Steve Rogers x Reader

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"Steve? Can we talk?" You ask, rather anxiously.
"Sure." He says, coming to sit beside you on the couch. "What's up?"
"Please don't be angry."
"Okay." He says, sounding worried himself now.
"Promise?" You grab his hand, almost unconsciously, playing with his fingers.
"I'm signing the Accords."
"What?" He looks at you sharply.
"Yeah." You drop your gaze. "I know Bucky means a lot to you, but Tony's right. We need to be put in check."
"Yeah, Tony's always right, huh." He scoffs. "Need I remind you of Ultron? Or--"
"Steve Rogers."
"Please behave like an adult."
"Behave like an adult? I always behave like an adult. Peggy's gone, and Bucky's all I have left."
"What about me?" You demand, dropping his hand, trying not to be offended.
"You know what I meant."
"No. No, I don't." You stand up. "I'm going to stay with Natasha. Don't you get that betrayed look on your face. You're the one being petulant, Steve. I'm alone too, you know. You aren't the only one who's lost everything. I thought I at least had you. Look, when I get back, I'll help you with Bucky, if you're willing to wait, but I'm signing the damn Accords."
"I'm being petulant?" Steve says, following you to the door. "Y/N, come on. Come back."
You leave.
Nat isn't home, though, so you go to Tony's.
"Oh, hey, Y/N. What's up?" Tony asks, his hand on his shoulder.
"Not much. Can I crash here for a while?"
"I doubt Steve'd like that."
"You know what Steve can--" You began angrily.
"Okay, okay. Gotcha." Tony says wuickly. "Yes, you can stay here. What's up with you and Steve?" He asks.
"He's being a child."
He pours you a cup. "I'm sure you and Steve'll work things out. He loves you."
"You sure about that?" You ask bitterly.
"What did he do?" Tony demands protectively.
So you tell him.
"He didn't mean that. He's just upset." Tony says.
"Can you do me a favor, Tony?"
"Sure." He agrees.
"Don't tell him I'm here."
"I have to. No offense, but I really don't need him more angry with me than he already is. Besides, he's going to want to apologize."
"I don't want his apologies."
"Yes you do."
"It won't change anything."
"But it'll make you both feel better. But if you don't want him knowing where you are, you might want to go somewhere else. I don't like to keep secrets, especially from you guys."
"I understand. Just... Can you wait a bit?"
"Sure. Unless you'd like to tell him when you're ready."
"I don't."
"Can you do me another favor?"
"Sure." He says. He's always giving favors, what's one more?
"Behave like an adult. Even if Steve doesn't."
"I know. I will."
"Thank you."

You know Tony's told Steve that you've been with him, but Steve hasn't been by.
You go to Peggy's funeral anyways. You don't sit with Steve, because the last thing you need is to start a row at a funeral.
You approach him afterwards, when he's the only one left in the church.
"Hey." You say.
He turns to look at you. "Hey." He stands up and comes over.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"Well, I'll see you around."
"Thanks for telling me where you were, by the way." He says sarcastically.
"Tony said he was going to."
"He did. But since when did what Tony says mean anything?"
"Look, Steve. I know you're mourning, but that's no excuse to be a douche."
He sighs. "I know, I'm sorry."
You nod.
"Why are you here? Don't you have to go sign the Accords?"
"Yeah. I just wanted to check on you."
"You aren't still angry?"
"Oh, no. I'm angry. But I couldn't leave without checking on you."
"Thanks." He said quietly.
"You should come."
"Only to appease you. But we're making a shit ton of amendments to that thing."
"Watch your language, Steve. We're in a church."
By the time you get there, you and Steve are on good terms again.
Tony smiles when he sees Steve.
"Hey, Cap. I'm sorry." Tony says.
"It's all right." Steve says.
You nudge him.
"I'm sorry too." Steve says.
"Good. Now group hug." You say.
"Y/N." They both grumble complaints, but you pull them both in anyways.
"I love you guys." You smile innocently.
"Yeah, you too." They both say.
You let them go.
Steve pulls you aside. "I really didn't mean what I said." He says quietly.
"I know."
"You know I love you, right?" He says, looking imploringly into your eyes.
"I know. I love you too."
He kisses you lightly and then wraps you in a hug. "I'm sorry."
"Me too."

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