Tony Stark x Reader

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You watch video footage from this silly war the Avengers are having. You chose to stay out of it.
Is that a child at that airport?
You move closer to the television.
Your phone rings, and you reach for it without looking to see who it was. "Hello?" You say, staring at Spiderman.
"Hey, baby." Tony says. "Look, can you do me a favor and send a plane out here to pick someone up?"
"His name's Peter--"
"Is he the child?"
"Is he okay?"
"Yes. I'm sending him home."
"Fine. I'll do it. We'll talk later."
"I love--" He begins, but you hang up.
You rant to JARVIS on the plane ride. He does a lot of "Yes, I see, but Mr. Stark--"ing.
You pick up the child from Germany. "Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm Tony Stark's girlfriend. I've come to take you home." You greet him.
"Your accent's so cool! I'm Peter Parker, by the way." He says brightly.
As you start home, he starts talking. He tells you what's happened so far.
"But did you get your homework done?" You ask.
"You said you were Mr. Stark's girlfriend?" He ascertains.
"Yes." You smile.
"Yes, I got it done."
"Aunt May doesn't exactly know I've left, so can we maybe not tell her about this?" Peter asks.
"I suppose so. How did you wind up over there?"
"Mr. Stark commissioned me."
"He did?" You try not to let your anger seep through into your voice.
"Yes--yes ma'am."
"Thank you for taking me back." He says. "Mr. Stark wouldn't let me stay."
"Sure. Let me drive you home."
"Okay. Thank you."
He talks the whole ride to his house too.
You like him, though. He's adorable.
"You can come inside." He says when you pull up. "Aunt May would like you, I think. Just don't mention the whole Spiderman thing, if you don't mind..."

A plane lands at the compound a few days later. You'd been keeping a lookout, so you rushed over. You got there just as Steve and Bucky walked off of it.
You run and hug Steve. "Oh, hey." He says, catching you.
"Are you all right?" You ask, letting go to inspect.
He looks pretty roughed up. "Yeah. I'm okay."
"Hi, Bucky. I'm Y/N." You say, holding out your hand to shake.
"Hello." He nods.
You hug him, too, before he gets a chance to decide to shake your hand or not. He awkwardly pats your back. "Are you all right?" You ask him.
He nods.
"Where's Tony?" You ask Steve. "And Sam. And Wanda, and Nat? Shit, and where's Rhodey? And Clint? Are they okay? And who was that other person with you all?"
Steve adverts his eyes. "They're fine. I have to go." He says, and walks away.
Bucky follows.
You wait for Tony, and he comes home shortly after, back to Stark Tower.
"Hello, Mr. Stark. Good to have you back." You hear JARVIS say.
You get up to greet him.
He looks worse than Steve. "Hey, baby." He says. "Can I shower before you chew me out?"
"Go ahead."
You had spent a lot of time thinking of how you'd chastise him. You were glad to finally get to use it.
He takes a quick shower and returns, not looking all that much better.
He joins you on the couch, kissing you.
He starts to slide your jacket off of your shoulder, and you push him off. "You can't shag away all your problems." You snap. "You realize you put Peter Parker in danger, right? He's a child, Tony! He could have been killed, all because you guys can't behave like adults!"
"I realized that. Hence why I sent him home. And yes, you're right. I can't 'shag away' all my problems unless you work with me. And that's exactly what I'd like to do, so if you wouldn't mind--"
"I do mind, Tony. I'm not having sex with you just because you have a deteriorating mental state--"
"Hey! It is not deteriorating!"
"That isn't what we're talking about."
"Come on, baby. I don't want to talk about it right now." He says quietly.
"Do you not trust me? I'm not asking for much. I've stayed by you while you were dying. I stayed while you drank your life away. I stayed while you were losing your shit at everything that happened. I'm tired of you not telling me anything, Tony. I'm not going to sit around and be your little sex toy for when you're feeling down."
"No, baby, that's not--"
"That's not what, Tony? Don't even finish that. Talk to me, or I'm walking out the door."
"Baby, why are you so angry?"
"I'm not just here to have sex with you, Tony. You have to talk to me, or this isn't going to work. And you'd better have a damn good reason for getting Peter involved--"
"I'm sorry, baby. Please. I..."
"Talk, Tony. At least tell me something. Where the hell Rhodey is, for starters."
He opened his mouth and closed it. "I..."
"You what Tony?"
"I can't right now. I..."
"I'm going to go see my mom." You stand up. "I'll see you around."
"Y/N." He says, following you out the door. "Y/N, please. Please stay with me. I don't want to be alone."
"You should've realized that years ago." You say quietly, walking out the door.
"Please, Y/N. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Y/N. Please--"
His words are cut off as you slam your car door.
It's raining when you pull into your mother's driveway.
"Hey, Mum." You call as you walk in.
"Oh, Y/N! Hey, baby. I'm in the kitchen!" Your mom calls.
And you start crying.
Tony calls incessantly starting about thirty minutes after you get to your mom's.
At least he could respect your wishes for half an hour.
After the fifth or so call, you turn off your phone.
"I'm gonna go to bed, honey." Your mom says later that night. "I changed the sheets on your bed, so they're clean. You should get to sleep soon, too."
"Yes ma'am. I will in a minute." You accept her hug and kiss, but you don't go to bed.
You start in that direction about an hour later, but the doorbell rings.
You know well enough that nothing good happens after midnight, but you also know for a fact that it's Tony out there, so you go to get it.
He isn't wasted, like you'd expected. He looks significantly worse than he had before you'd left, though.
"Hey." He says quietly.
You slip outside onto the porch. "Hey." You say.
"Do you still want me to talk?"
You nod.
He's quiet for a minute. "Well... you were right. About everything. As always. I do have a bit of a drinking problem, you're right. I've gotten better, though. And yeah, I do have a bit of an anxiety problem too. But it's nothing I can't handle."
You want to say that it's obviously something he couldn't handle, since he isn't handling it well at all. But you refrain yourself.
"And I can handle it. I will. And yes, sometimes I would rather have sex than talk about what's going on. I don't know what I feel most of the time, so I can't talk about it. I'm sorry that you feel like I'm using you. I'm not. You're the only person I'm comfortable with. And I like to be with you. I suffer less. I... I want to be close to you, but I'm struggling to do that mentally, and it's easier physically. I guess I am kind of using you, but not, you know, in a bad way. I just want to be with you." As he spoke, he was grabbing at your hand.
"But now Rhodey's in the hospital--he'll be okay, though. They said he would be. Cap's angry with me. Everyone else's imprisoned. Because of me, as always. I just watched a video of my mother--my parents, I mean--dying. Bucky killed them for Hydra. And now you're angry too. And that's the part I can't handle. Please forgive me, Y/N."
"Gladly." You say, wrapping him in a hug.
"Please understand that I can't talk about it all right now. I want to. But I can't. I'm sorry." His arms easily slip around you and tighten.
"It's okay, Tony. I'm sorry."
"I love you." He whispers in your ear.
"I love you too. Do you want to come in?"
He follows you in. You lock the door and bring him to your room.
"Aww, you have flowers on your walls. How cute." He says.
"Shut up." You scowl and sit on the bed.
He turns off the light and gets in beside you, as he does every other night. You tell him it's because you're lazy that you never turn off the light, but it's actually because you're scared of the dark, and you both know it.
He wraps his arms around you. "We should consider getting a smaller bed at home." He suggests.
"The rooms are too large. I've told you we should move somewhere smaller."
"Okay. Let's do it."
"What?" You turn to look at him, surprised.
"Yes. Let's do it. I thought I'd had everything before, but now I realize I'd had nothing."
"And so now you want to move?" You prompt, a bit confused.
"Yes. Now I realize I don't need all that. I have everything."
"What added to the equation to give you that thought?"

Multifandom Oneshots (II)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora