Steve Rogers x Reader

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Steve's asleep on your couch. You'd told him he could sleep with you, but he was insistent he didn't. He'd been on your couch for the past week, though.
You hear him muttering, so you get up to go see what he's doing. You think maybe he's playing Mario Kart, but when you get in the living room, he's asleep on the couch.
"No. Bucky. No." He's muttering, cringing. The blankets are on the floor, and the pillow his head is on is clenched in his hands.
You go back in the bedroom, since there's nothing you can do. You stare up at the ceiling until you hear him scream, and then you go back.
Now the lamp is on, and Steve's sitting up on the couch.
He turns to look at you. "Hey, honey."
"Why are you up?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
You take a seat beside him, and he instinctively moves his arm around you. "I couldn't sleep."
"Me either."
"Who's Bucky?"
"I'm sorry?" His arm tightens around your shoulders.
"Bucky. Who is he?"
"Just... a friend from the past. How do you know about Bucky?"
"You talk in your sleep. What happened to Bucky?"
"He died. In the war."
"I'm sorry, sweetie."
"'Me too. Go on back to bed."
"Come with me."
"No, I'll stay here."
"Don't be such a gentleman. It's the twenty-first century. Chivalry's dead."
"Not with me." He kisses your temple with a smile.
"Steven, you can come with me or I'll stay here with you."
"I don't want to sleep alone. It's not very chivalrous for you to deny a damsel in distress, now is it?"
"You're not distressed—"
He laughs quietly. "Okay, okay. I'll be there in a second."
You kiss his cheek and stand. "Good."

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