Dallas Winston x Reader

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Your house phone rings, and you grab it, not speaking.
"Y/N?" Dally asks.
"Hey, Dal." You grin at the sound of his voice.
"Your parents home?"
"Are they ever?"
"I'm bringing Johnny over. See you, babe."
A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door and Dally opens it, leading Johnny inside.
"What the hell happened?" You demand of Dally.
They're both bleeding. Dally looks elated, but Johnny's trembling.
"Got jumped. Man, was it fun."
"I bet you were asking for it, asshole." You say, grabbing Johnny's hand and leading him to the kitchen. "Sit down, hun."
Johnny sits.
"Probably was." Dally agrees.
"He was." Johnny says quietly.
You grab a rag and sit on the table beside Johnny, gently dabbing at the caked blood on his face.
"Dally, you gotta stop getting yourself into this shit. God, I can't leave you for a second, can I?" You sigh. "Go get the alcohol."
Dally goes to the cabinet over the sink and grabs some liquor.
"No. I meant the rubbing alcohol."
"I know. This is for me."
Johnny sits still. He knows the drill.
"Are you okay, Johnnycake?" You ask softly.
He nods.
You kiss his forehead as you slide off the table. "You're okay now. Besides, you know Dally'd save your ass if it killed him. There's leftovers in the fridge, go get something. Dally, sit."
"I don't wanna sit." Dally says like a stubborn child.
"Sit." You repeat.
"Can't make me. I don't need your shit."
He sits, but he ducks away every time you come near him.
"Stop that, or I'll tie you up."
"Ooh, kinky." He smirks.
"Leave her alone, Dal." Johnny says, devouring leftover pizza.
"Can it, you little shit."
A while later, the three of you are on the couch watching a movie. Dally, half drunk, has one arm around you and a cigarette in his free hand. Johnny's asleep, curled up with his head in your lap.
"You oughta be more careful with Johnny." I said quietly.
"I didn't start shit today. I swear we were minding our own business."
"You got your ass kicked, huh, baby?"
"Yeah. Johnnycake won't fight."
You gently play with Johnny's hair. "Yeah--Hey, put that cigarette out, would you?"
"I would not."
You roll your eyes. "That's disgusting, Dal."
He shrugs.
You look down at Johnny, the poor kid.
"You ever wanna get the hell out of here, Y/N?" Dally asks.
"All the time."
"So let's go."
"Let's skip."
"Don't you think your jumping the gun here?"
"No. I'll go beat the shit out of Johnny's old man, and then by the time I get back, your parents'll be back and I can kick your dad's ass, and then we can get the hell out of dodge."
"You can't kick people's asses just because you don't like them, Dal."
"I hate them."
"I know. Johnny's dad deserves to have his ass handed to him, but that doesn't mean you can do it."
"You want to too, don't lie."
"I do."
"Practicing for our wedding?" He smirks.
"Nothing. What do you say? Up and leave?"
"We can't. Besides, Johnny wouldn't leave Ponyboy."
"They can still hang out."
"If we leave, we have to go far. You can't really want to leave everybody."
"I would. We could give Johnny a home."
"He has a home."
"We could give him a real one."
"I think it's you that wants one."
"Is it so much to ask?"
"You have me. And Darry, and Soda, and--"
"Shut up, I know."
"C'mon, Dally. Let's go to bed." You stand up, gently moving Johnny's head off of your lap.
Dally picks Johnny up and carries him to your room. He lays him gently in a chair and flops down on your bed.
"No, you're dirty. Up."
He stands up.
You throw some clothes at him that he'd left a while ago that you'd washed and never returned.
You change and get in bed.
"You know, my parents could be dead and I wouldn't know for a month." You say.
He lays down beside you, wrapping his arms around you and putting his head in the crook of your neck, probably not even realizing he was doing it. "Does that sound like a real home to you?"
"No." You admit.
"Don't you want one?"
"Doesn't everyone?"
He kisses your neck instead of answering.
"Johnny's here." You remind him.
"Man." He lays back down.
"You have a home, Dally. It may not be traditional, but you have all of us."
He doesn't say anything.
"We care if you get yourself killed."
Still no answer.
"We love you. I love you."
He says nothing.
"Dally?" You turn to look at him.
He's asleep.
You smile and kiss his cheek.
You wake up in the morning to Dally gone and flowers on your desk. Johnny's gone too.
You go into the kitchen to find Johnny at the table.
"Good morning." He says. "I made coffee."
"Thanks, kid." You smile and pour a cup. "Hey, you know where Dallas is?"
"No. He in trouble?"
"No." You shrug and siy down with him. "Did you bring me flowers?"
"No. I guessed Dally did."
Since when did Dally bring you flowers?
You call the Curtis' house and Soda picks up. "Curtis residence, Sodapop speaking."
"Hey, Soda. It's Y/N."
"Hey. What's up?"
"You guys seen Dally?"
"Not since yesterday. Why? He in trouble?"
"Not with me. Thanks."
"Sure thing."
"I'm gonna go home." Johnny says later that night.
"Don't. Stay here."
He nods and sits back down. It never takes that much convincing.
Dally shows up around midnight, limping and covered in blood.
"What the hell?" You demand.
He laughs and comes inside.
"You gotta stop doing this shit." You sigh.
He spins you around and kisses you.
"You okay, Dally?"
"Never better."
"What's up with you?"
"You're mine." He grins, kissing you again.
"Have you been drinking?"
"No. Then I'd be driving."
"What do I have to do, Dally? Keep you on lockdown?"
"If that means more time with you."
"What's your deal, man?" You ask.
"I think I'm in love."
"It'd better be with me."
"Hell yeah." He smiles.
"You okay?"
"You've been drinking."
"That's fine, I'll take it. I love you." You kiss him.
"I love you too."

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