Dallas Winston x Reader

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Dally had kissed you last New Year, and you'd slapped him. Two-Bit and Steve had nearly died laughing, not even stopping when Dally threatened to rearrange their faces if they didn't can it. Soda had tapped his cheek for you to kiss it, and you'd kissed him on the lips, mainly to piss Dally off.
This New Year, all of you are sitting in the Curtis' living room. Dally had been wasted last year. If he hadn't been, you might have considered letting him kiss you, but he had been. This year, however, he wasn't near as drunk as last year, but you put the entire room between you, just in case. You didn't have the heart to slap him this year; he'd grown on you. Not that you'd admit that.
Johnny's asleep with his head in your lap, and Dally's watching stoically as you run your fingers through Johnny's hair. Everybody glances at Johnny every now and again. He'd had a rough day.
You shake him awake at 11:50, because that's what he'd asked you to do.
"Y'know what's funny?" Steve says, and everybody turns to look at him.
He's looking at Dally, though, but he doesn't answer.
"Guess, Dal." Steve presses.
"Shut up, man." Dally says, reaching out and taking the beer bottle from his hand.
Steve huffs and sits down on the floor.
"What's funny, babe?" You ask.
He shoots you a lopsided grin. "That you'll call everyone that but Dally."
It makes Johnny snicker, so Dally smiles a little.
"That's all right, baby doll." Dally assures you. "It won't be long."
"That's what you think." You respond.

"I'm leaving." Dally announces some time after one. "Anybody want a ride?"
"Me." You stand. "Steve, come on."
"No. I'll drive myself."
"No you won't." Dally says gruffly. "C'mon."
"Anyone else?" Dally asks. "Going once, going twice. All right, I'm out. Let's go." He walks out without so much as a goodbye to anyone.
You give a general goodbye, and Steve yells a general goodbye before you lead him out.
"Are you okay to drive, Dallas?" You ask.
Dally responds by getting in the truck.
Steve talks the whole way to his house, indifferent whenever Dally tells him to can it. It takes five minutes for him to actually go inside, but he does. Eventually.
He grunts in reply.
"Why do you hate me?"
"I hate everyone."
"You love Johnny."
"I don't love shit."
You roll your eyes. "Why do you hate me more than you hate most people?"
He doesn't answer.
You ride in silence until you get to your house.
"Thanks for the lift." You say as he pulls into your drive way.
He grunts.
"Why won't you ever talk to me unless you're being an asshole?"
He grunts again. What a dick.
And to think you were actually starting to like him.
You heard your mother yelling from inside the house.
"Goodnight, Dallas."
You get out and start to your house, but turn around when he calls your name.
"You okay here?" He asks, looking like it's exhausting to not be an ass.
"Do you wanna come hang at my place for a bit?"
You can think of a million ways that could go wrong, but you don't want to go inside, so you go back to the truck.
"You know, Dally, you're not half bad."
"Wanna bet?" He snarls.
"It's like you want everyone to hate you."
"I do."
You go back to Dally's place, and wind up falling asleep on his bed.
When you wake up in the morning, Dally's gone, but there's a note on the table: Getting breakfast. Don't go anywhere.
You don't know how long he's been gone, but you decide to get up and shower regardless. You feel dirty after sleeping in Dallas's bed--who knew when he'd washed the sheets last?
When you get out, Dally's walking in with biscuits from the place down the road. He throws one at you.
"Can I pay you back?" You ask as you sit back down on his bed.
"You sure?"
"Thanks, Dal."
"Why do you call everyone babe?"
You shrug. "I just do."
"Why don't you call me babe?" He asked casually.
You grin. "I like to watch you squirm."
"You know Y/N, I passed up a real hot broad last night to hang with you guys, and I didn't even get a kiss."
"Ask Two-Bit or Steve."
"Not what I was going for."
"Well, it ain't gonna be me. It was your choice."
"A dumb ass choice, now that I look at it."
You laugh. "Most of your choices are. I wouldn't worry about it."
"Oh, I don't. When you want me to take you home?"
You shrug. "Whenever. Thank you for letting me stay here, Dally."
"Anytime, baby girl. Hey, you wanna catch a movie tonight?"
You sit through the movie with his arm around you. You ignore it the whole time, and he knows it. He's Dallas Winston, though. He wasn't someone to get involved with. Regardless, when he takes you home after the movie, you lean over the console and kiss his cheek. "Thank you, Dally."
"Anytime, doll. Let's do it again."
"All right."

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