Enjolras x Reader (In Which Nobody Dies, You're Welcome)

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"I'm starting a revolution." He says as you're laying in bed that night.
"No you're not." You counter.
"Yes I am. At the funeral."
"Don't ruin his funeral."
"He would have wanted it."
"Enjolras, please. Just stay home." You turn onto your side to look at him.
He's laying on his back, staring at the ceiling. "I can't."
"Enjolras, please."
He turns onto his side to face you. "I have to. A man is nothing if he doesn't stand up for what he believes."
"Why can't you guys sign petitions? Or organize peaceful protests? You needn't start a revolution, for God's sake."
"You're wrong." He says quietly.
"Enjolras..." You sigh, beginning to plan a counterargument. You change your mind. "Just come home." You finish.
A knock on the door interrupts Enjolras' response. He gets up to answer it, and you follow, pulling a robe around you.
He opens the door to reveal Grantaire. "What do you want?" He asks.
"Can I stay here?" Grantaire asks.
"Stay somewhere--"
"Enjolras." You say quietly.
"Fine. Come in."
Grantaire steps inside.
"Can I get you something to eat?" You ask. Enjolras scowls at you in disapproval.
"No thanks." Grantaire says.
"How about a glass of water while Enjolras makes up the spare bed?"
Enjolras goes to do it, though he doesn't look thrilled to do so.
"I think he's brilliant." Grantaire is saying when Enjolras returns.
"Sometimes too brilliant for his own good." You agree.
He nods.
"Do me a favor?"
"Don't join the revolution."
"I'm following Enjolras."
"Don't. Please, Grantaire."
"I don't like you, I like Enjolras."
"I know you believe in him, but this is dangerous."
"I know. We all know what we're getting into."
"Grantaire, please."
"Convince him not to."
"He doesn't like me."
"Besides, he doesn't listen to anybody. What good would it do?"
"You could try--"
"He has no faith in me. I'm nothing to him. If it's so important to you, you try. You're the only one he listens to."
"I tried." I said quietly, wiping a tear that had forced its way out of my eye and was working its way down my cheek.
"Don't cry. Please."
"I care for you, Grantaire. As does Enjolras. You may not care for anybody, but we care for you."
"I care for Enjolras." He says simply.
You put your head in your hands, trying to contain threatening sobs.
"I care for you." He says quietly. "But I'm following Enjolras."
Enjolras steps in, clearing his throat. "I made the bed to the best of my abilities, though I must admit it doesn't look as nice as when you do it, Y/N."
"I wouldn't expect it to, since you haven't made a bed since you moved away from your mother." You swat away your tears before he can see them.
"Go to bed, Grantaire."
"Goodnight." Grantaire says. "Thank you for allowing to to stay, Y/N."
"Of course."
You try to follow him to the bedrooms, but Enjolras takes your hand, pulling you back.
You turn to face him.
"I thought you believed in me." He says quietly.
"I've never believed in anything more."
"Then why don't you want me to do what I need to do?"
"Because I want you safe. I want you here. With me. Alive."
"I won't make it out." He says.
"I know." A tear slips from your eye. "But you won't be happy if you don't go."
"I'm going with you, then."
"No you're not."
"Yes I am. If you're dying, I'm dying with you."
"You aren't dying. You'll be fine without me."
"I've left you more than enough money for the remainder of your life. Enough money for your children, and your children's children."
"I don't want your money! I want you!" You fling your arms around your neck, breaking into the sobs you'd so valiantly suppressed until now.
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close. "It's okay. It's okay, Y/N."
It wasn't okay. He was starting a revolution, and he was going to die.

As soon as you hear the gunshots, you set out to join the damned revolution.
You pitch in at building a barricade and try to talk a young boy out of staying, but he refuses to leave.
"I've seen more shit that you've even imagined. You get out." He says.
He's barely finished speaking when Enjolras yells your name from across the barricade.
"Sounds like you're in trouble." The boy singsongs as he skips away.
You make your way to Enjolras.
"You're getting out of here." He says angrily.
"Too late now."
"No. You're getting the hell out of here."
"You're rather frightening when you're angry, you know that?"
He grabs your arm and marches you inside a building like a prisoner.
He leads you into a cellar where there's a man tied to a post.
"You're leaving me with a creepy old man?" You ask.
"No. It's your job to watch him. Don't let him escape and don't shoot him."
"This is bullshit! Enjolras, I'm not--"
He's shuts the door and locks it.
"Hi." The man tied to the post said.
"Don't talk to me, creep."
"I'm a policeman, don't be afraid."
"Then why are you here?"
"To help. Your loverboy doesn't trust me very much, it seems."
"He doesn't trust anybody, don't feel bad."
"I can get you out of here if you untie me."
"I trust my loverboy." You say with a glare.
"He left you here defenseless."
You pull a gun from the folds of your dress.
"Test me. I'll shoot you."
"Loverboy said not to."
"Loverboy isn't here."

You loose Enjolras in the middle of all the chaos. Marius had arrived at some point, but he disappeared, along with the man who wouldn't shoot anybody, but took the police inspector and shot him. Corfeyrac is looking for Marius and Enjolras, Grantaire is still passed out, and the rest are tending the wounded. Joly had let you out of the cellar.
You hear Enjolras yelling your name and you start crying in relief. He sounds panicked. An attribute nobody in the barricade would have thought to use for Enjolras.
"She's here!" Combeferre yells back, since you don't. Nobody likes to hear Enjolras sound like that.
Enjolras makes his way over, so covered in blood that he's hardly recognizable.
"Good thing he likes red." Bahorel says casually as a woman bandages a large, heavily bleeding wound in his leg.
Enjolras grabs your arm and marches you away.
"I told you I was coming." You begin defensively. "You always say a man's only as good as his word--"
He cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours and pushing you up against a partly demolished wall.
"Don't do that again." He says gruffly as he lets you go.
"Don't start another revolution."
"Don't put yourself in danger."
"You don't put yourself in danger!"
He pulls you to him and kisses you again. "I'm glad you're okay."
"I'm glad you are."
"I've never loved you more."
You like to think he says that because he's afraid of losing you, but you know better. You know it's because he thought that you fighting beside him for his beliefs was the most seductive thing you could do.
You slip your arms around his neck and bury your face in his bloodied coat.
"It's okay. Everything's okay now." He whispers.

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