Louis Weasley x Reader

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"Suh-Sorry." You stammer as you bump into a Ravenclaw.
"It's okay." He replies.
You look up to see Louis Weasley.
"You're going to Transfiguration too, right?"
"Can I walk with you?"
You nod and slow your pace to a normal one instead of a rushing one.
"Hey, Louis." One of the Potters yells from the other side of the hall.
Louis gives a little smile and waves. "Uh, so. Nice weather we have today." He says to you.
"It's p-puh-pouring."
"Oh, it is, isn't it?" He gives a little laugh. "Well, maybe I like rain. Big fan of it. Wet, cold. Wonderful."
You laugh. "I s-suppose."
He opens the door for you, and you nod in thanks.
You slip into your seat and await Professor McGonagall.
After lunch, which consisted of a long mental debate (and after he gestures you over), you go to sit with Louis Weasley in the library.
He looks over at you with a smile. "Hey, Y/N. What's up?"
"Nu-Nothing. And you?"
"Studying. What was our Transfiguration homework, again? I promise I was paying attention."
"A p-puh-p--essay." You switch words, a light blush on your cheeks. "And I'm sh-sure you were."
"Oh, yeah. I remember now. On... uh..."
"Yes! That." He grins. "Sorry, I was a bit distracted."
"Louis, Mum said you haven't answered her letter." Victoire Weasley says, walking up to her brother. "She's tasked me with pestering you until you answer." She plops down across from you, holding her hand out. "Victoire. Louis' sister." She smiles.
You pause for a minute to work out in your head how to answer. "Y/N." You say slowly, still stammering.
Your stammering takes her slightly off guard, but she plays it off with a smile. "Well, Louis. Start writing."
"I will in a bit, Vic. I'm writing a paper on Animagi."
"You have blank parchment."
"I haven't read her letter yet. I just got it this morning."
"Haven't read it yet?"
"Um, no. It was three hours ago and I've had classes."
"This why I'm the favorite." She laughs, stands, and ruffles his hair as she walks away. "I'll tell her you're answering now."
"Thanks." He laughs.
"Sh-Sh-She's b-beautiful." You comment as she sits leaves the library.
"Yeah. She's part Veela, so."
You examine him nonchalantly. "And you tuh-too?"
"Yeah, I guess. Can't tell, huh?" He laughs.
"Nuh-No, you can."
He glances up with a smile. "I'd say you look like one, but I feel that'd be a bit cheesy."
You laugh. "A little buh-bit."
"Is it still raining?"
"I think s-s-so."
"I do like the rain, though. It's beautiful, isn't it?"
"I guess."
"Like you." He grins.

"Kiss." Teddy tells Louis a couple months later.
"Come on, mate." Louis sighs.
"Just do it. Please? See, we have a bet..."
"You have a bet on me kissing somebody?"
"Um, yeah. If you kiss tomorrow I get three galleons from Victoire and James."
"I'm not kissing Y/N just so you can win a bet."
"Come on. Help your favorite cousin out."
"No can do. Sorry."

"Why is your cousin s-staring at us?" You ask Louis.
"Long, complicated story."
"I have tuh-tuh-time."
"He wants me to kiss you so my sister and my cousin have to pay him. They have a bet, apparently..."
"Yeah. Insane, r-right?"
"N-Not suh-so insane, apparently. You're st-stuttering n-now." You laugh.
His cheeks flush.
"It's all right." You smile.
"You can make fun of me if you want." He smiles.
"I meant if you kiss me."
"Oh--oh. Wait, really?"
You nod.
"Like... kiss you? Like, on the lips, or on the cheek, or...? Um..."
"Like this." You lean forward and lightly touch your lips to his.
"Pay up!" Teddy yells, getting up and running to find his debtors.
"Oh. Like th-that." He clears his throat.
"Nuh-Nervous, Louis?" You smile.
"Yeah. A bit. A lot. What gave it away?" He laughs, his cheeks red.
You shrug with a smile.
"Do you wanna do it again, or...?"


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