Dallas Winston x Reader

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"Fucking hell, man." Dally complains as you pour alcohol over a gash on his arm.
"Then stop fucking shit up, asshole." You snap. "Then I wouldn't have to fix it."
"No one asked you to fix it." He growls.
"I don't have a choice."
"Let me have my whiskey."
"You're a bitch."
"Perfect match for you then, huh." You glare.
He knocks your hand away. "It's fine."
"It's bleeding."
"It's fine." He repeats.
You bandage it anyways.
"Get off me." He growls.
"Shut up."
He gets up and grabs the whiskey he'd showed up with off your table.
"Get out of my house." You roll your eyes.
"I took your keys. Walk your happy ass home."
"You're a bitch." He repeats.
"And you're an ungrateful--"
He mashes his lips against yours.
"You're drunk." You say.
"Not drunk enough."
"Put it down and kiss me."
He does so. "Let's go to the bedroom."
"No. I'm not stupid enough to get involved with Dallas Winston."
"You already are, babe."
"Then stop kissing me."
He pushes you up against the wall. "That's what I thought."
"You can sleep on the couch." You push him off.
"Fine. Buzzkill."

You get up the next morning and make breakfast.
Dally joins you shortly. "Got any Aspirin?"
You point to the bottle you'd already gotten out.
He pulls you away from the stove, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your neck.
"I'm making food."
"This is more fun."
"Make coffee."
He lets you go and starts making coffee. "You know, I've never had this much trouble getting anyone to hook up with me before."
"What can I say, I have morals."
"Don't worry, I'll fix that."
"No, Dal, I'll fix yours."
He laughs a gruff laugh. "Good luck with that, baby girl."
"Thanks, I'll need it."
"Yeah, you will."
"What?" He says irritably.
"You've gotta stop doing this shit."
"Don't tell me how to live my life."
"If you weren't fucking up your life I wouldn't have to."
"God, you're—"
"You had best be praying."
"I'm leaving." He rolls his eyes. "Where's my shirt?"
"Am I your clothes' keeper?"
"You're my everything keeper."
The front door opens and Dally groans. "I don't want to deal with people."
"What a pity this isn't your house." You keep your voice flat.
Johnny walks into the kitchen. "Oh, hey, Dal."
Dally grins. "Hey, man."
"You look like—"
"Shut up."
"What are you guys fighting about this time?" He asks.
"Dallas is being an asshole. Just the usual." You shrug.
"Y/N's being a bitch. The usual." Dallas snaps.
"Anyways," you continue lightly, "Dallas was just leaving."
"No I'm not." Dally crosses his arms and leans against the counter.
"Then go shower."
"You really should." Johnny says.
Dally pushes off the counter and leaves the room.
"Why are you even with him?" Johnny asks. "All you do is fight."
"He usually apologizes." You shrug and offer him a plate.
He takes it.
When Dally gets done with his shower, he comes back into the kitchen, fixes a plate, and sits at the table. He eats in silence, only half listening to yours an  Johnny's conversation.
"Hey, Y/N?" Dally asks.
"I'm sorry."
"Me too. I love you."
"Yeah. You too."

Hey, y'all. If I don't get to y'all's requests within a couple of weeks, you should probably remind me. I have a horrible memory. Thanks!

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