Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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He turns around, an expression of surprise on his face. "Y/N. How did you get here?"
"I came to find you. Why else would I be here?"
"I don't have it." He shrugs, smiling now.
"You... what?"
"The tesseract. I don't have it."
"Okay, good for you. I guess." You don't have the slightest clue what that is or why he would have it or want it.
"No. No. I need it."
"No you don't. Come back home."
"Because I miss you. Thor misses—"
Loki scoffs. "Thor doesn't miss me. He wants the—"
"If you say tesseract again, I'll kick your ass."
"Didn't you get my letter? I said I'd be back to Asgard in a couple of days."
"Just to leave again."
"I was going to see you." He says, like that makes it okay.
"That isn't the point, Loki. We want you to come home to stay."
"I don't have a home."
"You act like nobody loves you."
"They don't." He snaps.
"What about me? And your mother? Thor?"
"Thor loves nothing but the throne."
"Okay, what about your mother?"
"Leave me." He says cooly.
"No." You shrug.
"Come with me."
"Not until I find the tesseract."
"Loki." You sigh. "Please come home."
"I have no home." He says again.
"You know fucking what." You snap.
"No, tell me." He holds up his hands. "Please enlighten me. I beg of you."
"You are a cold, calculating, ruthless, self-centered—"
"I've yet to hear an insult."
"Son of a bitch—"
"Did you just insult my mother? I thought you liked her."
"I'm insulting you, you idiot!" You snap.
"Please, then. Continue."
You throw your hands up. "Never mind. I'm done. You talk about Thor loving nothing but the throne, but you're the selfish jerk who loves nothing but power. I'm going back to Asgard and I don't care if you ever come back."
"Y/N—" He reaches out a hand.
You jerk your arm away. "Don't touch me. Get your filthy hand off of me."
"Y/N, please."
"Don't you want the tesseract? I can get it." He says.
"I don't know what that is! I wanted you! God, Loki. If I'd listened to Thor, it would've saved me a hell of a lot of trouble."
"Caring about you has been nothing but a waste of my time. I don't care if you love me or if you love anyone, but I'm tired of looking out for you."
"Looking out for me? I'm a prince, I don't need you looking out for me."
"I'm so tired of your shit, Loki. Goodbye. If you come back to Asgard, do us both a favor and don't see me." You turn and walk away.
"Y/N." He says quietly.
"No, Loki."
"Do you truly not love me anymore, Y/N?" He asks softly.
You sigh and turn back to face him. "That isn't what I said, Loki. I said I'm done."
"No. No, Loki. Goodbye."
"Y/N." He says again, but this time, you don't turn around.
You go back to Asgard and straight to Frigga.
"Your son is a douchewad." You snap. "I can't stand him. I'm done with his crap."
Frigga smiles. "You say that every time."
"I know. But I mean it this time."
"You say that every time too."
"I don't know how you do it. I know he's your son and you love him, but damn. He doesn't make it easy."
"No, he doesn't. But underneath it all, he's a good man."
"I know. It'd just be easier if he'd act like it at least once."

A couple days later, there's a knock on your door. Before you can get up to answer it, there's another knock. It must be Thor.
When you open it, Loki's standing on your doorstep.
"Well?" You ask.
"Well what?"
"Did you find the tesseract?"
"I needed to find you first."
You shrug. "For what?"
"To... apologize."
"You're a prince. You don't need to apologize."
He sighs. "I'm truly sorry, Y/N."
"No you aren't, Loki."
"I am." He reaches out and takes your hands in his. "I really, truly am. I'm not above begging you for forgiveness."
"You say that, but you're lying to me."
"Okay, fine. I may or may not be waging a war on Midgard." He gets down on his knees before you and bows his head. "Please forgive me, Y/N. Without you by my side, power would be meaningless."
You pull your hand away. "We both know you don't mean that."
"No, but we can both pretend." He looks up at you. "What do you say, my dearest?"
"Fine. But only because when Thor gets his hands on you, you're a dead man. Get up."
He stands and kisses your hand. "Well, then, we'll just have to make sure Thor doesn't get his hands—"
"Oh, no. No, no. You mistake me. When Thor gets his hands on you, I'll be watching with popcorn."
"If you didn't know I'd come crawling back to you every time, my life would be so much easier."
"Oh, yes. You're far too predictable for your own good—"
"Predictable? I'm not predictable! I am spontaneous and—unpredictable."
Thor's booming voice comes from down the hall. "LOKI!"
"Hide me?" Loki asks with a smile.
"Come in."

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