Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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"Let me in, Thor." You say sharply.
"Let. Me. In!"
"Somebody has to tell him!"
"Somebody did!"
"I meant somebody who loves him." You snap.
"Don't waste your time with him. He loves nobody."
"He loved your mother, Thor. The least you could do is show some ounce of emotion."
"I did."
"Towards your brother."
"It wouldn't be much of a prison if we let anybody and everybody in and out freely, now would it?"
"If you don't let me in, I'll get in myself."
"Then I'll have to arrest you too."
"And you have the nerve to say Loki's heartless."
If looks could kill, you would be dead, but you forge on anyway. "Is this how your mother would want it?"
"You have five minutes. Yell if you need help."
"I won't. Thank you."
Ten minutes later, you step into Loki's cell.
"Ah, alas. A visitor." Loki says, setting a book down and standing.
"You're looking good for somebody who just lost the only person who cared for them." You comment idly.
"What, do you not care for me?"
"You know I do, you just elect to ignore it. I want to talk to you, Loki. Face to face."
"Well, and here we are." He gestures between the two of you.
"The real you. Not this illusion."
The scene changes drastically in a fraction of a second. Everything is strewn about the room. It's dirty and there's a little blood. And Loki's sitting in the middle of it all, on the floor leaning against a dirty white wall.
You stammer unintelligibly for a moment.
"Be careful what you wish for, my dear Y/N." He says quietly, looking up at you.
You gesture for him to move his legs, so he pulls them up and sits criss-cross. You sit across from him and just look at him.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm not some innocent, broken creature in need of fixing." He says, looking at you skeptically.
"No. You aren't innocent."
He says nothing, only reaches out and touches the tip of his index finger to your knee.
It's your turn to say nothing.
"I wanted to be sure you were real. Not a figment of my imagination or an illusion."
"It's me." You assure him.
"Do you know anything?" He asks.
"What do you want to know?"
"Did she suffer?"
You take a deep breath and tell him how his mother died.
"This is insanity!" He yells, making a wide gesture, sending all of the objects in the room flying against the walls. He stands up, paces, and flings things with gestures. You duck and cover out of instinct, but none of it comes near you.
He finally takes a chair and flings it by hand into the screen keeping him in with a loud scream.
You take the risk of standing up. "Loki." You say cautiously. You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it hadn't been this.
"What?" He snaps, turning and glaring at you. "What? Are you scared now? Are you afraid?"
"No." You make your voice calm.
"You should be!"
You raise your eyebrows and look at him.
"I apologize." He says calmly a moment later.
"It's okay."
"Why did you come here?"
"I wanted to see you."
"Why did you come here?" He demands, turning to face you.
"I figured you could use some company."
"Why do you insist upon being so nice to me?" He asks.
"I know you care somewhere in there."
"You're wrong."
You shrug.
"Where's my brother?"
"War strategizing. He's going to need your help."
"He would die first."
You shrug again.
"Thank you."
You step forward and hug him before he can do anything to stop you. "I'm sorry, Loki." You whisper.
"I'll kill them."
"I know. That's why Thor wants you."
"Can you get me out of here?"
"That'd be treason."
"Thor'll come. Just wait."
"Why are you still hugging me?"
"I'm waiting for you to reciprocate."
"I won't."
"I'll wait." You say casually, still holding onto him.
After a moment, he hesitantly brings his arms up around your waist, pulling you tightly to him.
"You give the best hugs in the nine worlds. You should give them more often."
"You, my dearest Y/N, are the only object of my affection."
"For some reason I don't believe you." Smiling, you pull back slightly to look at him.
"What, you don't trust me?" He gives his sly smirk.
"Depends on the day."
"It would be best if you didn't trust me at all."
"I'm afraid it's too late for that."
"Well, you're the one who will have to deal with the consequences."
"We'll see."
"Is Odin...?"
"He's fine."
"I told her she wasn't my mother." He says quietly.
"She knew you loved her. You were always her favorite."
He pushes you away and walks over to the screen keeping him in. "How did you get them to let you in? Even Mother didn't come personally."
"I've learned a thing or two from you."
He laughs. "Sometimes I believe I could marry you, but then I remember how often you're on my nerves."
"The feeling's mutual, I assure you. But my time is up, I'm afraid I must go." You say as a guard approaches.
"If you must." He walks to the back of the room so the guard can let you out.
"Y/N." He says quickly as you're stepping out, and you turn around. He drops his voice and lowers his gaze. "Please stay. Just a bit longer." He looks as if it pains him to say it.
You turn to the guard. "Please tell Thor I'm staying."
"He was very clear in his instructions--"
"Am I not clear in mine?" You snap.
"Yes. Of course." He bows and seals it off again as you step back into the room.
"Well." Loki says. "You really have learned a thing or two."

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