Newt Scamander x Reader

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Newt had been too nervous to talk to you, so he hadn't.
You had been too nervous to talk to him, so you hadn't.
He spoke to you eventually, though.
You were sobbing out in the Forbidden Forest. It was the only place you could be alone.
"Ex-Excuse me?" He'd stammered out.
You'd jumped away.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Um. Are you... Are you okay?"
You'd nodded. It was an obvious lie.
"Can I... May I come closer?"
You'd nodded, and he'd approached you.
"Are you all right?" He'd asked.
You'd nodded.
He'd put his suitcase down and held out his hand to you. "May I show you something?"
That's how it'd started, and it'd taken a full year for him to make eye contact with you, but now the two of you were almost inseparable. He'd even managed to stammer out that he loved you a couple times.
He comes over for dinner on Christmas, looking exceedingly distraught.
"What's wrong?"
"I have a slight problem."
"What is it?"
"I've lost my niffler."
You smile and grab your coat. "Well, then, let's go find him."
Two hours and three broken store windows later, his niffler's back in his suitcase. He stares at you the whole walk back to your house, running into a couple of poles.
"Sorry about that." He says with one of his cute, awkward little smiles as you lead the way into your house.
"It's okay. It was fun." You smile. "Besides, I know how much your creatures mean to you." You kiss his cheek.
Newt lays his overcoat over the back of the couch and goes to put a book he'd borrowed back on your shelf.
You take Pickett, his bowtruckle, out of his pocket and bring him into the kitchen with you.
"He's adorable, huh?" You ask Pickett with a smile, putting him down on a shelf at eye level as you finish up dinner.
"So are you." You tell him with a smile, tickling him lightly with your index finger.
He clings onto you as you pull your hand back, and he climbs up onto your shoulder.
"Must be nice to be with him all the time, huh? And to be an object of such affection--Yes, I know you're not an object, sorry--I know I'm a not-object of affection as well." You smile.
"Don't eat that." You smile, pulling him back as he scampers down your arm to the lasagna. "It's not time for dinner yet. Patience."
You turn around to see Newt smiling at you.
"You have my bowtruckle." He smiles
"He's my buddy." You smile back.
"You're wonderful. You're perfect." He says.
You smile with a slight blush. "Thanks."
"I'll trade you. Bowtruckle for niffler."
He's joking. He would never give up any of his creatures, not even an Obscurus.
"Nah, I like Pickett." You smile.
You bring Pickett over to him, though, and Pickett responds by sticking out his tongue.
"Oh, come on. Don't be like that." Newt smiles, scooping him off of your shoulder.
He continues staring at you as you set the table.
"Oh, I could help. I'm sorry." He says, stepping forward.
"No, no, darling. It's okay. I've got it. You relax." You smile. "Go sit down."
He sits at the table.
You set a plate in front of him, and then join him.
"It's delicious." He says.
"Thanks." You smile.
"Will you marry me?" He blurts out, his cheeks red, his eyes adverted.
"You're asking because of how I've been with your creatures tonight." You smile.
"Y-Yes, a little bit. I mean, I was planning to before, regardless, but I was too scared, and but I--"
"Yes, I'll marry you, Newt."
He smiles and goes to his coat, returning with a ring, kneeling beside you and sliding it onto your finger with shaking hands.
You smile and kiss him as he starts to stand back up. "Newt, I love you."
"And I you." He says, hesitating before kissing you back, as he generally did. He pulls away and looks at you. "I think you're fantastic, Y/N. Thank you so much--for everything."
"Thank you, Newt." You smile and peck his cheek. "I think you're marvelous."

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