Leo Valdez x Reader

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You and Leo sit deep in the woods beside a campfire, Leo manipulating the fire into different shapes for your amusement. You smile as it takes the shape of a unicorn, and frown when it turns into Voldemort drinking the unicorn's blood. Leo laughs and changes it into a diamond ring.
"You know, Leo, you could make a lot of cash pretending to be a magician for the–" You cut off when you turn to see him holding out a ring just like the one in the fire.
"Will you marry me?" He asks, holding your gaze.
"Only because you make the fire do cool things."
"Of course." He grins, slipping the ring onto your finger and kissing you. "I love you, Y/N. I really do."
"I love you too." You grin.

*Six Years Later*

"Esperanza!" You call. "Leo! Dinner!"
You hear running footsteps and your husband bursts in the room. "Tacos!" He says excitedly.
Your daughter runs in hot on his heels. "What's for dinner, Mamá?" She stands on her tiptoes to look over the counter. "Papá didn't cook, right?"
"Hey." Leo gasps with mock offense as he picks his daughter up. "Do you not like my cooking, mija?"
"You burn it, Papá." She giggles and squirms as he tickles her.
You brandish a serving spoon at him and he puts Esperanza down before taking the spoon and making a taco for her.
"Thank you!" She says with an adorable grin, and runs to take her seat at the dining table.
Leo takes your hand and spins you around before pulling you to him. "Bonjour." He says with a Flynn Rider Sexy Smolder.
"Oh, you're French now?" You laugh. 
"I see."
"Those are the only two words I know." He admits with his signature grin.
"Go on. Fix your plate." You laugh.
He kisses you before letting you go, saluting, fixing a taco and marching into the dining room chanting "Left. Left. Left right left."
With a smile and shake of the head, you fix your plate and take your seat at the table.
"Papá. Guess what me and Mamá did." Esperanza says excitedly around a mouthful of taco.
"Hmm, defeated a giant?"
She giggles. "No, Papá. Guess again."
"Changed your mother's headlight?"
"Ew, no."
"Do that tonight, Leo." You add, to which he gives another salute.
"I give up." Leo tells his daughter, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation. "Tell me."
"We had a tea party with Tía Piper." She was wiggling in her seat, excited to tell her father all about the tea party with Tía Piper and Osito, and her new dolly (whom she named Elfie Leonidas Hera Hades Annie Nicholas Montana the Third).
"When did Elfie Leonidas Hera Hades Annie Nicholas Montana come into the picture, exactly?" He asks after she finishes telling a detailed description of the tea party.
"The Third!"
"Elfie Leonidas Hera Hades Annie Nicholas the Third." He nods solemnly.
"Yesterday." She says perkily. "I'll show you her when you read me a bedtime story."
"Cool." Leo grins.
"Papá can have a tea party with you tomorrow." You suggest.
"Oh, yes!" She grins excitedly.
"I don't like tea, unfortunately."
"It's okay, Papá. I don't like tea either so I have lemonade. You like lemonade."
"I do like lemonade." He agrees. "Well, then, it's a date."


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