Loki Laufeyson x Reader

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You'd been exiled from Asgard, so you'd gone to Midgard. It was the most beautiful of the nine worlds anyways.
You'd been there for three years, and you still haven't dated anybody.
You still love Loki.
You know he'll come looking for you. You'd mentioned it to Thor once when he'd dropped by (literally. He crashed through a window) and he'd laughed. He'd said Loki didn't love anybody, so he wouldn't bother coming. And even if he were to want to come, he was incarcerated. Regardless, you wait.
Your waiting paid off.
You come home from work one day--you'd charmed your way into a mortal job. Loki would have been proud--and your door's ajar. You briefly regret not purchasing a weapon, but it's too late for that now.
You walk in the door and flip on the lights, your heart hammering.
"Y/N?" A voice calls from within.
"It's me, don't be alarmed." He steps into the entranceway, his hands held up.
You shut the door behind you and step inside. "Well, look what the cat dragged in." You say casually.
"If anybody asks, I'm dead."
"Ah, what a pity. I wasn't even invited to your funeral."
"Well, there won't be any cake, so there's no sense in going, really." Loki lowers his hands. He allows his clean, composed façade drop into the reality of dirt and blood. His hair is somewhere in between frizzy and straggly. He looks tired.
"What happened to you?"
"It's been a very long three years." He answers.
"What took you so long?"
"At first I couldn't find you. Then I made some people with superhero complexes angry, and got imprisoned on Asgard. Then my brother and his lady friend made some different people angry, and my brother finally decided he needed me and released me. And then I died." He ends with a shrug.
"That was vague."
"In due time, my love. In due time. I must say," Loki says with an amused smirk, "This isn't quite the warm welcome I had pictured."
"I know, that's why I'm doing it."
"Would you truly make a damaged man suffer more than he already is?"
"You look terrible, Loki."
"I'm acutely aware. I suppose that means you will make me suffer."
"Isn't that what I always do?" You smile.
"Yes, I suppose you're right. Are you going to make me beg? Because I will. I'm not above it for you."
"No." You smile a bit.
"May I make a request?"
"You may."
"Come here."
You go to him and wrap your arms around him tightly. "I missed you, darling."
He wraps his arms around you and rests his chin on your head.
"Go shower."
"Thank you." He lets you go and bows out of habit.
"Will you eat dinner with me or can I make microwavable macaroni and cheese?" You ask.
"I'm... not hungry."
He turns and walks from the room.
You microwave your mac and cheese, and are just sitting down to eat it when your window breaks. You look up to see Thor.
"Stop breaking my shit!" You snap, exasperated.
"I apologize. I intended to land outside." Thor says, brushing himself off as he stands.
"Why can't you use the door?"
"Then you won't be surprised." He gives an amused smirk, looking remarkably like his brother.
"Why have you come?" You don't stand. You don't live on Asgard anymore; he's not your prince.
"I come bearing bad news." Thor says.
"Why else would you come?" You use sarcasm that goes over his head.
"Loki is dead." He says solemnly.
"Dead?" You ask, dropping your fork and letting it clatter onto the table. You put fake tears into your eyes.
"Dead." He agrees.
"No." You tell him, your voice empty.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. His loss will be grieved by all of Asgard."
You close your eyes. It looks like grief, but it's actually an attempt not to scream at him that none of Asgard would be mourning Loki. None but Frigga, and perhaps, on a good day, Odin and Thor.
"The Queen is dead." Thor continues.
You look up at him, genuine tears pricking your eyes. Frigga cannot be dead. "What?" You ask.
"Yes. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go now."
"Of course."
You hear the bathroom door open and close, and you wonder why the hell Loki would come out. The question passes immediately as you realize the answer: he wants to see how Thor is.
The man who walks into your kitchen doesn't look like Loki, and you're grateful Loki had the good sense to use a glamor. He looks like one of your co-workers, John.
"Sorry, am I ruining the party?" Loki/John says.
"No, I was just leaving." Thor says.
"Why are you wearing a cape? You look like a buffoon."
Thor looks offended, but Loki/John keeps a straight face. He looks at you. "Why, what's wrong, darling?"
"My friend here has just told me his brother and his mother are both dead." You say, looking from Thor to Loki/John.
"Sorry for your loss." Loki/John says, looking at Thor.
"Thank you. Well, I'll be off." Thor whirls his hammer and flies out of the window he'd crashed into.
Loki waits a moment before letting his glamor drop. He kneels down in front of your chair and reaches his hands up to your face, wiping you tears with his thumbs. "What troubles you, my love?" He asks, his voice soft.
"You didn't tell me..."
"I didn't want to upset you." He says, a hint of blue underlying his skin.
"You're turning blue." You tell him.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, and he looks back to normal--well, not blue, at least. His hair hangs down in wet strands around his face. "Better?"
You nod and brush his hair from his face, leaning down to kiss him. "I'm so sorry, Loki."
He leans his head down on your lap, and when he lifts it, his face is thin and pale, and the circles under his eyes border the darkness of charred earth.
You don't comment on him looking terrible; he already knows.
"Are you tired?" You ask, playing with his hair.
He nods.
"Let's go to bed."
He stands and allows you to lead the way into your bedroom. He gets in bed beside you and wraps his arms around you, pulling you to him.
"Goodnight, love." You say.
"Goodnight, my darling."


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