Dean Winchester x Reader

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You had gotten a call from Sam, and he had asked you to come.
"Why?" You'd asked.
"I'm going to Stanford." He'd answered.
And so you'd gotten in the car and drove all night to get to the Winchesters'.
You knock on the door, and Dean answered, looking exhausted. His face brightens immediately when he sees you, and he pulls you in for a kiss. "Y/N! You're here! I missed--Why are you here?"
"Just dropped in. Surprise." You smile.
He kisses you again, pulling you in and shutting the door. "Sammy! Y/N's here!"
An hour later, Sam's worked up the nerve to approach his brother. "Hey, Dean...?"
"Yeah, Sammy?"
"Can I talk to you?"
You give Sam an encouraging smile, patting his arm on your way to stand beside Dean.
"Yes. What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. I... I, uh... I'm going to college."
"What?" Dean chokes on his beer.
You put a pacifying hand on his back.
"Stanford." Sam says.
Dean closes his eyes for a second, looking down with a bitter smile before looking back up with a fake real smile. "That's great, Sammy. It really is." Dean says.
"Dean... I..."
"You don't have to explain anything, Sammy. I'm glad. I'm happy for you. I'm proud of you." Dean claps his brother's shoulder and walks out the door.
Sam gives you a desperate look.
You stand on your tiptoes to hug him. "You did well, Sammy. I'll stay with you to tell your dad if you want."
"Please." He hugs you back.
You excuse yourself to find Dean.
You go outside to find him just standing there, barely having adventured three feet from the motel room.
He turns to look at you. "I meant what I said."
"I know."
"He can have a life. He can be happy. He can get married and have kids and grandkids, and live to see it all."
"He shouldn't have to feel guilty."
"He feels guilty about leaving you."
"I'm fine."
"Are you?"
"I feel like the walls are closing in, Y/N."
You give a tight smile.
"I would know if I was actually suffocating, right? I can't be now. I'm talking to you."
"Right." You agree. "You're okay."
"I don't want to be alone with Dad."
"Come with me."
He kisses you.

John comes home a couple days later.
"Oh, um, hey. You're...."
"Y/N." You say.
"Yes, right! I remember. Sorry about that, I'm tired."
"It's okay, Mr. Winchester."
Dean scowls at your respectful address.
"Nice to see you again." He says.
He reeks of liquor, but you don't mention it. "I'm gonna shower." He stumbles off to the bathroom.
"I hope you drown." Dean mumbles angrily.
You put your hand on his arm and give him a look.
"Sorry." He says quietly.
He gets up to go to Sam. "Don't tell him. Just get the hell out of dodge."
"I have to tell him, Dean."
"He's not going to be as understanding as me."
"It'll be fine."
"Now, now, boys. Let's everybody take a breather." You interrupt. "Everything's gonna be okay."
"You're my hero, Dean." Sam says.
John gets out of the shower and grabs a beer, coming to sit on the couch.
"So, Dad." Sam says quietly.
"What, Sammy?"
"I'm going to college."
The rest is a whirlwind.
"If you walk out that door, don't you come back!" John finally yells.
Sam turns to storm out, but you step in his way.
"Sam, you don't want to do this. Sit down, we can talk rationally, and nobody has to leave angry." You say calmly, speaking where only he can hear you.
"Sit down, Sammy. Think about this. This can be resolved."
He walks around you and out the door.
"Dad!" Dean snaps.
"Shut up, you worthless son of a bitch!" John yells, raising his hand.
"More like a son of an asshole." Dean doesn't flinch as John slaps his face.
Your mouth drops open.
You never would have thought John Winchester would be that low.
"Come on, Dean." You say quietly.
They both look at you.
"Come on, Dean." You repeat and add, "We're leaving."
"Go to bed, you ungrateful bastard." John growls.
It takes all you have not to slug the asshole.
"Dean." You say, extra gentle and sweet to counter John's roughness. "Come on, love. Let's go."
Dean looks at his father.
"Don't make me tell you again, boy." John snaps.
"Dean, baby. Let's go."
"Shut up, whore." John snaps at you.
"You shut up." Dean snaps, walking towards you, grabbing your hand, and pulling you out.
You half tackle Dean into the side of your car as you kiss him. "I love you, Dean Winchester." You snap, sounding angry.
He wraps his arms around you, kissing you back readily.
"I think the world of you." You continue.
"Why are you mad at me?" He asks, apparently not caring enough to stop kissing you.
"I'm not." You snarl.
"Keep being mad. Please."
"Shut up."
"Shutting up."
"Please believe me."
"Tell me the sky's neon green."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"You mean the world to me."
"I love you."
"I think you're the best man in the world."
"What are we talking about?" Dean asks.
"You. I love you." You kiss him again before prying yourself from his arms.
You could shoot John Winchester right about now.
But you resist the urge.
"What's your deal?" Dean asks.
"My deal? You! You're my deal."
"I'm sorry."
You kiss him again. "I adore you."
"What's wrong?"
"Is this because of my dad?"
"Absolutely." You smash your lips onto his.
He kisses you back. "I'll take it."

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