Sirius Black x Reader

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"What are you doing, Sirius?" James asks with a sigh.
"Looking." Sirius says softly.
"Get off the bloody window ledge."
"Sod off, mate."
You march up, Remus trailing behind you. "Sirius Black, get down here right this instant." You say.
He practically falls backwards into the room. James reaches out a hand to help him up, but he leans back against the wall. The three of you kneel around him.
"What the hell was that, Padfoot?" Remus demands.
"I was looking at the bloody giant squid. Is that wrong?"
"On a window ledge?" James snaps.
"Please stop snapping at me." He puts his head down in his arms.
The three of you wait quietly. You sit back, and Remus and James follow your lead.
"Sorry." He says quietly after a while.
"It's okay." Remus says.

"Just go to bed. Who knows what he's doing?" James tells you.
So you wait for Sirius to come back.
It's four thirty in the morning and the fire's dying when Sirius comes back.
"Sirius Black." You stand up off the couch. "Where the hell have you been? Do you know what time it is?"
"Not really."
"Four thirty in the morning! Where have you been?"
"In the Forest."
"Why the bloody hell were you in the Forbidden Forest?"
"Because it's forbidden. Duh."
"Do you realize how bloody dangerous that is, Sirius?"
"Why are you shaking?"
"I'm not." He says, his whole body trembling.
You step forward to hug him, but he raises his arms to protect his face, as if you've just hurled something at him.
"Please don't hit me." He says meekly.
"I was going to hug you."
"Hug me...? But you're angry."
"May I hug you?"
He nods, giving you a cynical look.
You wrap your arms around his neck. "Do you wanna talk about anything, Sirius?"
"Nothing to talk about."
"You can't keep doing this stuff."
"What stuff?"
"All these suicidal shenanigans."
"Why do you care so much?"
"Because I love you."
"It's not hard." You whisper, closing your eyes against the threatening tears. "You can trust people besides just James, you know."
"I trust you." He says quietly.
"You thought I was going to hit you."
"It's... a habit."
"It shouldn't be."
"How long are going to hug me?"
"Until you hug me back."
He keeps his arms by his sides.

Sirius wakes up one night with a sharp gasp. He sits up straight, sucking in air. He brings shaking hands up and runs them over his face.
"You okay, mate?" James mumbles sleepily from his bed.
"Yeah. Fine." Sirius says huskily.
"What's wrong?" James sits up.
"Nothing. Just have to pee."
"What's going on?" Remus asks, sitting up in his bed.
"Nothing. I have to piss."
Sirius morphs into his animagi and runs up to your dorm, pawing you until you wake up.
You wake up to a large dog. You gasp and sit up quickly. It takes you a second to shift from "Why the hell is there a dog in my bed?" to "Why the hell is Sirius Black in my bed?" to "How do I go about this situation?"
You look at him.
He jumps off your bed and runs out of the room.
You get up and follow, not bothering to grab a jacket or shoes.
You go down to the common room to find Sirius Black leaning against the wall.
"What's wrong?" You ask.
He shrugs. "Just wanted to see you."
"I know you wouldn't wake me up in the middle of the night just because you wanted to see me."
"I wanted to talk to you."
"Do you wanna sit?"
"No. You'll be uncomfortable and want to leave. You'll have a better exit standing."
"You just got up into my dorm. Is there really escaping?"
"If you leave I'll let you. I understand."
You give him a wary look. "What could possibly be so bad that I'd--oh, shit. You didn't shag James, did you?"
"Lily, then?"
"What? No. I didn't shag anybody--Why would I shag James, of all people? I suppose Evans wouldn't be too bad, though... But I'd much prefer you--"
"Okay. Tell me what you came here for."
"My parents aren't Death Eaters, but they're, you know, on that side."
He doesn't continue until you nod.
"And, you know, Slytherin and stuff."
You nod again.
"You know how my parents have sort of been assholes since I got in Gryffindor?" He glances at you, then away.
You nod. "Yeah."
"Well, uh, they um--I'm only telling you because Moony says I need to."
"If you want to."
"No, he's right. You should know the shit you're getting into."
You wait.
He's looking at you, waiting for a sign to go on, so you nod.
"There's, uh, not really much to tell."
You nod.
"Reg's a Death Eater."
You don't nod this time. "What?"
He nods.
"I'm sorry, Sirius."
"My parents like it."
You go back to nodding. It's easier.
"Anyways, they don't like me very much. And, uh, they like to vent their anger quite often--And actually, I'm done with this. If you wanna know you can ask Moony, Prongs or Wormtail. Sorry."
"It's okay. Do you wanna sit down now?"
"You can go back to bed if you want."
You shrug and sit down on the couch.
He sits beside you, looking down at the floor.
"Are you okay?" You ask.
"Yes." He says shortly, before you've finished.
You slip your hand into his.
"Kiss me?"
You turn to kiss him.
Then he starts talking, and you listen.
Your mother's a psychologist, and she would always talk about how you had to keep a straight face, you couldn't look upset or shocked, you couldn't cry.
You remember that, and you obey it.
But then Sirius starts crying, and you can't help but join him.
You won't tell your mother, it'll be okay.
Crying, you listen to Sirius tell about his decent childhood, his relatively crappy life, his horrid parents, his beloved brother, his terrible nightmares.
"I can't go back." He sobs, gasping in air. "I can't fucking go back there. I can't. I'd rather die. I want to. I can't go back."
"So don't." You say, speaking for the first time since he began his sob story. "Stay with me. Or James. Don't go back."
"I have to go back to my dorm." He stands.
You grab his hand, standing. "Just... Stay here a bit."
"And cry? Yes, a very masculine thing to do. Great way to impress someone you fancy."
"You don't have to impress me. Sit back down."
He shakes his head.
"Yeah. Come on, sit."
He shakes his head again, so you wrap your arms around his neck and whisper, "Okay. Goodnight, Sirius. I love you."
He doesn't reciprocate or respond, so you let him go and turn to your dorm.
He reaches out and grabs your hand, so you turn back around. "Stay. Please."
You sit down on the couch. He sits beside you and puts his arm around you.
"Goodnight." He says softly.
"I love you." He says, just as softly but far more fiercely.
"I love you too."
You wake up in the morning to Sirius poking you. "Hey, Y/N? Are you up yet? Y/N?"
You open your eyes. "What, Black?"
"You're up! Good. Breakfast?"
"No." You close your eyes again.
"Come on!" He whines.
You get up and go to get dressed before following him to the Great Hall.
"Hey, Potter?" You say when you see him.
"Yeah, babe?" James asks.
You gesture him away, and he follows. "What's up?"
"First off, don't call me babe." You begin.
He salutes you. "Aye, aye, Captain."
"Let's talk about Sirius."
"Oh, my favorite subject! Sweet." He grins.
You and James sit down with Sirius in the common room that evening.
"Why am I feeling like a disciplined child?" Sirius sighs.
"Let's talk, mate." James begins.
"Let's not." Sirius starts to stand.
You put your hand on his shoulder and prod him back into his seat.
"So, we talked." James says.
"That doesn't bode well." Sirius interjects.
"And we decided you'll spend half your summer with me, and half your summer with Y/N. Christmas holiday you'll come with me--Mum says you have to."
"I'll just go home. It's not a big deal."
"No." You say. "I forbid it. I'm adamantly against it. I won't allow it."
He looks at you. "What the hell?"
"I'm the boss, am I not, James?"
"You're the boss." James agrees.
"So does the schedule sound pleasing to you, love?"
"Yeah. Thank you." Sirius stands and hugs you both at the same time. "Thank you." He repeats, pulling back with a grin. "Prongs, mate. Your poor mum, dealing with both of us."
Prongs laughs. "I'll start plotting."
"Are you sure it's okay?" Sirius asks you. "I mean, your dad sort of... hates me."
"He said it's fine."
He hugs you again. "Thank you. You're the best. I'm so lucky to have you."
"Damn right you are." You smile and hug him back.

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