Darrel Curtis x Reader

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You walk into the Curtis' house, expecting a warm greeting from Soda, or a question from Pony, or some Steve-ish thing from Steve. What you don't expect is to find Darry alone in the kitchen.
He spends half his life avoiding you, so you assume he doesn't like you. You start to turn around, but he sees you before you can get the hell out of Dodge.
"Where the hell have you been?" He asks.
You turn back around. "I'm surprised you noticed I was gone."
"You're only here every day."
"In my defense, I expected everyone else to be here right now."
"They went to a movie."
"You'd know that if you'd been here."
"Shove off."
"Where've you been, Y/N?" He asks more gently.
"Where have you been?" He asks firmly.
"I was gonna get out of here."
"Without telling anyone?"
"You're not allowed."
"You don't like me living with Josh, you don't like me getting away from him. I don't know what you want me to do. What do you care, anyways?"
"I happen to care a lot."
"I'm taking you out."
"What?" You ask.
"I'm taking you out."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm gonna show you how a real man should treat you."
"Darry." You sigh.
"Josh treats me fine."
"Except when he's knocking the shit out of you."
"Yeah." You nod.
"Come on, let's go."
"I thought you hated me."
"No. I care too deeply." He stands up, looking tall and intimidating.
You look up at him.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks.
You open your mouth to respond, even though you aren't sure how to.
"The answer's no." He says. "You don't kiss on a first date."
"What that Darrel Curtis making a joke? I'll have to tell Ponyboy that one. He'll never believe me."
"I'm not justifying that with a response."
You laugh.
He offers his arm to you, you take it, and he leads you out to his vehicle, opening the door for you and everything.
He drives for a bit without speaking.
"Notice," he says eventually, "That I haven't once raised my voice at you or hit you."
"If Josh had done that on the first date, I wouldn't've had anything to do with him."
"If you'd let us kick his ass--"
"He kicks yours."
"That's my problem, not yours."
"No, it is. We're your family. I--We love you."
"I'll do something." You sigh, looking out the window.
"I'll come with you."
"What?" You turn to look at him.
"I'll come with you. You always say you'll do something, but you never do. I'll come with you."
"For moral support or intimidation tactics?"
You laugh. "You know, Darry, you're funny when you aren't all moody."
"Yeah, yeah."
He takes you out to dinner and pays for your meal.
On the way home, he takes a left instead of a right.
"Darry, what are you doing?" You ask.
"Taking you home."
"To Josh's?"
"That's where you live, isn't it?"
"Yeah. I just thought we were going back to your place."
"In a bit. We're getting you out of your situation first."
"Where do you suggest I go?"
"Dunno. Buy a house, live with me--"
"Yeah, right." You scoff.
"That was legitimate."
"Was it?"
"You really want another permanent resident?"
"Sure, if it's you." He says as he pulls into the driveway.
"Darry, I don't want to." You say, panicked.
"I'll be there. I won't let him lay a finger on you."
"Darry, he'll kill me."
"He'll have to get through me."
"Darry, please."
"You can do it."
"No I can't, Darry."
"Yes you can, Y/N. I'll be right there. Come on."
He gets out of the car, leaving you no choice but to follow.
He lets you lead the way inside.
"Josh?" You call.
"Shut up, I have a headache." Your boyfriend snaps from the couch.
Darry catches you when you try to turn around. To your surprise, he doesn't say anything.
You walk in. "Josh?"
"Didn't I just tell you to shut up?" He glares.
"I'm leaving."
"I'm leaving you."
"You can't do that, you stupid bitch."
Darry steps out behind you.
"Why'd you bring your brawny goon?" Josh snarls, standing. "Scared of me?"
"No." You lie, and you all know it.
"Come sit down and rub my back."
You catch Darry's eye. "No." You say.
"I said no. I told you I'm leaving."
"No you're not."
"I am."
"Yeah? What're you gonna do without me?"
"I'll be fine. Bye."
"You can't leave."
You don't say anything.
"Come on. Sit your pretty little ass down."
"Don't talk to her like that." Darry said flatly.
"Yeah? What're you gonna do about it?"
"Actually, I offered to kill you, but Y/N said no, so I offered to kick your ass, but the answer was still no, so I'll settle for knocking you out."
"Darry, come on. It's okay." You say quietly.
Darry takes a step back.
"Bye, Josh." You say.
"No." He says matter-of-factly.
"Darry?" You ask quietly.
"If I fail at punching him will you stop him from killing me?"
"Of course. But that might not be the best idea--"
You march forward and punch Josh as hard as you can (which, granted, isn't very hard).
"That all you got?" Josh scoffs, pulling his arm back to punch.
You bring your hands up over your face, but nothing touches you. You open your eyes to see that Darry had grabbed his hand before he could touch you.
"You wanna rethink that?" He asks gruffly.
You stand up straight and take a couple steps back.
"Ready to go, Y/N?" Darry asks.
You nod.
He puts his arm around you and half pushes you out the door.
Josh follows. "Hey, Y/N?"
You turn around, even though Darry whispers for you not to.
"You're a fucking slut. My advice is for you to make a career out of--"
He cuts off as Darry spins around and slugs him. Josh falls to the ground, his eyes closed.
"Is he dead?" You ask.
"No." Darry puts his arm back around you and leads you back to the truck, opening the door for you.
"Hey, Darry?" You ask as he gets in the car.


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