Ponyboy Curtis x Reader

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You hear your house phone ring and go to answer, knowing that nobody else in the house would.
"Hello?" You say.
"Y/N?" A familiar voice responds.
"Hey, Soda. What's up?"
"We're going for ice cream. Wanna tag along?"
"'Course." You smile.
"Cool. I'll send Steve to get you."
"Nah, it's fine. I can walk."
"Fine. See you there."
"See you. Hey, Soda?"
"Is Pony coming?"
"He ain't home."
"'Kay. See you."
"See you."
You grab your jacket on your way out the door. "I'm going to get ice cream with Sodapop Curtis!" You yell to your family before closing the door behind you.
You pass the cemetery on your way and see Ponyboy standing there. The tips of his hair are still blonde. You decide to take a detour to visit him.
"Hey, Pony." You say while you're still some distance away. You don't want to startle him too badly.
He turns around. "Oh, hey, Y/N. I was, uh, just dropping by on my way home."
You nod. "Ah. Well, I'm about to go meet Soda and them for ice cream. Wanna join us?"
"I better head home."
"Care for some company here?"
"If you wanna stay." His lips lift in a little smile.
You sit down in the grass between Dally's and Johnny's graves and wait for Ponyboy to join you. He does, after a bit.
"You doing okay, Pony?" You ask quietly after sitting in a comfortable silence for some time.
"Yeah, I guess. You?"
You nod, and he nods.
"Hey, Pony?"
You slip your hand into his. "It's gonna be okay."
"I know." He says quietly. "What book do you have there?"
You pass it to him. "Jane Eyre."
He flips through a couple pages and hands it back. "Is it good?"
"It's amazing."
He lays down and puts his head in your lap. "Read to me?"
You open the book. "'There was no possibility of taking a walk that day...'"
A couple chapters in, you hear a car honk, and Pony jumps up to stand protectively in front of you, but it's only Steve and Soda.
"Hey, kiddo. Where you been? We've been expecting you." Steve says.
You smile and stand. "Sorry, got side tracked."
"Hop in."

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