Remus Lupin x Reader

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You sit in a cafe with Remus. His arm's reached across the table and you're playing with his fingers. The remains of your coffee sit to the side, cold and long forgotten. You don't look at Remus, though; you don't like eye contact. You stare at his hand.
"I thought you might like to know..." He begins.
You look up at him, staring at his nose so that it looks like you're making eye contact. "Yeah?"
"I plan to ask your hand in marriage. I figured you'd want to think about it."
"Okay." You say, looking back down.
"That's it? I expected a bit of a more of a reaction, if we're being honest." He smiles.
"It's a simple enough question."
"... Should I not ask?"
"You should do whatever you want to do."
"Can you not be mysterious for a second and give a straight answer?"
You shrug, and he laughs.

You're at your house the day after you leave Hogwarts for the last time.
"Come down here, Y/N." Your father calls.
You get up off your bed and go down the stairs in shorts and a t-shirt.
Remus stands up off the couch with a smile when you get there. "Hey."
"Hey." You smile back.
"Hey." Your dad butts in.
"Hey." You tell him, then turn back to Remus. "I thought you were with James and them."
"Made a pit stop. Wanna come? Lily'll be there."
"Sure. Just let me get changed."
"I think you look lovely how you are." Remus says, to which your father narrows his eyes.
"Yeah, well. I'll be back."
"I'll pick out your clothes." Your father offers.
He'd pick out an oversized hoodie and sweatpants.
"No thanks." You laugh.
You come back down in jeans and a blouse.
"You look--" Remus cuts off at the look from your father. "Nice." He finishes.
"Thanks, you too." You smile. "Bye, Dad."
"Bye, kiddo. Don't stay out too late."
"Yes sir."
"Wanna stop by the library really quickly?" Remus offers.
"Sure." You agree. Who would pass up the library?
In the children's section of the library, there's a rather large bear that the children climb. You've loved that bear for as long as you could remember. The last time you played on it was a few months ago when you and Remus had dragged Sirius to the library. At Sirius' and Remus' compulsion, you had played on it again for the first time since grade four.
Remus leads you over to the bear. It's seven o'clock, so it's devoid of children.
"Why are we in the children's section?" You inquire of Remus.
You turn away from the bear to see him kneeling with a box open.
"I hope you've thought about it." He says.
"I didn't need to."
"Why's that?"
"Because it's the only easy decision I've made in years."
"And what did you decide?"
He breaks into a grin and starts to slide the ring onto your finger. He freezes. "You know I don't want to have kids, right?"
"I know. You said that you'd want to adopt if we ever wanted a child."
You've had this conversation millions of times. This was where he reminds you of his lycanthropy and says he's only dating you because he's a selfish bastard who wants to be loved (generally leaving out the explanation, unless Sirius or James had put something in his drink).
Of course, that's what he says now too. "You know I'm just being selfish, right? I shouldn't be putting you through this."
"You aren't putting me through anything."
"Yes I am. I'm... well, you know." He glances around. "And that's going to reflect badly on you--it does reflect badly on you--You're right. I should put you first and--"
"I never said anything."
"Weren't you thinking it?"
You take the ring and slide it onto your finger.
He rises and goes to kiss you, but you hold out your hand to stop him. "What?" He asks.
"Not in front of Mr. Bear!" You whisper.
He turns so that his back is to Mr. Bear and you're right in front of him. "Better?"
"Actually, I think he can still see us."
"Would you rather it in front of Sirius and James?"
"True." You agree.
"May I kiss you?"


So, I've kind of been wanting to write a Remus Lupin fanfiction. I'm sort of in the middle of writing (aka forgetting to write) a Tom Riddle fanfic but I think I'd probably be better at writing a Remus one haha
But I don't actually have a plan for it or anything, but I didn't have a plan for any of the others I wrote either so. But do y'all think I should do it?

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