Percy Jackson x Reader

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There are footsteps that stop right outside of your apartment. You get up to look through the peephole to see Percy.
After a second of hesitation, just as you're opening the door, he knocks.
You open it fully and take a good, long look at him. You don't say anything.
You aren't angry. You're scared.
He's standing at your door, pale and shaking.
"Hi." He finally says, his voice sounding choked and raspy.
"Hey." You answer, not processing that you should do something.
"I, uh...."
You don't make him finish his sentence. You step forward and wrap your arms around him. Something had happened to him.
He hesitates again, but he hugs you back. His whole body is tense.
"It's okay, Percy. You're okay. You're safe." You whisper.
He relaxes into your arms as he starts to cry. He nods, clutching onto you.
"Come on. Come inside. Let's sit, okay? Do you want anything to eat or drink?"
He shakes his head as he comes inside, shutting the door behind him. "No." He says.
You take his hand and lead him to the couch, sitting down with your arm around him. He curls up against you, like a child, sobbing.
Usually he would have kissed you at least four times by now. Something had broken him.
You kiss his temple and say nothing, because sometimes, saying nothing is better.
He finally stops crying, and lays there, shaking in your arms.
You sit in silence like that until the clock blinks 3:30.
"I'm sorry." He said finally. "I should have waited to come see you until I was okay. I just--I couldn't be alone. I'm sorry. I'll go now--" He starts to stand up.
"It's okay, Percy. Sit back down." You say gently. "Come on." You prompt. "Sit back down."
He does.
"What happened to you, Percy?" You ask quietly. Never in your life had you seen Percy Jackson cry. Never had you seen him look so lost.
He shakes his head in short, quick little motions.
"Okay. We don't have to talk about it. It's okay." You say.
You sound calm out loud, but inside, you're chaos.
Your throat feels tight, but you can't cry right now.
He picks up on your wet eyes, though. "I'm sorry, baby. I shouldn't have come like this. I didn't mean to mess you up--"
"I missed you, Percy." You throw your arms around him, starting to cry.
"I missed you too." He whispers, his strong arms wrapping around you. "I'm sorry."
"Have you been to see your mom?" You ask, pulling away and slipping your hand into his.
He shakes his head. "No... I was scared. And I didn't want to go to her like this. I don't... want her to be upset."
"She'll want to see you, love. Come on, I'll take you."
He sits in silence during the car ride, staring out the window, looking angry. But, of course, he always looks angry. He's drumming his fingers on his leg. You reach over and slip your hand into his. He gives it a squeeze, brings it to his lips and kisses it.
You get out of the car at his mom's, but he doesn't, so you get back in.
"Have you talked to her?"
"The whole time you were gone."
"Is she angry with me?" He looks at you.
"No. No, she's not angry. She's worried out of her mind. Come on, love. Let's go inside."
He gets out of the car and waits for you to lead the way. He slips his hand into yours and lets you lead him.
When you turn to look at him, he's marching straight ahead, looking nowhere else, like a battle-worn soldier. You turn forward, your eyes burning.
You stop outside Sally and Paul's door, waiting for him to knock. He doesn't make a move.
"Go on." You say gently, squeezing his hand. "It's all right, Percy."
He raises his hand and poises it over the door for a moment before knocking. You wait patiently.
He knocks, there's talking, and then there are footsteps.
The door's opened by Paul. He stares for a moment, just as you had.
"Hi." Percy says, uncharacteristically quiet.
"Who is it, Paul?" Sally calls.
"It's... Percy. And Y/N." He calls back, then turns back to the two of you. "My God. You look like you've been through Hell." Paul says. "Come in, son."
You prod Percy in, and he pulls you with him, keeping you close by his side.
"Percy?" Sally says, and there's running.
Sally skids to the door. "Percy!" She exclaims, starting to cry. She darts forward and envelops her son in her arms. He hugs her back, letting you go.
Percy and Sally are crying, and you start crying too.
Paul shuts the door and gives you a paternal hug, letting out a long sigh.
Sally and Paul make the two of you stay for dinner. Percy manages a couple of smiles over dinner, assuring everybody that he wasn't broken beyond repair. It makes everybody feel a bit better.
Between yours and Sally's attempts to get Percy to stay with them instead of returning to Camp Halfblood, he consents. Sally asks if you would like to stay too, but you know Percy needs to be with his parents, so you refuse. Paul asks if you need a ride, but you refuse that too. You thank them and leave.
Just as you're getting in your car, Percy runs out. "Y/N!" He yells, running out to you.
"What?" You ask, bewildered.
He sweeps you up in his arms and pushes you against his car. "I love you." He says fiercely, kissing you hard.
"I love you too." You reach up, twisting your fingers in his unruly hair as you kiss him back.
After a while, he stops kissing you and settles for a hug. He's almost crushing you, but you don't say anything. You've missed his bone-crushing hugs too much. "I know I never said it before, but I love you." He says. "Gods, I love you."
"I love you too." You whisper, trying as best as you could to reciprocate the strength of his hug.
"Can I come home with you?" He asks quietly.
"You don't want to stay with your mom?"
"I wanna go with you." He lets you go and adds, with the same confidence he'd had before he'd left to do the gods know what, he says, "I'll drive," and holds out his hand for the keys.
"Or not." You counter.
He pouts. "Please?"
"Get in the car or I'm leaving you here." You say, slipping out of his arms and opening the divers' door just big enough for you to slip in.
He sticks his tongue out at you and proceeds to sit in the back seat.
"What are you doing?" You sigh.
"I'm sitting in the car. You're being a chauffeur."
You smile a bit at his antics. "All right, Mr. Jackson. Where to?"
He formally gives your address, adding with a wink at the end, "There's a big tip in there for you if you get me there in less than ten minutes."
You get there in nine.
You hold out your hand.
"I'll order pizza." Percy says.
"Eh! Where's my tip?" You ask.
"I'm paying for the pizza, obviously."

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