Sam Winchester x Reader

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You're sitting in the library when Sam comes in and asks to talk to you. You have a book open on the table, but you aren't reading it. You close it anyways and look up at him.
"I know something that has to be done to defeat the Darkness." Sam says, sitting beside you.
"Yeah?" You turn in your chair to look at him. So far, you had nothing on that matter, and anything was better than nothing.
He nods.
"I... have to go back to the cage." He swallows hard.
You raise your eyebrows. "The cage? With Lucifer?"
He nods.
"The cage, with Satan." You repeat.
"No." You look at him like he's crazy. "No, Sam."
"Y/N, I have to."
"You have to? No. No, you don't. Why the hell would you think that?"
He sighs and runs a hand over his face. "You know I would rather do literally anything else, but I think God wants me to."
"I'm sorry, but why the hell would God ask you to do that? It's not happening. Do you think Dean would go for that?"
"That's why I told you, not him. What we're gonna do is—"
"No. Dean! Dean! Come here!"
"Y/N! What the hell?" Sam sighs.
Dean comes in, brushing his teeth and looking like he'd just rolled out of bed. "Hm?"
"Nothing." Sam says quickly. "Nothing."
"Sam thinks he's going back into the cage." You blurt out, despite Sam's glares. "Tell him no."
"No." Dean says. "What are you, crazy?"
"What the hell, Y/N?" Sam snaps as Dean goes into the kitchen.
"We both know you weren't gonna listen to me." You shrug.
"It has to happen. I don't hear anyone else offering up a plan."
"I don't care, Sam. This isn't happening. I don't care what Amara does, but whatever it is, it won't be worth—"
"What?" Sam raises his eyebrows. "How can you say that? The whole world is at stake. What does it matter about me? It's not like I want to go back. But if I have to, then I have to."
Dean comes back in. "Well, too damn bad. It's not happening." He hands you a cup of coffee.
"Oh, thanks." You say, trying not to sound surprised.
"You looked like you could use it. It doesn't mean I like you." He shrugs.
You take a sip and almost choke. "Did you put whiskey in it?"
"As I said, looks like you could use it."
"Well, I guess I will, if I have to deal with your brother."
"You chose him, I'm stuck with him." Dean sits down.
Sam throws his hands up. "Why are you guys insisting on—We don't have a—Why does no one listen to me?"
"Because you make dumb decisions." You snap.
Dean points at you. "Pretty much sums it up. End of discussion, Sammy. Go get ready, we have a case."
"What about Amara?"
"As you said, we don't have a plan. Might as well do something useful."
Sam turns away with an irritated sigh.
"You should go check on him." Dean says, sipping his coffee and whiskey.
"You go check on him."
"You. He's mad at me."
"He's mad at me too. You're cute, so he's more liable to get over it if you go. So go."
"Oh, you think I'm cute?"
"Screw you."
You get up to follow Sam out. He's not in his room when you get there, so you sit on his bed to wait. He comes in a second later.
"What'd you do? Take a back road?" You ask with a smile.
He doesn't say anything, just grabs a duffle bag and starts shoving clothes into it.
"Sam." You sigh.
"What?" He asks, throwing a shirt onto the bed. "What?"
"Why are you upset?"
"Because sometimes sacrifices have to be made in light of the greater good, okay, Y/N? I was the one who let the Darkness out, I'm the one who has to fix it. And it doesn't matter what you think or what Dean thinks."
"Well, it's two against one here."
"I'm ready for this, Y/N."
"Are you, Sam?" You ask quietly.
He sighs and shakes his head. "No. Not at all. But it has to be done. So I'll do it."
You look down at your lap, blinking hard.
Sam sits down beside you, putting his arms around you. "I know. I know."
"Get off me." You writhe, and he drops his arms. "I'm mad at you. You're stupid and selfless and it pisses me off."
"I'm... sorry?"
"You should be." You start crying, completely against your will.
He lays his hand over yours, staring down at his lap while you cry. He doesn't speak until you've stopped crying. "I don't want to do this, Y/N. If there was another way—"
"There is, you stupid boy! There's always another way."
"This is bigger than us."
"You can't do this, Sam. We'll find another way."
"Okay." He's saying it just to make you feel better, but you'll take it for now. "Okay. We'll figure something out, babe."
You pull his arm around you, leaning against him. "Thank you."
"Sure. I love you."
"I love you."

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