Tony Stark x Reader

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You stare at your phone for half an hour before finally picking it up to call Tony.
He answers in a quiet voice. "Hey, love. What's up?"
"I need to talk to you. Can I come over?"
"Yeah, sure. Drive safe."
He doesn't try to keep you on the phone, and he doesn't tell you he loves you. He sounds somber, like he knows something's wrong. He should; it's been coming for a while.
You get in the car and go over, crying the whole way there.
You knock as you open the door. "Tony?"
He steps into the foyer. "Hey. Come on in."
You bite your cheeks and follow him inside.
You're crying before you even sit down. "Tony, I love you."
"But I can't do this anymore." You try to suck it up, but you can't stop crying. You hadn't wanted to cry until it was over. "I can't sit around and watch you kill yourself. I wanted to help you, but you wouldn't let me, and I don't know what else I can do. I can't keep trying in vain. You need actual help. You need more than I can offer. I can't do this. I can't watch it. You don't even try, Tony. You're content to wallow in your pain. That's not normal. I can't do this."
He's watching you with a blank expression. "If that will make you happy." He answers, his tone matching his expression. He sips his whiskey, turning to look out the window.
It wouldn't make you happy. Not in the least. "I'm sorry, Tony."
"I understand completely. I wouldn't want to date someone like me either."
He wasn't trying to make you feel guilty and you know that, but you feel guilty anyways.
"I'll see you around."
He nods.
You kiss his cheek and let yourself out.
You cry in your car in his driveway for a solid hour.
You can't do this. You have to go back inside.
But you couldn't do that. This was best for both of you.
But was it?
You decide to go back inside anyways.
"Tony?" You call, your voice trembling and quieter than you meant for it to be. "Tony?"
You go back to the living room.
There's a hole in the wall that wasn't there before. The vase on the coffee table that you thought was hideous (you'd never said anything because Tony liked it) was in pieces on the opposite wall.
"Shut up, JARVIS!" You hear Tony yell. "Don't tell me that, I already know! Leave me alone. Go to sleep. Just shut up."
You follow the yelling into Tony's bedroom.
"I'm only saying, sir," JARVIS is saying, "that this is exactly the behavior that caused Y/N to break up with you."
"I tried, JARVIS. I tried to be better when—I tried."
"I know, sir—"
"So why the hell should I keep trying? A lot of good it did me. I have nothing now—"
"You have me, Mr. Stark."
"Just let me self-destruct, JARVIS. It's easier this way, okay? Thank you. I really do love you. When I die, I don't want a funeral. Just have someone announce it to the press and cremate me. Okay?"
"Tony." You say from the doorway.
He turns around quickly and says in a calm voice that sounds nothing like he sounded when talking to JARVIS, "Y/N. You're back. Did you, uh, did you leave something...?"
"Is it too late to take everything back?" You ask quietly.
"Are you only saying that because you overheard my conversation with JARVIS?" He asks, avoiding looking at your face.
"No. I was going to before I came back in. I love you, Tony. I don't want to be without you..."
"Please understand that I try." He says, not moving towards you. "I don't like how I am and I really, truly am working on it. I'm not content to wallow in my pain. I just... I don't know how to do anything different."
"Please get help, Tony."
"Okay. Maybe you're right." He lifts his eyes to yours.
You nod. "Thank you. You won't regret it."
"Y/N? I love you. I really, truly love you more than anything. I want you to be happy. Can you be happy with me?"
"Please love me, Y/N."
"I do love you."
"Please don't leave me alone."
"I won't."
"No, please stay tonight."
"I know. I will. Come here."
He comes into your arms, resting his forehead on your shoulder. "Is it too early to go to bed?"
He falls asleep relatively quickly and you follow soon after. When you wake up in the morning, Tony's not in bed. You expect to find him in his workroom, but you find him in the kitchen, scrambling eggs.
"Good morning, beautiful." He turns to you with a smile.
"Good morning. How are you?"
"Hungover and unfortunately sober. How are you?"
"I'm good." You pour yourself a cup of coffee, sitting at the bar and watching him. "Are you okay, Tony?"
He takes the pan off the eye and turns around, leaning his elbows on the countertop. "Yes?"
"I need you to talk to me, or this isn't gonna work. Please work with me."
"I'm not going to blow my brains out and there's no whiskey in my coffee. I'm fine. Can we not talk about it?"
"Okay. I love you."
He winks and turns back to the stove. "I know."

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