Tony Stark x Reader

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Everybody tells you not to tell him.
Steve is adamant about it. He doesn't want Tony to get hurt.
None of them do.
Their intentions are pure, but what they do is wrong, and you have to tell him.
You don't want to. Not at all.
You have no desire to break Tony Stark even more. Who would?
But you don't have a choice.
Your vote was that Steve told him. He had known him longer, after all.
His favorite response is "You're his lover. If you want to do it, you can do it yourself."
He still refuses, so you go to Tony's after another attempt to convince somebody else to do it.
JARVIS lets you in and gives you directions to Tony's garage.
"Hey, it's me." You say when you walk in.
He rolls out from under a car. "Hey, babe." He grins up at you. "What's up?"
"Not much." You say, clasping your hands behind your back to try to hide your shaking.
"Wanna go out to lunch?"
"It's dinner time."
"Wanna go out to dinner?" He jumps up and wipes his hands on a rag.
Procrastination is key, after all.
"Let me shower." He kisses your cheek and winks. "You're welcome to join."
"I think I'll pass." You smile.
"You okay?" He gives you a concerned look.
"Yep. I'm gonna wait with a book." You say, and skedaddle.
You wait on the couch, staring at the book.
Steve texts you to ask how Tony's taken it, and you respond with a "I haven't told him yet. I despise you."
"When he comes out. Just tell him. Just blurt it out and stop being a baby. Just tell him." You say to yourself.
"Tell who what?" Tony asks, coming in to stand in front of you.
You jump roughly ten feet in the air.
"Tell you how much I love you!" You jump up and suavely wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. "I love you a lot. Thiiiis much, to be exact." You step back and stretch your arms out. "I love you." You kiss his cheek. "Ready to go?"
"Um... Yeah. Are you sure you're okay?"
You nod.
"You know I'm the alcoholic, right? We can't both be alcoholics."
"I haven't been drinking." You shove him playfully.
Three anxiety attacks and a three-course meal later and the two of you return to Tony's. He'd offered to drive you home, but you'd suggested going back to his house.
He'd readily agreed, but he wouldn't have if he knew what you wanted to say.
You text a string of profanity to Steve. He responds with a "You got this, kid."
You want to punch him in his perfect face sometimes.
"Anything you wanna talk about, babe?" Tony asks as you walk inside.
"No." You say, far too quickly.
He looks at you weird, but you ignore it.
You wait on the couch, and Tony comes out with a glass of whiskey and a glass of wine. He hands you the wine and sits.
It's not long before he puts both of your glasses on the table and starts kissing you.
You're mentally berating yourself for not saying anything, but you kiss him back, because it's a good procrastination technique, and it stops him from questioning you.
"Tony, I know how your parents died." You blurt out.
He jerks away, as if you'd just electrocuted him. "You what?"
"I know how your parents died."
"What?" He stares at you, as if you're speaking Croatian.
"Do you want to know?" You ask, tears pricking your eyes.
He nods, looking at you as if you're an alien. He's clutching your hand unconsciously.
"Hydra sent somebody. He caused the accident to get whatever was in your parents' trunk. Um... he caused the accident, and then he killed them, and then he took the stuff and left."
He's shaking.
"D-do you want to see a video?"
"No." He says, but he's nodding. He changes his word to "Yes."
"Can I use a computer?"
He stands up and half drags you to his office. He turns his chair around for you to sit.
You log onto his computer, hack into some top-secret files, and pull up a video.
"I don't want to watch it." He walks away.
You exit out and follow. "Me neither."
"Yes I do." He pulls you back and sits down, pulling you down onto his lap.
You pull it back up.
He wraps his arms around you and gropes around until he finds your hand.  He squeezes it. He's rocking back and forth.
"We don't have to watch this." You tell him.
"Play it, Y/N." His voice comes out rough and choked.
You play it, and put your arm around his shoulders. You play with his hair, because you know it comforts him. He leans against you and stares at the screen.
You watch too.
You're crying.
"Oh my God." He says when it finishes.
You kiss his forehead. "It's okay, Tony. Please don't freak out." You say, starting to panic.
He pushes the chair away from the desk and practically dumps you off of him in his haste to stand. He backs away, clutching his chest. "Oh my God." He repeats. He drops to his knees, gasping quietly. He puts his hand against the wall.
You kneel in front of him, sobbing.
"Why--D-did I not kn-know about this?" He gasps, looking up at you. "W-why?"
"They didn't want you to feel like this." You manage out through your sobs.
"They? They who?" Tony demands, reaching out for you and grabbing your arms. "They who?"
".... Everybody."
You nod.
You nod.
You nod.
You nod.
"Why did nobody tell me?" He wheezes.
"They didn't want you to hurt like this."
"Oh my God." He says again, letting you go to grab at his chest.
"Tony. Tony, look at me." You say.
He comes forward and kisses you, practically pushing you back onto the floor. "Thank you." He says, kissing you sloppily, like when he's drunk.
"Yeah, sure." You nod.
He slows down, catching his breath and  then kissing you properly. "I love you. I adore you. I'm in love with you. Come on, let's go. Come with me."
"My bedroom."
"I literally just turned your world upside down."
"You're the only one who cared enough to." He kisses you again, desperately. "I'm in love with you, Y/N."
"I love you too."
"That's not what I said. I said I'm in love with you." He kisses you again.
"I'm in love with you too."
"Please never leave me. Marry me? I love you." He stops kissing you to look at you.
You nod.
You nod.
"I really expected you to say no." He grins--a dramatic change from just one minute ago--and kisses you.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because I'm an unstable mess."
"That's all right, so am I."
"Why were you crying?"
"You frightened me."
"I frightened you?"
"I legitimately thought you were gonna hurl yourself out the window."
He turns to look. "It's open? Dang it."
"Tony." You say in a panicked voice, grabbing onto his sleeve.
"I'm sorry." He turns back to you. "Now can we go to my room?"
"No. We're getting married now, no reason to be a fornicator."
"No sympathy points?"
"I'll make you coffee."
"I'll take it." He laughs, kissing you once more before standing. He holds his hand out to you.
You take it and stand.
His smile falters and he looks at you.
"I'm sorry, Tony. I just figured you'd want to know."
"I did. Thank you."
You text Steve to update him: "I told him, and he's glad, and we're getting married. Take that, bitch."
Tony's phone rings and he picks it up. "Hey--Yes. No, I did not ask your permission, you aren't Papa Steve now. Yeah, well, I'd've told you if I knew how your parents died. No, I'm not bitter. Yes, you'll be invited--Honey, can Steve be godfather of our kids?" Tony asks.
"I don't want kids."
"Doesn't want kids. You're out of luck." Tony says, then back to you. "He says to adopt."
"Fine." You smile.
"Okay, godfather it is. Now, you're interloping on my coffee time, gotta go. See you, Cap." He hangs up. "You got me in trouble."
"Sorry, babe."
"Coffee now?"
"Yeah, love."

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