Dean Winchester x Reader

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"Why else would he be killing a cow, you morons? Why would he run if he was 'on a hunt'?" You roll your eyes. "Maybe if y'all would stop being so petty, you would realize it."
"Stay out of it, Y/N." Dean snaps.
"Don't be a jerk, Dean." Sam snaps at him.
"Then tell us. Why was Garth sacrificing cows and why did he run?" Dean crosses his arms.
"You," You point at Dean. "You have been a selfish asshole lately. I'm not happy with you. Clean up your act. And you," You point at Sam, "I don't have a problem with you, really, other than you just left me with your asshole of a brother."
"You're the one sleeping with him, Y/N." Sam shrugs, doing his best to hide an amused smile.
"Yeah, Y/N," Dean says gruffly. "You're the one sleeping with me."
"Not if you don't fix your attitude."
"Right." He nods, shifting his eyes everywhere around the room besides at you. "I'm sorry."
"For?" You prompt.
"Really? Is the apology not enough for you?"
"It is. Apology accepted. Now, let's go find Garth."
"What's your theory?" Sam asks.
"He's a werewolf."
"What the hell, Y/N. He's not a werewolf." Dean says, with the tone of somebody struggling to stay calm. "He's a hunter."
"So was Gordon." You reply in the same tone.
"Are you two fighting?" Sam asks awkwardly.
"No." You and Dean both snap.
"Yeah. Okay." Sam says, scratching the back of his neck.
"Okay, let's go. You get shotgun, Sammy." You start to walk out.
"No, you." He follows.
"Do you wanna argue with me?" You turn to face him.
"No. Not really. No."
"Thank you."
He opens the car door for you.
"I'm so glad you're back, Sammy." You smile.
"I'm not... back. I'm just here for this, and then I'm gone." Sam says.
"Get in the car." Dean growls, getting in and slamming his door.
"How can you live with him?" Sam asks.
"With lots of irritation."
He laughs and gets in the car.
"So, Sammy." You lean forward in your seat to play with his hair. "When are you getting a haircut?"
You except Dean to say something along the lines of "Yeah, you look like Justin Bieber," but Dean keeps quiet.
"I'm not." Sam swats your hand away. "Don't touch it."
"What shampoo do you use, though? It's really soft. It's silky. I thought hair only looked like that in movies." You laugh.
"Um, well, thanks. I think."
"Now that we've established Sam has luxurious hair, can we actually talk about the case?" Dean asks.

You find Garth in some girl's house. You'd started to go to hug him, but Dean pulls you back and glares. He hates when you go on cases with them.
A woman bursts out of a closet with werewolf teeth bared, but Garth yells for everybody to stop before she can be seriously injured.
"You're married?" You ask, looking at him weird.
"To a werewolf?" Dean's tone is less friendly than yours.
You go with Garth's wife to "find ointment" for her cut. She'd just gone because Garth had asked her to, and you'd just gone because Dean had told you not to.
"I'm sorry about that." You say.
"It's okay. I suppose I see where you guys are coming from." The blonde woman says.
"I apologize for Dean. He's been in a really bad mood lately, but it doesn't excuse his behavior today."
"It's fine. I know how complicated men can be." She smiles, and you laugh, and the tension is broken.

"I believe them." You say as you get in the car.
"We have met good monsters before." Sam agrees.
"There's no such thing as a good monster." Dean counters.
"Dean, it's Garth." You look over at him. Sam had insisted you get the front this time, so Dean can see your expression. "Can you really be so... so..."
"Callous?" Sam suggests from the back.
"That works. I'm going with you, Dean."
"With me where?"
"To Garth's church or whatever it is."
"Why not?"
"You think I'm bringing you into a house full of werewolves? Fat chance."
"I don't trust you not to be a complete asshole."
"I'm a grown ass man, I know how to be civil."
"I highly doubt that."

You and Sam teamed up on him, so you got to go with him. You'd tried to get him to not wear silver, but he insisted.
The woman who answered the door was so nice, and Dean wasn't as unpleasant as you'd expected.
When you go inside, Garth is playing the piano while his wife sings.
You and Dean stand to the side while the congregation, if it could be called that, walks past and out of the house.
"These aren't people, Y/N. Don't get attached—" Dean is hissing in your ear.
You gesture to two kids who'd just walked out. "What, Dean? We're supposed to kill preteens now? Is that what you want us to do?"
"Y/N—" He starts to respond with the same attitude, but he cuts off when Garth approaches with the preacher man.
"Dean, Y/N, these are Bess's parents, Reverend Jim and Joy." Garth says.
Reverend Jim holds his hand out to Dean, but Dean doesn't take it, even when you elbow him.
"Dean has a fear of germs." Garth says.
"Yeah, a total germaphobe." You give the reverend a smile and move to shake his hand. "I'm Y/N, it's nice to meet you."
"A pleasure." He smiles.
Dean puts a hand on your hip and pulls you to him.
"Will you stay for lunch?" Joy asks with a smile.
"If it's not an inconvenience, that would be wonderful." You smile, talking quickly in an endeavor to get the words out before Dean can stay anything.
"Not at all! Come on into the dining room."
The family leads the way in.
"Do not touch me, Dean. Do you hear me? We're done. I'm not putting up with your bullshit anymore. If you can try to be somewhat civil for this lunch, maybe we can talk. But this isn't going to work." You turn and go into the dining room before Dean can say anything in response.
You sit down, and a couple seconds later, Dean sits beside you without saying a word.
You try to keep an appalled expression from your face as Joy dishes out raw meat to everybody. She gives you and Dean cooked meat.
"You're not eating your meat, Y/N." Garth comments.
"Yeah. I'm vegetarian." You say, trying not to sound disgusted.
"Really? When did that start?"
"A couple months ago." You lie. It actually started a couple minutes ago.
"Okay, Dean." You say as you go out to the car after lunch. "What more do you want from them? They're the sweetest people out there. They're killing cows, just let them be."
Dean gets in the car without another word.
You get in the passenger side and look over at him. "What? We aren't talking anymore?"
"I don't know what we're doing anymore." Dean answers quietly, his tone resigned instead of angry, as you'd imagined.
"Fine. I'll leave after this case is over."
"Where will you go?"
"I don't know. I might tag along with Sam." You shrug and turn to look out the window.
"Great." He takes a flask from his pocket as he drives.
"Really, Dean?"
"You could have shaken the man's hand, Dean."
"He's not a man, Y/N."
You ball up your fists in your lap. "Then neither are you." You snap.

"Well." Dean says, after you've all killed some werewolves who were trying to take over the world. "Are they still so sweet? Should I have shaken the thing's hand?"
"Can you guys not fight?" Sam asks. "It makes me uncomfortable."
"It makes me uncomfortable when you two fight." You tell him.
"Are you leaving?" Dean asks him.
"Are you going with him?" He asks you.
"Sam's not leaving." You say. "You two talk. I'll wait in the car."
You get in the car and cast your eyes down to your phone as they talk.
When they get back in the car, Sam looks indifferent and Dean looks like he wants to either cry or kill someone.
"Y/N?" Dean says, turning to face you.
You look at him.
"Can we just, you know, kiss and make up?"
"I don't know, Dean. Can we?"
"I want to."
"Are you going to stop being such a jerk?"
"I'll try."
"And stop drinking so much. You're going to ruin your liver."
"Maybe. Probably not. Can you get out of the car? I want to talk to you."
You get out of the car and lean against the hood. "Well?"
He stands in front of you, his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He says, moving his eyes to look at you but keeping his head angled down.
"I'll try to do better. Please forgive me. I... I love you."
"I love you too."
"Please take me back. I need you now."
He nods.
"What happened with you and Sam?"
"Strictly business."
"What does that mean?"
"He says he doesn't trust me. We can't be brothers anymore, apparently."
"That's not how it works."
"Yeah, I know."
"It'll work out, Dean." You kiss his cheek and wrap your arms around his neck. "It's gonna be okay."
"It will."
"Or it won't."
"It will."
He kisses you. "Okay."

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