Steve Rogers X Reader

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When you leave for breakfast with your best friend since pre-school, it's sunny but early enough not to be hot.
You wait for a while before she comes and sits down.
"Someone's late." You smile.
"Sorry. I got distracted. I texted you. But I left my phone at Brent's." Angela sits down across from you. "Aw, you got me coffee. How sweet."
"I know I am." You smile sweetly. "And my phone's broken, remember?"
"Ah, yes. You decided to drop it in the toilet."
"It fell."
"Uh-huh. I'm sure. This is the third time you've done it. You're lucky it's lasted this long."
"You're telling me."
As you're eating breakfast, the waitress comes over with more coffee, but drops the coffee pot as she's pouring it. When you look up, her hand is disappearing into flakes, and the rest of her follows suit, like when Luke Skywalker died.
"Ange?" You ask uncertainly, staring at the empty space where the waitress was.
"Yeah. I saw that too."
Several other people in the cafe have the same fate, along with some of the people walking by the window. Everybody's panicking. There's screaming and cars crashing.
"We should go." Angela says, grabbing your arm as she stands. "Let's go."
"Ange." You stand, but her hand's disappearing.
The next thing you know, she's gone. You don't know what's happening, so you don't know what you're supposed to be feeling. You grab her purse to use her phone, but, of course, she'd left it at her dumb boyfriend's.
You sit numbly at the table until the cars stop crashing before getting up and walking out. You leave money on the table--sure, it could be the end of the world for all you know, but that's no reason not to pay. You walk quickly down to your dad's house, but he isn't there, and neither is his girlfriend. There's a broken coffee mug on the floor in the kitchen.
From there you go to your mom's house. She's gone, but your step-dad is there. You and he never got along, but you'd never been happier to see him. You hug him, and he hugs you back without saying anything.
"Can I come over here tonight?" You ask.
"I'm gonna go check on Angela's parents."
"Okay, kid."
"Do you have Steve's number?"
You should have memorized it. But it was too late for that, now.
You leave and go to Angela's parents' house. They're both okay, so you have to explain that their daughter disintegrated over breakfast.
After they stop crying, you use Angela's mom's phone to call Steve. You know he's busy and don't expect him to answer, but you call anyways, and he doesn't answer.
You stay with them until dusk, wishing you hadn't already asked to stay with your step-dad. You'd much rather be here.
You go back to your mom's, hoping against reason that your mom would be there. She isn't, so you and your step-dad watch Footloose in silence until you start crying.
"Oh, shit. Please don't do that." He says uncomfortably.
Half the people you love are dead. What are you supposed to do?
You go home the next morning to see Steve sitting on your couch, his chin resting on his hand. He stares blankly at the tv, even though it wasn't on.
"Steven?" You say, putting your hand on his shoulder.
He jerks to look at you. "Y/N?" He stands quickly, knocking two pillows off the couch in the process. "Are you... real?"
"Last I checked."
He wraps his arms around you tightly, putting his face in your hair. "Oh, God. I called you. Where's your phone?"
"Broken. I called from Angela's mom's phone."
"I don't know where my phone is." He kisses you before putting his face back in your hair. "I'm so glad you're okay, baby. Oh, God."
"Where's Bucky?"
"He's in Wakanda still. Can we not talk for a minute?"
You don't say anything, just stand there hugging him. You desperately want to ask what had happened. You're sure he has an explanation.
After a moment, you ask anyways. "What the hell happened, Steve?"
"There's this titan god thing whose job it is to even shit out and he got a bunch of rocks called Infinity Stones and wiped out half the population."
"Is everyone else okay?"
"Yeah, babe. Everyone's fine."
"But that doesn't make sense, if he wiped out--"
"You don't trust me?" He smiles a bit, putting his fingers on your cheek.
"I know you're lying, Steve. You're using your lying voice."
"No I'm not. You just worry too much. Are you okay?"
You start crying, wrapping your arms back around him and putting your face in his shirt. Since Bucky was okay, you could cry. "No."
He smooths your hair down, kissing your head. "I know." He whispers. "We'll figure it out, baby. It'll be okay."
"Not every problem can be solved by willpower, Steve."
"Not with that attitude."
"Shut up. I don't wanna hear your stupid optimism."
He kisses your head again. "I know."
You and Steve sit on the couch all day, his arm wrapped tightly around you. He asks you if you want him to leave, and you really don't want him to, but you tell him he can if he wants.
"I don't want to." He kisses your head.
He offers to make dinner, but you say you're not hungry. He isn't either, so nobody cooks.
"Are we supposed to have funerals?" You ask as you're getting into bed at night.
"I don't know, babe."
Usually he has all the answers.
You get in bed, and he gets in on his side. You wait for him to come to yours, but he doesn't. Usually you don't want him to because you can't sleep with someone that close, but he usually does anyway, and you just push him off after he falls asleep.
"Come here." You say, without turning over.
He moves onto your side and wraps his arms around you. "I'm so sorry." He whispers.
"Are you okay?"
"Fine, babe. Don't worry. Are you?"
"I'm fine."
"Then why are you crying?"
Because you miss Angela, and your mom, and your dad and half the damn population. "I'm fine." You turn over in his arms to put your face in his shirt.
"I'm sorry, babe." He kisses your head.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
You're exhausted. You've been exhausted since Angela disappeared. You fall asleep quickly, but you don't sleep very well, so you wake up when Steve moves. You assume he's going to the bathroom, and you don't really want to be awake, so you go back to sleep. You wake up again later to find Steve sitting up in bed, staring at the wall, the lights still off.
"Steve?" You mumble. You don't want to be awake, but you figure you should probably check on him.
"Sorry. Go back to bed." He reaches out and moves his hand through your hair.
"What's wrong?" You sit up.
"Nothing. Just thinking about how we can fix this."
"Come up with anything?"
"Go to sleep, Steve."
"Can I kiss you?"
"Um... yeah. But--"
He kisses you.
After a minute, you push him away. "What's wrong, Steve?"
"Bucky's gone." He says. "T'challa. Sam. Wanda. Vision died for real."
"Oh. Wow. I'm so sorry, sweetie." You put your arm around his shoulders and kiss his temple.
He lays his head on your shoulder. "Sorry I didn't tell you. I thought you had enough to deal with."
"It's okay. You should've told me, though. Are you okay?"
"Not really, no." He clears his throat and sits up straight. "Sorry. Go back to sleep, baby."
"No, I'm good." You move your arm and lay your head on his shoulder. "But not sleeping's not gonna make you feel better."
"I know. I just really would like to figure something out."
"What about Tony?"
"I can't get into that right now."
You kiss his cheek. "We'll figure something out, honey."
"I know. I know." He moves so that he's holding you. "Get some sleep, darling."
"When you do."
"I can't sleep right now, Y/N. I just need to know you're not going anywhere. I'll sleep soon."
You kiss him again before making yourself comfortable in his arms. "Goodnight, Steve."
"Goodnight, honey."
You fall asleep as he runs his fingers through your hair, humming quietly. It could have sent you crying, but, instead, it sends you soundly to sleep.

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