Sirius Black x Reader

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James looks out the window at the rain that's been falling for the past three hours. He's holding a book, but he's not reading it. You'd been insistent he would like it, and he did. He just couldn't get into it. Something felt off, but he didn't know why. His father was at work, but that was normal. Rain wasn't abnormal. Nothing was wrong.
There was a knock at the door, and then another.
"Go get the door, dear." His mother said. She was reading too, but she was able to get into her book.
James bookmarked the book and went to the door to see Sirius. He was soaking wet with blood and rainwater. He had that broken, scared look in his eyes that always filled James with more rage than he thought was healthy for one man.
"Come in, mate." James stepped back far enough so Sirius could walk in without being touched.
James could have stayed calm, and he would have if Sirius hadn't dropped down onto the floor and started crying, gasping for air.
James turned around and slammed his fist right through the wall. Sirius wheezed and covered his head, as if the blow was intended for him. He was aware he shouldn't have done it even before he did it, but he couldn't stop himself.
"Mum!" James yelled, his voice shaking.
His mother ran in. "What on earth is going on--" She cut off when she saw Sirius curled up on the floor. "Oh Merlin."
"Please don't tell my mum I'm here. Please. Please." Sirius begged.
"Okay, darling. We won't. It's okay." Euphemia said gently, kneeling down in front of Sirius. "We won't. It's okay, dearest. Take deep breaths."
He didn't heed her advice.
James was going to send his Patronus, but he couldn't make one, so he settled for a letter.
You get the letter within ten minutes.
"Who's sending you things this late?" Your grandmother asks.
"It's only eight o'clock, Granny." You smile and take the letter from James' owl. It was about time he wrote you.
Come here. Now. Code red.
"I have to go." You tell your grandmother, and run out the door without even grabbing a coat.
Code red meant something was wrong with Sirius. You'd started to worry when you hadn't heard from him in a couple of days, but you knew he sometimes got like that, so you'd let it slide. Now you regret your decision. What if something was really wrong?
You get to James' house and knock rapidly on the door. It's opened less than a second later by a frazzled James Potter.
"Where's Sirius?" You demand.
"What is that awful noise?"
"That's Sirius."
You start to cry, and he lets you inside, pulling you into his arms.
"He said not to tell you, so I don't know how he'll react when he sees you." James warns, and you just nod.
The sobbing from down the hall eventually stops, and quite a bit later, Sirius makes his way down the hall.
He looks around the room at all three of your faces before dropping his gaze to his feet and pulling his sleeves over his hands.
Mrs. Potter leaves the room, but Sirius doesn't move.
"Sirius." You begin quietly.
"Come sit down, mate." James says. "I'm sorry for how I acted--"
"It's okay."
"Come sit down, baby." You say.
Sirius sits on the couch with you, pulling his legs up to sit criss cross.
"What happened?" James asks, speaking in a soft voice you'd never heard from him before.
"Nothing." Sirius said quickly.
"I said nothing, Potter." Sirius tried to sound snappy, but it didn't work.
James set his jaw and looked at him, not speaking.
"Come here, Sirius." You say.
He leans into you, putting his face into your shoulder and breathing deeply.
"It's okay, sweetie." You whisper, smoothing his wet hair down. "James is here now."
Sirius broke down again. He pulled away and started gasping for air.
"Bloody hell, what did you say?" James demands, his eyes wide.
An owl pecked on the window, and James got up to answer it.
"No!" Sirius nearly yelled. "No! Don't! Don't tell her I'm here! Please. Please James. James."
"I know, Padfoot. I know. Calm down. I'm going to tell her you're not here. Okay? Is that okay?"
Sirius nodded, putting his head down in his hands and rocking back and forth.
You scoot over and put your arm around him. He only resists for a second before turning his face into your chest and reaching out to clutch onto you.
"Shh.... It's okay now. You're okay." You whisper, holding onto him and burying your face in his hair. You're crying now too, and so is James.
Sirius finally sits up and takes a deep breath. "I'm fine. I'm sorry."
"It's okay." James says.
"If you tell anybody I cried like a bloody little girl I'll kill you in your sleep." Sirius scowled. He was far from okay, but he wanted you to believe it was true, so you'd pretend.
"My lips are sealed." James assured him.
"You don't tell anybody either." Sirius tells you.
"I won't." You promise.
"Why are you crying?" He asks.
Naturally, you start crying again.
"Shit, Sirius, now look what we have to deal with." James says, but he sounds much more relaxed now that Sirius has calmed down.
"Ah, sweet, innocent Jamesie. Don't you know that you're much more likely to get laid after comforting a crying girl?" Sirius asks.
"Wait, is that true?"
"Of course it is. Would I lie to you?"
"He's lying to you, James. That's called taking advantage and it's frowned upon in most societies." You assure him. "You're not getting laid, Black."
"Of course not." Sirius agrees, but gives James a wink.
"You're such a jerk."  You roll your eyes.
"But you love me." Sirius winks at you.
"You're lucky."
"I know."

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