. If you make me talk I'm going to lose it."
"Okay. I'm sorry. It's okay."
"Let's go to bed, Tony."
He nods and allows himself to be led up to the bedroom.
He turns the tv onto the news and lays down.
"Turn that off." You say quietly.
"I said to turn it off."
"Why?" He asks, staring at the tv.
You reach over and take the remote, turning it off. "You can't take responsibility for the whole world, Tony. It won't help you."
"The world is my responsibility."
"No wonder you're so depressed."
"Baby, I got an email from the Queen."
"She can't have you, you're mine."
He laughs quietly and turns his face into your neck.
"You aren't held accountable for anything that happens outside of this house."
"I am to me. I should do something."
"You do a lot."
"Not enough. I..."
"No. The world isn't your responsibility. The Western Hemisphere isn't your responsibility. North America isn't your responsibility. The United States isn't your responsibility. New York isn't your responsibility."
"Everything's my responsibility."
"Do you want kids, Tony?"
"Children. Yes."
"No. I don't know. Maybe--Yes. I do. I really do."
"Let's adopt a child."
"Okay." He smiles into your shoulder. "That's great. Okay."
You kiss the top of his head.
"I want to save the world." He whispers.
"I know, baby, but you can't. Nobody can."
"But I could!" He sits up. "I could. I..."
"You can't. Nobody can. I'm sorry, but the world's far beyond repair."
"I can do something."
"No one man can change the world, sweetheart."
"I could try."
"You do, Tony. That's all anyone can do. You do more than most."
"I don't try hard enough, then. I'll try harder. There's never anything that can't be repaired. You fixed me."
"No, Tony. You're fixing yourself."
"Then how come I fall apart when you're not around?"
"Because you rely on me. You should learn to rely on yourself."
"I'm going to save the world."
"This isn't a movie, sweetie. This is real life. The world doesn't get saved in real life. In real life, the hero saves a few people."
"Then I'll change that."
"That's it?"
"I think you can do anything, Tony."
"I'm glad you think so. I didn't believe a word I said."
"I believe you."
He kisses you. "Thank you for believing in me."
"I have nothing but faith in you, Tony."

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