Sirius Black x Reader

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Sirius knew everything, but you knew it all too. He knew about your anxiety, but you knew about his depression. He knew about your family, and you knew about his. When you'd mentioned Sirius' parents, James had said, "Ooh, Padfoot, you told her? We knew you wanted to keep her," with a triumphant grin.
It's summer break, and you're pacing around your room, stressing about anything and everything. An owl taps at your window, so you go to open it. You stroke the owl as you read the letter.
Hey, baby. Doing all right? Let me know if you need anything, okay?
Don't tell James because he'll never shut up about it, but I miss you.
"Why's he still awake?" You ask the owl.
Hey, love. I'm fine, I suppose. How are you? I don't need anything, do you?
Why are you still up? You should be asleep.
I miss you too.
You watch the owl fly out into the darkness then resume your stressing.
A short while later, the owl returns.
Nope, I'm good.
I don't like to sleep here. I'll go to bed in a bit. Why are you still up?
You go and take a quick look in your parents' bedroom and the living room, but they aren't there.
You should come here. Your poor owl's probably getting tired.
You send the owl away again.
Sirius apparates into the middle of your bedroom. "Hey."
You hug him tightly. "Hey."
"Hey, babe." He kisses the top of your head because that's the only thing he can get to from your positions. "You okay?"
"Yeah. You?"
You look up at him and he kisses you. "Miss me?" He smirks.
"Not that much." You grin.
You put your face in his shirt and take a deep breath. He's there now, and that makes everything a little bit better. He smooths his hand over your hair. "Sure you're okay?" He asks.
You nod and let him go, going to sit on your bed.
He sits in your chair and starts spinning in it. "This's gonna sound stupid, but I don't like to sleep alone."
"You sleep alone all the time."
"No. At school, I'm always either with you or with Peter, James and Remus in the same room. It's weird being by myself."
"Yeah." You agree. "It is. But don't you normally stay with James over breaks?"
"Yeah, but I'm a big boy and I don't constantly need somebody with me." He says.
"Then why are you here?" You smile.
"We'll say because you told me to come."
"Mmkay." You smile.
"You ready for bed?"
"Can't sleep." You shrug.
He comes and sits beside you. "Well, I'm not going to bed until you do." He puts his arm around you.
Nevertheless, ten minutes later, he's asleep. You smile as you run your fingers through his hair.
He sat up. "Gotcha. I'm not asleep."
"Not now, but you were."
"Was not."
You laugh. "Whatever."
You pull your legs up onto the bed, and he gets up to turn off the light because you're scared of the dark and don't like to. He sits back down beside you and holds out his hand, touching along your face.
"Um, what are you--" You begin.
"Finding your lips." He kisses you.
"Goodnight, Padfoot." You smile.
"Goodnight." He says, continuing to kiss you.
"Hey, Sirius?"
"I love you."
"I know." He kisses you again and lays down, pulling you with him.
He puts his arm around you.
"I love you, Y/N." He whispers as you fall asleep.

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