Dean Winchester x Reader

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"Tell me something, Y/N." Dean says, coming into the room you're in and leaning against the wall.
You look up from your computer. "Yeah?"
"What'll it take to get you to kiss me?"
You refuse to show any expression. "Well," you say, deadpan. "When we're the last two humans on earth and—"
"Smartass." He scoffs but smiles as he comes to sit beside you. "What are you reading about? Find a case?"
"Oh, no. Just politics."
"That's what I said."
"Tell me about it."
He sits quietly while you talk, looking at you attentively. He tries to put his arm around you, but you turn your chair to face him as you talk—the better to relay your passionate points. You don't know if he's actually listening or not, but that doesn't stop you from continuing to talk. His paying-attention-to-you look is strikingly similar to his undressing-you-in-his-head look.
When you finish, Dean leans forward in his chair and answers you in a way you'd expect from Sam. He acknowledges your opinion and states what he agrees and disagrees on.
You stare at him when he finishes.
"What?" He asks.
You lean forward and peck his cheek.
"You know, that's not exactly what I meant." He gives you a smile. "But I'll take it. Beggars can't be choosers."
"Right you are." You smile.
"How about I take you out to dinner?"
"All right." You smile and walk out.
Sam looks up from his book. "See, Dean, you catch more flies with honey."
"Shut up."
That evening, there's a knock on your door and Dean walks in. "Hey. Ready?" He asks gruffly.
"Yes. For the record, I'm not sleeping with you."
"I didn't expect you to. Let's go."
You and Dean go to get dinner and pie. You sit in the restaurant, having actual conversations instead of talking about cases or doom that was always impending.
"You know, Dean," You say in the car on the way back. "You aren't half bad."
"Well, I knew that." He gives you a smirk. "I'm glad you know that."
"Sam always said you were all right."
He looks at you. "Is that really what he said? Only all right?"
You laugh. "No, that's just all I'm willing to give you."
"Well, I'll take it."

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