Sam Winchester x Reader

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Sam and Dean won't let you go with them, so you decide to treat yourself to a day of reading.
When Sam comes home that evening, you're still curled up on the couch. "Hey." You look up with a smile.
"Hey. How was your day?" Sam kisses you.
"Good, yours?" You're anxious to finish this line of conversation. You want to tell him about your book.
"Good. Hey, I have to do some research, okay? Dean's getting food, but he should be here soon. I'll be back in a bit."
"Okay." You put a smile on until he leaves the room.
Of course he couldn't stay to talk. Sam used to be the sweetest, most attentive boyfriend, but lately he couldn't seem to find the time to carry on a conversation lasting more than two minutes. Dean's been paying more attention to you than Sam, and Dean doesn't really even like you.
"Hey." Dean says gruffly when he gets home.
"Hey." You aim to sound like you don't care that he has a big, still wet blood stain on his shirt. You don't like him, you don't care if he's hurt, as long as it's not fatal. You hate each other.
"I got McDonalds. And pie." He continues.
You set your book down and follow him to the kitchen. "Cool."
"What're you reading?"
You try not to let your face light up as you start talking about it, but from the expression on Sam's face when he comes in, you'd failed.
"I just wanted the title." Dean says when you finally stop talking.
"Well, too bad. I didn't ask what you wanted." You retort.
"I knew you two getting along wouldn't last long. But I was getting worried. I thought something was wrong." Sam says with a laugh.
You put on a smile. "Nope, everything's peachy."
They both look at you.
"That doesn't sound like everything's peachy." Sam says.
You shrug and grab your food. As soon as you finish eating, you go back to the couch.
"I told you you were out of your league with that one." You hear Dean say.
"Shut up, Dean."
"You barely acknowledge she's even here, man. You better step up your game if you wanna keep getting laid."
"Oh. You're right."
"I always am."
After a moment, Sam comes in to sit beside you on the couch, his arm dropping casually over your shoulders. "Hey, baby."
He takes the book from you, setting it aside. "I'm sorry."
"I know."
"I'll do better."
"I know."
"There's just a lot going on. I don't want you to get involved or have to worry, but Dean and I are handling it. It'll be over soon."
"Please say something."
"I love you, Sam."
"I love you too." He smiles and kisses your cheek, adjusting to make himself comfortable.
"Don't you need to do research?"
"I'm okay. I wanna stay with you for a while."
"I'll come to the library with you."
He slips his arms around you, picking you up and standing. "I love you."
"I know."

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