Remus Lupin x Reader

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"They think I'm a spy for Voldemort. It wasn't me, I swear to God." Remus says.
"I know--"
"Please. I swear. I would never--"
You throw your arms around him. "I know, Remus."
He nods and hugs you back. "I would never do that. I swear to God. I..."
"Remus, I know. Please."
He drops his head onto your shoulder. "I can't live like this. I need them."
"They'll figure it out, darling. It's okay. It'll be fine."

You come home one day to find Sirius laying on your couch. He's throwing a baseball up in the air, catching it, and throwing it again.
"Hey." You say.
He drops the ball on his chest, lets out an "Oomph" and sits up. "Hey."
"What's up?"
"You need to lock your door, Y/N. That's how people get killed."
"It was locked, Sirius. You have a key." You sigh.
"Get a new lock. What if I was the spy?"
"You aren't."
"But if I was."
"Sirius, don't you see it has to be Peter? James wouldn't put his baby in danger, it isn't James. Lily wouldn't put her baby in danger. It isn't you. You hate your parents too much. I'm too afraid to speak to anybody. I know it's not Remus. Lily knows it's not Remus. It isn't Remus. It has to be Peter." You sit down, starting to cry.
"Peter's, in the best way possible, a coward."
"Exactly. He would give in."
"You love Peter, Y/N. How could you think it's him?
"I'm being logical."
"It can't be Peter. It'd be me before it'd be Peter."
"Not true. Even if you wanted to do it you wouldn't, just to spite your parents."
"I mailed all those letters to them."
"The ones you wrote all the time at Hogwarts?"
"Yep. Every one of them."
You look at him, waiting for him to give some sign of as to how he felt.
"I'm fucking terrified."
"Wasn't your dad the worst?" You ask.
His father's dead now.
"Hell no. Mother was."
"It'll be okay. If you wanna stay here you can. But you have to make dinner."
He jumps up. "On it."

But then James and Lily died and Sirius killed Peter.
Remus comes over as you're sobbing on the floor beside your couch.
"I--I'm sorry. I wasn't going to come but I..."
You stand and throw yourself into his arms.
He sits down with you and buries his face in your hair, breaking down into sobs.
He stands to leave a few hours later.
"Don't you dare, Remus Lupin. Don't you dare leave me." You snap, standing.
"I shouldn't be here."
"And tell me why the hell not."
"Because James and Lily are dead, Sirius is fucking rotting in Azkaban and I'm a bloody werewolf and I have to leave."
"You won't leave me. Sit your ungrateful, selfish ass back down right this instant and don't leave me alone."
He sighs and lowers his volume back to normal. "You'll be better without--"
"You haven't answered my letters in a bloody year, Lupin. I was about to task Sirius with hunting you down. Stay." You grab his hand and tug.
"I want you to be happy."
"Then stay."
He smashes his lips onto yours.
"We can talk to Dumbledore about Sirius. Peter was the Secret Keeper. Dumbledore can fix this." You say.
He nods and keeps kissing you.

"Professor Dumbledore--" You begin.
"Call me Albus. Please."
"Sirius is innocent." Remus blurts out. "Can you fix it?"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Lupin, but I'm afraid it was Mr. Black."
"It wasn't." You say emphatically.
"I'm afraid all evidence says it was."
"Then all evidence is wrong!" Remus nearly shouts.
"Professor, Peter was their Secret Keeper--"
"I advise you both just to drop it. Nothing can be done."

A couple years later, and Remus is a professor at Hogwarts. He mails you every day with updates on Harry until one day, a while after Sirius had escaped from Azkaban, you get something different:

Come now. Urgent.

You go immediately.
He shows you that stupid map he and the others had made and points.
"P-Peter?" You stammer.
"And Sirius. He's here." Remus whispers excitedly.
"Harry's taking Divination, yeah? He keeps seeing what Trelawney calls a Grimm, and it's a big black dog. He's okay." Remus pulls you to him and kisses you.
"Have you talked to Harry?"
"No. He needs a Professor, not an uncle."
You kiss him again. "Good thing you're logical."
"I don't want to be."
"Then don't be. Be spontaneous."
"That can be dangerous."
"Then do something safely spontaneous."
He locks the door to his office and kisses you. You laugh, because leave it to Remus to consider this spontaneous.

Snivellous Snape, of all people, writes you a letter shortly after that.
Your friend Sirius Black is going to be given the Dementor's Kiss.
~Severus Snape
So you rush to Hogwarts again. You demand of McGonagall where Sirius is, and she takes you without argument.
You cast your Patronus and march up to the tower.
Sirius stands up when you walk in. He's haggard and dirty and his hair is far too long.
"You're gonna need a haircut." You say, your voice choked.
"Remus. Is Remus okay?" He demands.
"What do you mean?"
"He turned into a werewolf. Is he okay? Where is he?"
"I'm sure he's fine. He always is. Don't worry."
Sirius nods.
You fling your arms around him. "Oh, Sirius..."
"Did you think I did it?"
"I'm sorry. Dumbledore... I'm sorry, Sirius. I'm so sorry. I love you."
"It's okay." He says quietly.
You pull back and grip his hands, trying so hard not to cry. He was about to have his soul sucked out. You should try to make him at least a little bit happy beforehand. You want to, but you can't think of anything to say, much less anything happy.
"God, Remus was so happy when he found out Peter was alive. Proving your innocence thrilled him. He missed you. We missed you. You'll be glad: Harry and Snivellous despise each other."
"You don't have to do this. It's okay. This is fine." He says, like he's already a dead man.
"Are you saying that to make me feel better or because you're in so much pain that you'd prefer this?"
You start sobbing.
He wraps his arms around you, smoothing your hair down. "It's okay, Y/N. It really is. I'm okay with it. Tell Moony I'm sorry, yeah?"
You cling onto him. "You're the bravest man I've ever known." You choke out.
"No. That'd be Remus. I mean, he puts up with you, doesn't he?"
His attempt at joking only makes you cry harder.
"Tell Remus that it's okay." He says quietly.
Albus Dumbledore would never live this down.
But Harry Potter came to the window on a Hippogriff.
Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at him.
"He looks like James, huh?" Sirius whispers in your ear.
You nod mutely.

You're in Dumbledore's office giving him an earful and Snape is standing in the corner when Remus marches in angrily. He has branches and leaves in his hair, his clothes are shredded and he looks like a madman.
"Dumbledore, you swore to me that he was guilty." Remus snaps, sounding like a madman.
"Twelve years he was rotting away, having his happiness, his being, sucked away! Twelve bloody years! While I did shit! You told me to let it go!"
"Remus--" You step forward and grab his arm.
"I didn't know--" Dumbledore begins.
He jerks his arm away. "I knew! I bloody knew! I listened to you and look what happened! My friend is a shell, Dumbledore! He's a bloody shell of who he was, and whose fault is it? Mine!" Remus whips his wand out.
"Remus!" You shout, grabbing his arm. "Stop this. Look at what you're doing! Look!"
"Y/N." He says quietly, as if noticing you for the first time. "When did you get here?"
"I came to see Sirius. Severus wrote me." You gesture.
"Is he okay?" Remus glances over at Snape before refocusing on you.
"Yes. He said it's okay. He's fine. He got away."
Remus turns to Dumbledore. "I quit." He says, grabs your hand, and pulls you out. "Thank you, Severus." You call as you walk out.
He kisses you in the corridor.
"I'm not a teacher anymore. I can do whatever the hell I want." He kisses you again, pushing you back against the wall.
"No. No you can't."
He pulls you into a broom closet.
"Last I checked, this was Sirius' job."
"I need to go see him." He says quietly, pulling back to look at you.
"We'll go."
"I fucked up."
"Not just you."
"I'm sorry." He clears his throat and steps back. "You're right, this is Sirius' job. I... uh... I apologize."
You raise your eyebrows.
"Nothing. I love you." You slip your arms around his neck and kiss him.
He slips his arms back around you and whispers, "I love you too."

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