Sam Winchester x Reader

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"There's nothing to worry about." Sam tells you for probably the millionth time today.
You turn your face into his shirt as you cry. "Nothing to worry about?" You sob. "It's my whole fucking future."
Your professor is fond of long, arduous exams.
You, on the other hand, are not.
"No, baby. It isn't. Besides, you can do it. You're brilliant. You can do it."
"I can't do it. I don't want to go. Sammy." You plead, looking up at him.
"I can't make you go, but I know that you can. You'll do great. Look, I'll drive you there, and then I'll come pick you up."
"I'm gonna fail."
"No you aren't. Have you ever failed an exam in your life?"
You shake your head.
"There you go. So why should you fail this one?"
"Because if I don't pass I don't graduate. So therefore I'll fail."
"You aren't going to fail. Come on, let's get some shut eye."
"I don't want to sleep." You cry.
"Come on." He swoops you up in his arms and carries you to the bedroom, laying you in the bed and climbing in beside you, neither of you bothering to change.
You put your face in his shoulder.
He keeps his promise and drives you to class the next day.
"Once you get through the doors I'm driving away. I'm not gonna wait here and let you come back." Sam says in the parking lot.
You nod, glancing over at him.
He leans over and kisses you for a good while.
"For luck." He pulls back with a sheepish smile.
You kiss his cheek. "I love you, Sammy. Thank you. See you in a bit."
When he comes back to pick you up, you feel much better.
"Well?" He asks with a smile.
"I don't think I failed." You smile.
"Great! I told you you'd do fine." He kisses your cheek. "Chick-fil-a to celebrate?"
"How can I refuse?"

You get your exams back the next week.
"Sammy!" You yell as you walk into your house.
"Kitchen! What's wrong?"
You go into the kitchen. "Sammy!" You repeat.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" He turns away from the stove.
You shake your papers in his face. "I got an A!"
He hugs you, spinning you in a circle. "That's great!"
You smile and sit at the island.
"See, all that worrying for nothing."
"Yeah, yeah."
"And who was right?"
"You were right. You always are." You laugh.
"Not really, no. I'm only right when I agree with you or you're wrong, and that's a rare occurrence."
You laugh again. "I appreciate your faith in me."
He turns and shoots you a smile. "Anytime, babe. I think, if you wanted to, you could move move a mountain."

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