Dean Winchester x Reader

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The first time you'd met Dean Winchester, he'd driven you home from some bar because your friends had disappeared. You'd gotten in the car, and Dean had started playing Barry White.
So you'd gotten out and walked. He'd laughed and followed, walking you home.

Your doorbell rings several years later, so you go to see who's there. You open the door to see Dean Winchester for the second time.
"Tell me to fuck off." He says.
He's covered in blood, and his face is wet.
"Tell me to go away." He says.
"Fuck off." You say, if only from the shock of it all.
"I've been through Hell." He tells you. "I went to Purgatory. I lost my parents. I lost my brother. But nothing has ever hurt me as much as you have."
"I'm sorry, Dean." You start to cry. "I didn't mean to."
"I know. I just want you to keep hurting me."
"I'm sorry, what?" You ask.
"Just treat me like normal."
"What's going on, Dean?"
"I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry." He turns to walk away.
"Dean Winchester, get your ass in my house." You snap.
He comes inside.
"Go on. Go get in the shower. I'll wash your clothes."
He showers, and comes out in a towel.
"Oh, your clothes are in the dryer. They should be dry."
He goes to get them, and comes back fully clothed a while later.
"I made coffee."
He pulls you to him and kisses you roughly.
"Dean, where's Sam?"
"I love you." He says, kissing you again.
His shirt comes off.
"Dean, what's on your shoulder?" You ask, breaking the kiss again. You touch the hand-shaped mark.
"That's an angel's handprint. Kiss me." He kisses you again.
"He pulled me from Hell. Kiss me."

You're laying in bed with Dean the next morning.
"I'm sorry. I just kind of... barged in here." He says quietly.
"It's all right, I don't mind." You prop yourself up on your elbow to look at him. "Are you okay, Dean?"
"Yeah. You?"
You nod and lay back down.
"I'm going to say something completely insane." He warns you.
"Is that new?" You look at him.
He smiles. "Ah, there's the Y/N I know."
"What were you gonna say?" You prompt.
"Will you come with me?"
You sigh, because you're about to say something even crazier.

Hey y'all. So I sort of lost the paper I'd written what y'all'd requested on so if y'all'd requested something I haven't posted yet either private message me or comment it here and I'll actually write it this time haha

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