Tony Stark x Reader

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When Tony gets angry, he usually just shoves his hands into his pockets and avoids the issue until it blows over.
You've had plenty of fights, and he'd never even so much as raised his voice at you, even if you were yelling. Sometimes he'd quietly plead for you to stop; sometimes he'd snap at you; but most of the time he just stop answering and retreat to his shop.
This time, though, he yelled, and you'd stopped answering immediately in favor of staring blankly at him.
"I... I'm sorry." Tony says quietly before he'd even finished a sentence. "I don't... I didn't mean to... I'm so sorry." His eyes are wide.
"It's... fine. I'm sorry I provoked you—"
"You didn't do anything wrong. You were right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. I'm sorry—"
"Tony, it's not a big deal. Yelling isn't the end of the world—"
"I'm turning into my dad. I'm sorry. I love you. Please forgive me."
"Tony, it's fine—"
"I'll be back."
"Where are you going?"
"Out. I'll be back. I love you." He grabs his jacket and kisses your cheek before walking out.
You call Steve. You aren't sure whether it's to get advice or to complain, but you'll take either or both.
He doesn't give you anything all that helpful. He says that Tony's just scared, and to give him time to deal.
He's had time.
But you guess you'd still be trying to deal with things if your father was an abusive alcoholic.

It's 5:45 when JARVIS announces Tony's arrival. You expect him to be drunk, but in walks Tony into the living room a few seconds later with a bouquet of roses.
"Hey, Tony." You stand.
"Hey, darling." He kisses your cheek and puts the flowers in your hand. "Look, I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have lost my temper and I shouldn't have run out."
"It's okay. I'm sorry."
"You are by far the best thing that's ever happened to me." He touches his knuckles to your cheek and kisses you lightly. "And I love you more than anything, and I don't want to mess anything up. Are we okay?"
He nods and kisses you again. "Okay. Good."
"It's okay to be angry, Tony."
"I don't want to talk about it, babe." He sighs and takes a step back.
"Tony, this is one of your main problems." You're already irritated, and even you can hear it in your voice, so you take a deep breath before continuing. "What I mean is, you can't avoid acknowledging that this is a problem. You can't fix something until you've faced it."
"I'm not seeing a shrink, okay? We've discussed this."
"I'm not asking you to. Just... you need to figure out a way to deal with this. There's always something in life that's gonna tick you off."
"Like this conversation. Can we please stop having it?" He raises his eyebrows, and continues talking before you can think of how to answer that. "Let's go out to dinner, yeah? Better yet, let's have a picnic. I know the perfect place. Want me to call and order take-out?"
"Um, yeah. Sure." You put on a smile. There's no way of changing the conversation back, so you go with it.
While he does that, you go and grab jackets for both of you.
He takes you up to the top of a grassy hill. You can see the city in the distance on the horizon, and there's a line of trees below you on all sides, but otherwise, there's nothing else.
He hands you food. "For you, my love."
"Thank you." You match his grand tone with a smile and take the food.
"Hey, babe? Do you want kids?" Tony asks casually as you're laying back and looking up at the stars.
"Do I what?"
"Do you want kids? You know, miniature humans who cry a lot and eat your food?"
You turn to look at him, but he's still looking straight up, so you turn to look back at the sky. "I do. Maybe. But I know you don't, so it'll be okay."
"I changed my mind." This time he looks over at you, but you're still looking up.
"You did?" You don't bother sounding surprised. You're sure he'll change his mind again in a couple of days.
"Yes. But I'm serious this time."
"Okay." You smile, turning your head to kiss his cheek.
"Let's start now." He grins and turns his head so you get his lips.
"No. It's unsanitary." You laugh and shove him away.
"I brought a blanket for a reason." He winks and kisses you again.
It, of course, turns into a wrestling match. Sometimes Tony lets you win, but not today. He gives a triumphant grin and rolls off of you. He kisses your cheek lightly. "Love you."
"And I you."

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