Sirius Black x Reader (Part Two)

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On the train home for Christmas break, Sirius is a mess. Remus tries to be nice for a while, but then decides to let James handle it. James gives him shit about it, as usual. Neither approach does anything to calm him down. You look at your book and try not to get involved. They seem to be handling it.
You've already decided to actually tell your dad about him. You spend most of the train ride pretending to read, but actually imagining all the horrible ways telling your dad about Sirius could turn out.
Sirius doesn't even tell you bye when you part. The other Marauders do, though. They wish you luck. James tries to convince you to hex Sirius' parents. You're sure they deserve it, but you still want to try to make a good impression, even though they probably already hate you.
You wait until dinner to talk to your dad. You go out of your way to be the extra sweet, Daddy's little girl you are when you want something. Your mom realizes something's up, but she doesn't say anything, and your dad's oblivious.
"So, Daddy." You say at dinner. You made his favorite food.
"What, baby?" He sounds like he's in a good mood, so you really don't wanna tell him. It'd be better to tell him when he was in a good mood, of course, but it'll change pretty damn fast when you tell him you're dating the boy who smokes and rides a motorcycle.
"I have a boyfriend."
He looks up from his plate. "You what?"
Your mom smiles widely. She's been telling you you need a boyfriend for the past several years. "Really? That's great! Who? Is it Remus? I hope it's Remus."
"No. Not Remus." You say, making your mother's smile drop.
Your dad looks unamused. "The one with the hair?"
"No. Not James."
"Then who?"
Now your mother looks uncertain and your dad looks far more than unamused.
"That had best not be the one who smokes." Your dad says.
"He's the one with the motorcycle, isn't he?" Your mom sounds like she wants to sigh.
"Yeah. That one."
Your mom actually sighs now. "The one with all the home issues? Who makes you cry?"
Your dad sounds angry. "He makes you cry?"
"No." You say quickly. "I mean, yeah, that's him. But he doesn't make me cry. He's really good to me. I swear."
"Then why's he making you cry?"
"He's not, Daddy. I was just telling Mom about him and I cried. He's great."
Your mom sighs again. "Really, honey? Him? Why not Remus?"
"Mom, please."
"Sorry. I like him."
"I know. But I'm dating Sirius. I know you guys don't like him but you're just gonna have to get over it." Your dad is already angry, so you figure you should just go ahead and be blunt. "Just so we're clear on everything, his parents are racist and abusive. His brother works for an evil man who's trying to take over the wizarding world and his parents side with them. His whole family does, for the most part. But Sirius isn't like that. He's kind of a heathen but he's really a good guy and he treats me well and I love him."
"You just started dating him." Your dad says sharply.
"No. We've been dating for a little over a year. And I'm really sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I knew you don't like him and I didn't expect it to last long enough for you to have to know. But he's been great."
Your mother doesn't look happy as she gets up from the table and walks out.
"He treats you right?" Your dad asks.
"Yes sir. He's amazing."
"You love him?"
"I do, Daddy."
"Okay." He kisses your head as he stands up. "I'll handle your mom."
You stand and hug him. "Thank you, Daddy. I love you so much."
"I love you too, sweetie."

Sirius comes to pick you up on his motorcycle.
"You're gonna put my kid on that?" Your dad asks gruffly instead of saying hello.
"Uhm... I have a helmet for her." Sirius says uncomfortably.
"What about you?"
"I don't wear one."
"You're gonna let my kid watch your head get bashed in?"
You put your hand on your dad's arm as you squeeze by him. "Dad, please. I asked him to pick me up. And I have a helmet for him. I thought it through."
Sirius blinks at you. "I don't wear helmets. They mess up my hair."
You shove the helmet at him. "Get over it."
Your dad grins. "Well, okay. Enjoy."
You and Sirius walk out to his motorcycle.
"Why are you dressed like a nun?" He asks.
"I'm not."
"I just figured your parents are more traditional and I should dress more conservatively."
"I didn't even know you owned a skirt that long." He grins as he gets on his bike.
"My grandma got it for me." You pull your skirt up and climb on behind him.
He whistles. "Ooh, scandalous."
"Shut up."
You ride in silence, your arms around his waist and your chin on his shoulder.
"I should warn you," he says when you get there, "my parents don't know about this."
"Excuse me?" You raise your eyebrows.
"They would've said no. You're Muggle born. And we're gonna avoid mentioning that. If you even start, you're leaving. Don't even say the M word. Deal?"
"You didn't tell them?" You snap. "Sirius Orion Black!"
"Chill out. Regulus probably told Mum. Stop snapping at me. Please."
"No, Sirius. You're ridiculous. I can't believe you."
"Babe, please."
"I don't think this is a good idea, Sirius. I think you're a bloody idiot."
"So does my mother! You guys should get along splendidly. You wanted to meet them. I'm making that happen. Let's get this shit over with. I just want to get this over with and go to the Potter's. So let's go inside."
You let him take your hand and lead you towards the door. He opens it and walks in.
"Regulus?" A woman calls. "Is your friend still coming?"
Sirius gives you a look. "Told you he'd handle it." He whispers before raising his voice. "It's me."
"Oh. You're back." She stops sounding like she has emotions. "Well, Regulus's friend is coming to dinner tonight."
"He lied to you--" He began as he walked towards where she was.
"Regulus wouldn't lie to me." She says sharply.
"He did it for me. Sorry." He sounds uncomfortable. "I brought a friend."
"Sirius Black, I don't want your filthy Muggle sluts--"
"This is my girlfriend." He pulls you into the room after him. "She's neither a Muggle or a slut. Top of the class, too."
The woman turns around, looking rather disgusted with every word Sirius says. "Oh, dear."
"Yes, Mother?" He lets go of your hand and puts his hands in his pockets.
"She's far too pretty for you. What's your name, dear?"
"Y/N." You go to shake her hand, but she just looks at it with disdain.
"I meant your family name." Her voice turns cool.
"Oh. Um. Y/L/N. I'm Muggle-born."
She looks at Sirius, her eyebrows raised. "Orion! Come in here!"
Sirius gives you a look that clearly says "I fucking told you," but you ignore it.
His father walks in. "Oh. Is this...?"
"Yes, dear. She's a mudblood."
"Oh, Merlin."
Sirius's lips tighten. "Mum, Dad. Please. We're not here because I want to be here, we're here because she wants commitment and she wanted to meet you. So don't insult her for being decent."
"Look, kid." Orion says cooly. "Get out of my house. But a word of advice? Stay away from my eldest. He's nothing but trouble. He's not worth your time."
His wife nods. "He's always been a disappointment to us, and I'm certain he will be to you too."
"What the hell?" You ask, looking at Sirius.
"Ah, lovely." Sirius says, throwing up his arms. "Thank you. I really wanted her to think I'm an unworthy disappointment. I'll be at the Potter's for the rest of the break so I don't bother you. Come on, Y/N. I'll take you home. Won't bother you either."
"Sirius." His mother says. "Don't bring your friends back if you come back. But I wouldn't bother with that either."
"What?" Sirius asks.
"Nothing. Out."
"Come on, Y/N. Let's get you home."
You don't even know how to act. "You're both fucking assholes." You tell his parents.
Sirius's eyes widened. "Y/N."
His parents both look offended, even though they'd started with the insults. "What?"
"I said you're both assholes." You repeat. "You're the worst people I've ever met and I just fucking met you. You're whores. And you're both going to rot in hell. Sirius? You ready to go?"
"Yeah." He waves at his parents, grinning. "See you, whores. Let's to, baby." He puts his arm around you and leads you out.
"You okay?" You ask on the porch.
"Yeah. You're fucking badass." He grins, kissing you.
"Well, thanks." You smile, but push him away. "Are you really going to James'?"
"Yeah, I will."
"Okay. Good. Is Regulus okay here?"
He nods. "Yeah, he's good. They love him. I'm sorry I brought you here. But, I mean, it went better than I thought. But I'm sorry you had to take that--"
"It's really not the worst thing I've been through. Are you okay?"
"Me? Why wouldn't I be?"
You hesitate. "Well, I mean... your parents just shit talked you to your face."
He puts his arm around you and leads you down the steps. "Oh, babe. That was nothing. I could've sat through that dinner just fine. I just thought you looked upset."
"Oh, shit. Did I just bitch to your parents even though you were fine?"
"Well, yeah."
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry."
"Nah, don't be. It was nice. I never could've done that. Also it was kinda hot." He sits sideways on his motorcycle and wraps his arms around you, pulling you down to sit on his knee.
"Sirius." You sigh.
"What? No one's watching." He grins, trying to kiss you.
"Your parents are looking out the window, Black."
"I don't care. Do you know how pissed they'd be if I kissed you? Mum'd have a stroke."
"Come on. Let's go out to dinner."
"Fine. But I want a kiss before I take you home."
"I could sneak you in my window." You smile.
"But you won't."
"I will too. Come back around eleven."
"Are you only doing this because you feel bad for me?"
Are you only doing it because you feel bad for him? No. Are you doing it partly because of that? Maybe. "No. You aren't that special."
"I am too special."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetie." You smile.
"It does."
You see his parents still watching. They look disgusted and angry, and you're willing to bet that those emotions would be multiplied if you kissed Sirius. Sure it was wrong to be spiteful, but that didn't make it less enjoyable. So you kiss him. When you pull back, his mother has her hand covering her mouth and his father's face has gone blank.
You pretend you don't notice and stand up. "Dinner?"
Sirius grins and changes positions on his bike. "Hell yeah. C'mon."
You get on behind him. He flicks his parents off before pulling out into the road.

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