Tony Stark (Part II)

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Your doorbell rings and you jump at the sound. You straighten a final strand of your hair before turning off the straightener and running to get the door.
Tony Stark stands on your doorstep wearing a tux and a smile. "Hey. You look amazing."
"Thanks." You smile, your cheeks flushed.
He offers his arm, and you step outside and lock the door before taking it. He walks you down the steps to a Maserati and opens the door for you. You smile and get in.
"Like classic rock?" He asks casually as he gets in the driver's seat and turns on the car.
"Yeah, I like it."
"Great." He smiles, turning on the radio.
You listen to Journey on the way to wherever he's taking you.
He gets out and comes around to open the door for you. You get out and look around, your gaze landing on the sun sinking down below the water. Tony grabs a picnic basket from the back seat and smiles charmingly before offering his arm and leading you down to the white sand.
You help spread a blanket and you both sit. You look to the setting sun and don't drop your gaze until the blazing orange circle is fully out of sight below the horizon and the clouds are left a mixture of purple and rose.
When you look back to Tony, he's laid out food, two glasses and a bottle of champagne. You don't actually like champagne, but you don't say anything as he pours it.
You and Tony stay out on the beach, eventually, as the breeze becomes cooler, using your blanket to wrap up in instead of sit on.
When he takes you home, he kisses your cheek and starts to go back to his car before turning around. "Hey, Y/N?"
"On a scale of one to ten, how much did you enjoy your night?"
"Ten." You say honestly.
"On the same scale, how likely would you be to accept if asked again?"
You smile. "Five."
He laughs and goes to his car. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Tony."

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