Bucky Barnes x Reader

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You wake up to Bucky sitting up straight in bed.
"Everything okay?" You mumble.
"Yeah, everything's fine, doll. Go back to sleep."
Don't have to tell you twice.
You close your eyes, only opening them again when the weight on the bed shifts.
Bucky's leaving.
"Where are you going?" You ask.
Which meant, in other words, that he'd woken up from a nightmare and didn't want you to follow him.
Regardless, you get out of bed and follow him out into the kitchen.
He leans over the sink and splashes water on his face.
"Bucky." You say.
He jumps and stands up straight. It's too late for him to hide it, and he knows it, but he tries anyway. "I'll be back in a minute."
"Bucky, this is the third time this week." You come into the kitchen and lean against the counter.
"It could be worse." He shrugs.
"It could be the fourth time this week." He suggests.
"Bucky, it's Tuesday. There have only been three nights this week."
"I'm fine, Y/N. Okay?"
"I really think you need to get help."
"No." He says gruffly.
"Sam can--"
"No. Not Sam."
"He can refer you to somebody."
"Why can't you?" He asks.
"I can refer you to somebody."
"No. Why can't you be my therapist?"
"Because you won't let me. Among other things, of course. As in rules, and not your stubbornness."
You wait for him to finish, but he doesn't.
"I don't need help." He finally says.
"Psychology's come a long way since the 40s. No more Freud."
"What? You mean my problems don't stem from an unconscious sexual fetish?" He cracks a grin.
"Well, you know I hate to be the bearer of bad news but yeah, that's the general consensus."
He laughs. "Look at you go, bearing bad news."
"But seriously, baby. Consider it."
You kiss his cheek. "Do you need me?"
"No, I'm okay."
"Then I'm gonna head back to bed."
He nods. "Goodnight."
You go back to bed, but you don't go back to sleep. You listen as Bucky paces the living room.
He finally comes back to bed around three. He's quiet, trying not to wake you.
You scoot towards him and into his arms. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"I might want to go see one of your therapists." He says quietly.
"Good. I'll get you some numbers tomorrow."
"Thank you."
You kiss his cheek. "Goodnight, Buck. I love you."
"I love you too, doll."

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