Dallas Winston x Reader

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You're soaked through from running to Dally's in the rain.
You're sitting on his bed, curled up with his jacket pulled tight around you.
Dally paces the floor in front of the bed, muttering angrily to himself.
You hadn't told him why you're there, but he had guessed from the mark on your cheek: your parents.
He bangs his fist into a wall and you involuntarily let out a frightened squeak and start to cry.
He spins to look at you, almost as frightened by the sound you'd made as you had been by his punch.
He comes over and wraps you in his arms. "It's okay, babe. I'm sorry." He whispers, planting a light kiss on your jaw. "C'mon, let's get you out of them wet clothes, huh?"
He picks you up, depositing you on the other side of the bed.
You don't even respond as he undresses you and slips one of his t-shirts over your head. He pulls a hair tie off of your wrist and ties your dripping hair up out of your face.
He does all of that so gently before letting you go and balling his fists, half shouting, "My God, I could fucking strangle them both!"
"Dallas." You say quietly, sobbing.
He sweeps you back up in his arms.
"It's okay, baby. I've got you now. No one'll lay a hand on you so long's I'm around." He says protectively.
You wake up the next morning, still in Dally's arms.
He's still awake when you open your eyes.
"Have you been up all night?"
"I'm pissed."
"Dallas, you're the most beautiful human being in existence, I'm pretty sure. You act like you're so tough, but you're a big teddy-bear."
"Why do you call me Dallas?" He asked, instead of affirming or negating your statements.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No. Don't stop anything."
"I love you, Dallas."
He just hums.
"Say it, Dal. There's no one here but me, and I promise not to tell anyone you have actual human feelings."
"I love you." He whispers in your ear.

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