Bucky Barnes x Reader

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"You can't dwell in the past, Bucky." You say. You're gripping his hands and looking at him entreatingly, but he's not even listening.
"My name's Bucky. I'm Bucky." Bucky says immediately, looking at you. "Why do you do that? I hate when you do that."
"I have to get your attention somehow."
"Let's go to bed. I want to go to bed." He says, kissing you and starting to pull you in the direction of your bedroom.
"No, Bucky." You break your lips away from his. "No. We have to talk at some point."
"Okay, but not this point."
"Bucky, I can't just lay there and listen to you."
"What are you talking about?"
"You talk in your sleep. I don't know what you're saying, because it's in Russian but Natasha said I don't want to know. I can't stand it, Bucky. It breaks my heart."
"You should wake me up--"
"Why would I do that? You barely sleep."
"I'll be fine. If I'm scaring you, you need to tell me." He says, his voice harsh. He removes his arms from around you. "Okay? You can't live like that, Y/N."
"I can't live like that? What about you?"
"You don't scare me." He says. "I don't want you to be sc--"
"I'm not scared!" You interrupt. "I'm worried about you."
"Natasha said you don't want to know what I--"
"If it was something that would scare me, she would have told me."
"You don't get it, Y/N."
"I don't pretend to."
You stand on your toes and kiss him, bringing your hand up to his face. "Let's go to bed."
"Bucky." You kiss him again.
"No. I can't. We can't. This can't be. I have to..."
"You have to what?"
"We can talk about this later, if you want." You say quietly.
"I'll sleep on the couch--"
"No, Bucky." You sigh.
"I don't want to keep you up."
"It's fine."
"No it isn't."
"Fine. Sleep on the couch. You'll be alone when you wake up. I know you don't like that." You say petulantly.
"Babe." He sighs.
"Come get me if you need me."
"Goodnight. I love you."
"I love you too." He kisses you and stands rooted to the spot as you go to the bedroom.
You lay in bed, waiting to hear Bucky. It apparently takes him a while to fall asleep, because you don't hear anything until three.
You wish you'd told Natasha you wanted to know anyways, but you hadn't. So you listen to him talking in Russian, and you listen as he screams "NO! I don't want to!" in English. Tears burn your eyes and you want to go in there, but he doesn't want you to, so you cry silently, alone in the bed.
You hear him get up and walk. You snap your eyes shut when he opens the bedroom door.
"Y/N." Bucky whispers from the doorway.
"Hm?" You reply, trying to sound like you'd been asleep.
"I'm sorry." He says, not coming farther inside.
"Come here." You respond.
He shuts the door behind him as he steps inside and makes his way carefully through the darkness to the bed. He crawls across it and lays beside you. He's sweaty and panting as he clutches onto you and buries his face in your chest.
"Thank you."
You kiss his head. "I love you, Bucky."
"I... I love you."

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