Sirius Black x Reader

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Sirius had forbidden you to walk across the street.
In all honesty, you hadn't wanted to go alone either, so you stood out on your porch and stared at the demolished house of Lily and James Potter.
You hear his motorbike, but you don't think to look away from the ruins.
You hear a screeching as Sirius jumps from his still-moving bike and the bike falls. You run across the street and into the house after Sirius.
He stares down at James' corpse, grabbing onto the wall. "Merlin. Oh, Merlin." He gasps.
You take a sharp breath and almost throw up, but you close your eyes against the tears and lean against the wall instead.
"Lily." Sirius says quietly, reaching out and grabbing your hand, pulling you behind him. "Please." He whispers under his breath.
You see Lily's body lying on the ground through the doorway to Harry's room, and you suppose Sirius sees her too, because you both stop.
Sirius lets you go, dropping down onto his knees and letting out a pained noise, somewhere between a scream and a sob.
A baby cries from inside.
Sirius is on his feet and stumbling in there almost instantaneously. You follow, refusing to look at your best friend.
Sirius picks Harry up out of his crib and sits down in a chair, hugging Harry to him. He stands up and comes over to you, wrapping an arm tightly around you.
"I love you. I'm sorry. I love you. I have to... I can't... James!"
You wrap your arms around him and Harry both, kissing Sirius' cheek.
"How am I supposed to get out of here? I can't go past..."
"We need to get out, Sirius." You say, trying to keep your voice steady, but your tears made it kind of hard.
He kisses you hard. "I can't..."
You put your hand to your mouth to muffle a sob.
"Are you ready?"
You nod.
He leads the way out, putting Harry's face into his shoulder when you pass James' body.
Sirius sits down on the front steps, rocking back and forth probably in an endeavor to comfort himself as well as Harry.
You sit beside him and lean against him. He puts his arm around you.
"I'm sorry." He says.
"For what?"
"I should... I need to calm down."
"You're okay. I think it's warranted."
Hagrid shows up and insists on taking Harry--"Dumbledore's orders," he says.
"No. Please. Please, no. Please. You don't understand." Sirius pleaded, grabbing onto Hagrid's sleeve and staring up at him. "I'm his godfather, please let him stay with me. I need him."
"I'm sorry, Sirius." Hagrid says, wrapping your boyfriend in a hug. "I have to."
"Sirius, darling. Harry'll be all right." You say.
"I won't be."
"Yes you will."
Sirius hugs Harry tightly, whispers that he loves him and hands him to you. He promptly vomits in Lily's prized flower bed.
You hug Harry close and plant a kiss on his forehead. He giggles and touches your tearstained face. "I love you." You tell him softly before handing him to Hagrid.
"Take my bike." Sirius says, straightening up. He pats his pockets. "Where's my wand...?"
"In your hand, sweetie." You remind him.
Sirius whispers a spell and his bike grows big enough to fit Hagrid.
After a lengthy goodbye, Hagrid leaves.
"Y-You shouldn't drive so fast on that thing." You say in an endeavor to refrain from losing it.
He breaks down in heart wrenching sobs.
You lose it too.
You want to hug him, but he wants to kiss you. That's how it's always been, and that's how it is now.
He wraps you in his arms and puts his head on your shoulder.
"T-To your h-house?" He stammers, making an attempt to calm down.
You nod, not letting him go.
He reaches out behind him to grab onto the house.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I just got dizzy. Merlin..."
You let him go and the two of you go to your house.
"I need to brush my teeth but I still feel sick." Sirius says.
You're still crying.
Sirius and James had had a unique relationship, to say the least. You couldn't imagine.
He pulls you to him. "I need you."
"I'm here."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
He goes to brush his teeth and returns to find you curled up on the floor, leaning against the coffee table. You'd headed towards the couch, but you'd quit before you'd gotten there.
He drops down beside you, starting to kiss you before he'd even sat down.
"I'm so tired." He whispers.
You reach out and slip your hand into his.
"Are you okay?" He whispers.
You aren't, but you nod. "Are you?"
He isn't, but he nods too.
"Will you marry me?" He asks, but he's crying again, because now James won't be at the wedding.
You nod, and you're crying again too, because, now, who will be your maid of honor?
The two of you fall asleep on your living room floor.
You wake up in the morning to flowers and a note in Sirius' beautiful cursive reading, "I love you."

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