Sirius Black x Reader

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He was irritated when you weren't home; he was irritated when you were. You were either abandoning him or bothering him. The bed was too soft; the floor was too hard, and the couch was lumpy. He drank too much and ate too little. He slept too much or not at all. Everybody was being gentle with him; it ticked him off. You were being stern with him; it ticked him off. Nothing pleased him. He hated everything.
You tried so hard to put up with it all. You wanted to. You and Sirius had been happy before, and you were confident you could be happy again.
You walk into his room after work on a Friday. "Hey, love."
"You've been gone all day, and you're just gonna waltz in here?" Sirius growls from under the covers.
"Okay, Sirius." You're snippy enough that he raises his head. "This is not how this is going to work. You aren't my sole responsibility."
"I know." He says quietly. "I'm sorry. Come lay down. Please."
"No. Get up."
"We're going out."
He scoffs. "Yeah, right. I can't leave the house."
"Polyjuice potion. Now get up and get dressed."
"I'm not going and you can't make me."
He pulled the covers back over him.
You sigh and go to get in bed beside him. "Sirius, darling."
"Don't call me darling."
"Sirius, asshole."
"Better." He cracks a smile before letting it drop.
"Do we have to talk?"
He grunted.
"Remember in fifth year, when I broke up with Jason?"
"Who's Jason?"
"That muggle I'd been dating for two years."
"Oh. Right. The asshole."
"He wasn't an asshole."
"I didn't like him." He says petulantly.
"Anyways. Remember how I stayed in bed for days and cried for weeks and you brought me chocolate and flowers and books and we skipped class and watched movies?"
"Did you bring me chocolate?" He cracks an eye open.
"... flowers?"
"You didn't bring me a book, did you?"
"Then I don't see the point of your story." He closes his eyes again and rolls over.
"I brought you karma. Now get your ass out of bed." You get up and fight him over the covers. "I win. Get dressed."
With a groan, he gets out of bed and goes to the closet. "I still don't want to go."
"Remus is going."
You, Remus and Sirius go out to dinner and to a club. At first Sirius is unbearable, but then he starts being a little bit less.
"Dance with me." He says, holding out his hand as they play Play That Funky Music. Gotta love the '70's.
"I don't dance." You say.
"Fine, I'll find someone else to dance with."
"Fine, I'll dance." You take his hand.
He takes you out into the crowd. When Stayin' Alive comes on, he discos dramatically.
"I don't like the Bee Gees." He says.
"I can tell." You smile.
"I don't. They're Remus music. I like—"
"Pink Floyd."
"Yes!" He grins. "Let's waltz."
"I don't know how to waltz."
"I know how to waltz."
"Why do you know how to waltz?"
"Why do you not know how to waltz?"
"Fair point."
He puts one hand on your shoulder blade and brings your hand up to his arm before taking your other hand. You try to follow his lead, but you step on his toes a lot.
"Sorry." You say.
"It's fine. I stepped on Mother's toes all the time when she first taught me." He smiles. "You're doing very well, darling."
In the middle of Crocodile Rock, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you to him. "I'm sorry I've been such an arse."
"It's fine." You wrap your arms around his neck.
"I'll try to do better."
"You have every right to be angry."
"Not with you."
"You've always been angry at the world." You say.
"But never with you."
"You're always angry with me."
"Yeah, but that's different." He smiles. "You know, I might learn French."
"Why French?"
He winks. "It's the language of love."
"Hey, if that's how you want to spend your time." You shrug.
"Better than nothing."
"I have a bunch of books you can read."
"I'll take French. I can whisper sweet nothing's in you ear in a sexy language. It'll be great."
"Oh, I'm sure it will."

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